the son of god

Where is the invisible god?

Soul – Solar – Soular

For thousands of years people have been worshipping invisible gods: and nothing has changed.

The Jews worship the one true god as do the Muslim’s. Christians worship the son of god, who worshipped the Jewish god. And the Hindus worship a bunch of Gods as did the Vikings and Aztecs.

So where to from here?

I am tired of religious people who worship the one true god, their god is the only god. This causes more dissent between people: a source of bickering, politics and crap than everything else put together.

We need some basic facts to work with.

The first one is that all religions are faith based, because there is no proof of the existence of their gods.

Buddhism is not a religion it is a philosophy of the mind.

The second one is, if there is a god, how does she balance free will and universal law?

99% of religions induct their children at an early age and force them to follow the religion. Many of which have serious rules that can be punishable by death. People are afraid of retribution by fellow zealots and god. This makes communicaton with your soul difficult.

The romans destroyed the original christians and then made up a religion of their own to which they have murdered and plundered people ever since.

Most religious books have been written by men to boost their power over women.

Women appear to be more spiritual than men yet they are not considered worthy: rejected by god.

Creation is everywhere to be seen yet we destroy it. Often god’s forests are being cut down in swathes while her followers are in church praising her; not her creation.

Most religions follow similar themes about faith, resurrection, 12 of everything which appears to come from astrology.

Christians, Muslims etc.  feel threatened by words like these because they don’t have a mind of their own. As if they are being challenged and threatened; they are not.

So again, where to from here.  Most religious people control the world and are systematically destroying it. Without a soul, religion is only ink.

I think humanity, must decide that they ae already spiritual beings with a soul and spirit. And use this knowledge to build themselves into greater beings. By being their greatest potential for good and fulfilling their purpose.

What is it that we are all praying to, worshiping and giving the ultimate power over everyone? Who are we asking for forgiveness and good fortune? I postulate that we are asking our soul, which is spirit, and has infinite power. Our soul is the invisible god, and as long as we are praying, and reaching to our soul who is reaching out to the collective of souls for help and guidance as well as sending you messages of advice, knowledge and wisdom back to your conscious self as dreams, insight and feelings. You have to use your intuition (the link between self and soul) to hear your soul and act accordingly. The kingdom of God (soul) is within said Jesus.

The one true god can only be yourself, your soul. That is why it is the ONE true god. Worshipping idols is bad because we need to worship our soul.

Everyone has a soul, as do animals (we are animals too) and everyone has the capacity to follow the force. Listen to its guidance. Without a soul-spirit we are wild animals, killers, greedy, insane, lost and nothing more than flesh.

So keep talking and praying to your invisible god, remember though it is your soul-spirit that is hearing you and helping you. And you have free will because you are the giver and taker of it.  The same as a wave washes on the beach, our moment is fleeting, before we roll back into the ocean, unseen,  unheard, but there.

If you don’t follow your inner self, you il be a drug addict, thief, sex worshipper, murderer, racist and money worshiper.

The reasons churches are quiet is because you can come and hear your soul speak in your waking hours: not the priests.

Our soul can perform miracles: of love, healing, and knowledge beyond our wildest dreams.

As jesus said, “You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if YOU had faith even as small as a mustard seed, YOU could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”

What he means is faith in yourself. SELF, equals, soul, faith in your soul, and you can literally move a mountain even if you have to use a shovel.

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