Time for old men to step down
NASA has done a study that has proven that children up to the age of 7 have natural creative genius.
Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
NASA has confirmed what Jesus knew.
I have had a lot of contact with children under 7 and it is easy to see they are better human beings than the rest of us. They are more fun loving, love drawing and painting, open minded and all round amazing people. I often think we underestimate (intentionally or not) their natural powers and because of their size treat them like children. Yet, that is the wrong way because they have small bodies (due to how they arrive) but not small minds or hearts. If you relate to them like you would any adult they are quick to respond accordingly. Treat them like imbeciles and they will wait until they are free to speak their truth.
NASA only confirms what I already know. As adults we get tangled up in love, romance, sex, power, materialism, education, revenge, groups, and mostly become inferior to our childhood state. Only with meditation and some serious contemplation can we hope to return to the real holy grail: a pure heart and soul, direct from heaven.
In a Ted Talk by Sir Ken Robinson in 2007; he talked about how backwards the education system is, and the imperative to implement major reform. Although he certainly gave an exceptional presentation on the matter, what captured people’s imagination was a study in divergent thinking.
NASA — who houses the world’s foremost space program and some of the brightest people on the planet — contacted Dr George Land and Beth Jarman to develop a highly specialized test that would give them the means to effectively measure the creative potential of their rocket scientists and engineers. As a result, the duo came up with an unorthodox test, rooted in the process of divergent thinking; which is the ability to look at a particular problem and propose multiple solutions.
NASA were very pleased with the efficacy of the test results, and so it proved to be a huge success. But for Land and Jarman — who had obviously explored the concept of creativity in great detail whilst devising this test — they decided they wanted to explore and try understand the true source of creativity better. Was it a genetic trait? The result of life experience? Something else??
Because the test Land and Jarman created for NASA was so simple, it could actually be applied to any age group. So they found 1,600 children between the ages of 4 and 5, and decided to measure their progress. What they found shocked them.
Out of the 1,600 kids that took the test, 98% of them scored at genius level! Excited by these incredible findings, the team decided to turn this test into a longitudinal study, and give the same group of children the same test again in 5 years’ time. Once again their findings were quite shocking, but this time for conversely different reasons. Because these same children, by now in grade school, had rapidly declined to just 30%; a 68% reduction! The same study was conducted again 5 years later on the same group of kids — by now in high school — and they had dropped all the way down to just 12%!
Disturbed, but still intrigued by this fascinating study, Land decided to conduct this same test on adults aged 25 and up (with an average age of 31). After numerous studies, what he invariably found, was that less than 2% of all adults scored at genius level. And for those who question the consistency of these results — or think they may be isolated incidences — these results have actually been replicated more than a million times!
According to George Land, based on all the studies he has conducted and all the brain scans he has looked at, we must learn how to judge less, and look to understand more. We must criticize less, and be curious more. He also cites fear and anxiety as being extremely counterproductive.
Robinson had a really good observation. By the time we finish school, we’re probably much less creative than we were going in. The really bad news is that creativity is one of the most in-demand 21st Century skills. We know that in order to keep up with the future of work, we all need to be able to come up with new solutions to new problems, and we can’t do that if we don’t have creative geniuses leading the charge.
The world is a bad place. If we gave children more power to help manage the planet their creative genius could easily result in a paradise instead of a hell, and that includdes our personal lives as well.
Roditch 2021 December