Reading the Universe
Love is a feeling and so is knowledge. Life is wonderful when we stay natural and in tune with what is natural. The internet has destroyed our innocence. It is an electronic version of the real internet, which Rupert Sheldrake calls Morphic Resonance. The internet, like our oceans is clogged with rubbish. And our minds love a never ending talk fest to keep ourselves locked out of the real world. Is there a solution to what is happening now: tik tokked teenagers ending up in hospital with severe cases of brain knots and shit for brains. The best solution for the demise of brains and souls in our teenagers is to introduce them to Rupert Sheldrake. Try a bit of meditation, inner selfing and intuition breakout. And some Doctor Doolittle-Ing mixed with telepathy, mind reading and déjà vu. I have no sympathy for netters, caught in the net of self-aggrandizement and fool hardy illusion bonking.
I read 5 years ago most teenagers couldn’t change a light bulb. Wow have things changed, now they wouldn’t know where to buy one.
Drugs, drugs, drugs: alcohol, cannabis, sex, beauty, tik tok bombing, insta hams and lace with lies book. They are all substitutes for a normal life, the one that believes in true love and kindness for everyone. Loving yourself seems pretty normal too, but posting your grim face over the internet is prostituting yourself because you are not that special.
Back to Morphic Resonance, I suggest you read Rupert’s book about how dog’s know when you are coming home and you might, should, begin to find the eternal way to communicating on the internet without the WIFI bills, radiation and escape the madness that is enveloping you every day: exploding into insanity when you can’t pay your WIFI bill or the power is off.
I have personally tuned into the universal matrix and can read people’s thoughts, sometimes and can imagine the network of information riding on waves, from and into my mind. You can too.
Being an older kind of gentleman I can remember a world without telephones and television. That was before we needed a black hole connected to our brain. When most of your time was spent outside swimming, surfing, climbing, rolling, exploring within the natural universe and immersed in all the energies it naturally produces: a symphony that Aboriginals and Indians fully understand. The internet gained traction when parents stopped allowing their children to play in the street in the 80’s. Interestingly I read an article about Japan the other day where 4 year old’s, twins, catch a bus to school and walk in the city by themselves. Yea, this is why you are logged in to shit ville 24/7 you are locked up in your room and you have nowhere to go but into the wire because your scaredy cat parents are scared of the boogey man coming to get you. They would rather you boogey with the man on the internet instead.
Balance is always an option. Sure the internet can be handy sometimes, I will post this crazy rant on it soon enough; the process though is as old as time: writing and creating.
If you can get over all the different religious teachings and find the essence in them all and more, you can feel happy, healthy and joyous without a username and password.
With all things in excess the internet is an unlimited rabbit hole you may never come out of again, worse than alcohol and smoking. And, you will never know how you got there, like any drug addict prostituting themselves on the street, memorized with normality before.
The idea that the world wide web is the best or only way people can interact with each other is wrong. Through dreams, intuition, telepathy, prayer, contemplation and Morphic Resonance there is another, better network we can and do connect into every day for normal coexistence. Which I argue is more helpful, safe and enriching than the intomenet.
Roditch October 2021