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Spiritual and Physical Survival
I am moving my site from https://newcomz.wordpress.com and https://roditch.wordpress.com to here.
Spiritual and Physical Survival
I am moving my site from https://newcomz.wordpress.com and https://roditch.wordpress.com to here.
Dr Peter McCullough’s recent video (September 30, 2021) clearly and professionally explains the need for early treatment: first signs of symptoms, using a multi drug approach. You need drugs (vitamins etc) to reduce viral replication and entry into your cells. You need drugs to deal with a cytokine storm in your lungs, inflammation. And you…
If the world gets deeper into trouble in the future, it looks likely, then you need to make a few fundamental changes. The first one is to stop being a consumer. A mindless consumer: origins unknown? I am happy writing, praying, creating, loving, eating, meditating, learning and living on next to nothing. I have been…
Most of us born in Australia, Canada, the US and England are surrounded by sugar, in the form of cakes, soda, juices, candy, ice cream, white sugar, and processed foods. The combination of sugar (fructose and sucrose) and carbohydrates makes us fat. For example cakes, donuts and many deserts. When combined the carbohydrates quickly convert…
Life is a balance between stopping and going. This erratic journey is going on somewhere and nowhere all the time. When we stop at traffic lights, and ponder the meaning of our lives, in a temporary burst of enforced thought, then go on again, acting out our dramas on life’s stage; we are reuniting with…
from 👉 https://t.me/PeterMcCullough Dr Peter McCullough ​​Iodine the new ivermectin: Government, media attacking all covid remedies that actually work The latest threat to the government’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic agenda is betadine, an iodine-based nasal spray that is helping people to stay safe and protected against the Chinese Infection. Much like ivermectin, betadine is being…
Posca gets an osca I have been watching the series ‘Rome’ for the past 2 weeks and it was enjoyable. In one of the last episodes, the roman called Pullo, packed some vinegar before going on a journey. I wondered why they used it and found this on the web, Posca. Posca was an Ancient…
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