Make yourself a better world.

Just do something, anything!

Add Julian Assange to a long list of problems we don’t think are ours. I believe the spiritual family we belong to is mirrored here on earth; society has a group soul and we all have a part to play for good and bad and doing nothing is part of the bad. Many people have decided to let God be the judge of their life and works when they die without realizing that karma is in play every second of our lives. Karma is the power of balance that seeks to create harmony on Earth so that good and evil are at least evenly matched. So, to repeat myself, doing nothing about the problems the Earth family faces creates two specific problems in your life. The first one is you are not creating good karma for yourself that can help you overcome bad karma when you create it and the second is by doing nothing the problems get worse and affect you and your family in a negative way (what goes around comes around) and the magnitude of these problems are increasing. Here is a simple list of problems we should all be aware of and how to do something about it, and if we don’t our happiness and even our lives are in peril; because we are guilty of the most important transgression known to humanity: not accepting our responsibility for what happens.
As we are all drops in one large cosmic ocean, it is important to join together in a wave of opposition to the evil in the world: yes we can do it if we all think the same and let your conscience be our guide.

1: The plastics in the ocean are incredibly destructive.
The solution is to not use plastic bags or packaging ever and encourage your family to do the same.

2: Julian Assange is dying in jail for being a journalist who brought you the truth about the often corrupt and illegal US government’s actions in war.
The solution is to send an email to the Prime Minister of England and Trump asking them to free Julian Assange.

3. The soils around the world have been destroyed by chemical fertilizers. The microscopic life in soil that makes it so great has gone. We are now eating poisoned, lifeless food, provided by industry, and all our soils could be lost to the oceans within 60 years. Industry will replace our food with food printed by computers, which is already happening.
The solution is to buy and grow only organic food.

4. Large internet companies are harvesting our information using Artificial Intelligence to create sophisticated profiles on us and selling that information to commercial and government enterprises for their benefit.
The solution is to use internet browsers that do not harvest your information and use safe websites for streaming videos and alternatives to twitter provided by Natural News and Brighteon will also advise on other safe platforms you can use instead of facebook, twitter, youtube, google and chrome.

5. Prejudice and oppression
Native peoples all around the world like Australian Aboriginals, New Zealand Maoris, Hawaiians, American Red Indians, Tibetans and African Americans (there are heaps more, lets start with these first) have been displaced and mostly deserve our understanding and respect. I believe that Christianity has smeared them with an evil taint in a self righteous and tyrannical way. If religion is so beneficial to people, why is the world becoming so materialistic and frankly, mad? I think the spiritual, philosophical and medical knowledge of oppressed people should be recognized, adapted into our culture, and we should all be thankful for any wisdom’s from any culture to balance out what is happening in the world right now. Once we accept and understand the wisdom’s of these people, we may finally recognize it was religion that gave the green light to destroy them and that by recognizing their intrinsic and equal value we will have a better world and they can live proud, free and happy.

6. Covid-19
There is no greater community need than Covid-19 for everyone to take responsibility for their own health and security. As you watch whole countries disintegrate into chaos, you must stop watching and do something to help.
The solutions are 3 fold. The first one is to boost your immune system with adequate amounts of Vitamin D3, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin C and Magnesium. The second one is to obtain enough hydroxychloroquine (as well as advocating for its accessibility) to use as a prophylactic: one pill a week. It can also be used in conjunction with Zinc at the onset of Covid-19. Thirdly, you can build community groups (in your neighborhood) and make a survival document which would include the supplements mentioned above, outdoor exercise with distancing and hold meetings which update everyone with important scientific breakthroughs like the new molecule discovered by the University of Michigan that kills Covid-19.

7. Degrees of existence and developing useful skills
No matter where you are in life, it is always important to think in degrees and not in black and white. For instance, Covid-19: vitamins, minerals, herbs and hydroxychloroquine work (reducing symptoms and death by 20% – 70%, so it is better to take them than not. Same with politics, education, health, internet, money, racism, religion, culture, nature and love. They all benefit from degrees of your knowledge and attention and require you to develop your understanding of them more so they can function if at not peak levels: higher ones.

8. Women are suffering everyday around the world at the hands of man.
Way back in the time of the Goddess’s when people understood that the planet Earth is a living entity, women were able to exercise their natural powers of intuition, compassion, intelligence, natural healing and the magic powers of the Earth. For reasons unknown to me, the Christians killed them: either in body, spirit or soul. Women have been oppressed for millenniums by the lies men have told in religious books, ‘how man has power over women’. This is rubbish and has given men what they want: power over women because they could never do it on an equal footing.
The solution is to research all the amazing feats of women in the past, mirror those feats today and don’t feel guilty if you go against the lies in the Koran, Buddha’s Teachings and the Bible; they are just words written by men and go totally against what Jesus said, “the kingdom of God is within” these six words set you free.

9. Homelessness and drug addiction are problems that go hand in hand.
There are four solutions. The first one is to promote holistic spirituality in schools that encompasses wisdom from all walks of life and religions; which will reduce the need for an artificial high. The second one is to open up disused factories, barns and land plots for the ‘legal’ occupation and development for homeless people which would include community rules and community gardens. The third one is to advocate for effective ways to reduce the prevalence of drugs in our communities and the fourth one is to create kibbutz’s in desert regions that function exactly as the ones do in Israel which would create either temporary or permanent dwellings and gardens in a drug free zone for anyone who needs them. I suggest any homeless person be gently taken to a kibbutz for 3 months to dry out and become normal healthy people again. After 3 months they would have the freedom to go or stay.

10. Spirituality and the common sense approach to living a full and happy life.
Spirituality is becoming quite a problem; for instance, there are millions of Christians who are into fortune telling through the bible about the future (like tribulation) who yet denounce astrology and tarot and other forms of divination. Religions basically give people a moral compass on a good day and chaos on a bad one. Jesus Christ said the kingdom of God is within, which is correct. We are souls connected to each other (Carl Jung) that can find all the answers we need within, via contemplation and meditation. The medieval idea of priests and monks holding the keys to the universe is and has always been a lie.
The solution, I believe, is every living thing has an inbuilt (soul) compass of their own which when left alone to action, it will be by far the best way to live a good spiritual life, which is universal and connected to the ocean which is all that is and ever will be.

This article is just a small look at the big question of self responsibility and self discipline. I hope it is enough to give you the inspiration to make yourself a better world.


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