
What goes around?

This is a tale about what I really believe.  There are so many things I am not sure about; that also belong with what I believe. And, all the things I am not sure about, that I don’t believe. Let’s dive in.

I have felt the stings and joys of both positive and negative karma. Karma: what goes around comes around. Or, what great things we do for others, will come back to us, in the same way. Pay it forward. Do unto others as you have them do unto you. So many ways of saying the same thing. When we do good for others, they will do good for us and vice versa. This is the only way we can function in the world of free will. We have the free will to do what we want, BUT, there are always consequences. When they say Jesus died for our sins, it is because, every now and then humanity needs a huge reminder of how this works: Jesus was one of them.  He came to remind us the importance of loving and caring for each other: when we do, what goes around, the wheel, will be for our good. A forgiveness of sin? Or a great karma reset for everyone who practiced what Jesus preached? They mean the same. No free will without the balancing effects of karma. Without karma we would not have any way of growing the human spirit.

Do you remember times when you, privately, knowingly, received a reward or punishment? I think most people do, because karma is a construct of our universe.

My personal example: years ago I told my pregnant girlfriend to have an abortion. She wanted the baby and I didn’t know what I wanted. I pretty much coerced her into my sin.  After it, I often felt (saw) the devil in the shadowy streets I sometimes walked at night. The devil is God’s brother, doing his dirty work, because God is a God of love.

Darkness followed me more and more until one day, my new wife, a few years later, (I separated from my girlfriend) felt our ready to be born baby girl die inside her. Two weeks before she was due. The doctor said she had to carry the baby and wait for her to be born naturally. More darkness, a darkness that burst into the daylight. Suffering so deeply, because I caused much pain, more pain to another, than I could ever take.

This event seems like the most obvious example of things going around (no one knew why our baby died, she looked perfectly normal) in my life. There ae hundreds of others, ‘events’, I presume, big and small.

On the flip side years ago I helped my Cousin who was having trouble with his son, and miraculously he came to my aid many years later, without asking for anything in return. Karma probably works directly (conscience and knowing) and indirectly. It is the indirectly one I want to focus on: paying it forward like the movie?

When we love our neighbor’s we are fulfilling the most basic function of life: taking care of each other, especially in times of need. The universe cannot work any other way. We cannot survive if we don’t take care of others, because when we need help it won’t be forthcoming. On a global scale (when we are all trying to survive on a small wage and  are enslaved by dictators) those of us struggling have little time to help each other, but it is the answer to every problem no matter how big or small.

Every day God gets millions of requests: help me God I have no money, my wife left me, I am all alone, I have cancer or I want a better job. And every day God answers, through other people, the ones tuned in (know they need to pay it forward), who get the messages coming from God and the collective and magically turn up at your door, often without knowing why in their rational mind, with some food, an offer of a job or a helping hand. When you receive this gift, you are simply asked to pay it forward, when you are back on your feet and see someone else  in need of help. You energetically help them, knowing how the system works. And if you don’t, then maybe no one comes knocking at your door again, and you fall, via alcohol, drugs and insanity into the blackhole of your own making.

Everyone is a winner with this beautiful system. Maybe to a point that you get much more back than you ever gave.

Okay, do you agree? If so, make this your first commandment in life: pay it forward, even before you are paid, and the world will be a paradise.

I often think that rich people could help hundreds of hungry people, profit share and still be rich. I also think we should start today.

I  use the word God to represent the energy of creation, living in and working in everything. And sometimes I use the word God to represent our inner spirit, who is the force behind the human, supporting, or not, the human’s endeavors on the material plane. The inner spirit is different to the human and requires you to listen to them to receive their support. Hence people pray, hoping our inner spirit will help them, and believe their promises of change and transformation.

Roditch 2021

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