Beautiful Buddha Series – book 2
Do unto others
From my book Beautiful Buddha Series – Book 2
A lot of people in the media talk about the globalist’s like Bill Gates concocted Covid-19 and the mRNA vaccines to wipe out millions of people and reduce the world’s population. But wait! They don’t need to anymore, there is another way of doing this. All around the world women are declining the traditional roles…
There are three known mechanisms why vitamin D3 works for Covid-19: Higher doses of vitamin D3 will mitigate the course of influenza and of Covid-19 coronavirus. The researchers outlined 3 mechanisms of how vitamin D works: Evidence that Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths The best is to take…
There is an emerging crisis in America: the baby formula is running out. There will be other food crises over the next few years so it is important to start looking for alternatives to what you and your family are eating and drinking. Fluids are pretty easy to replace. Water, homemade lemonade and any other…
Good energy, good news I don’t know much about cold fusion. Now it is time I did. This article I read the other day is the first good news I have heard in years. My soul has been depleted by the evil pharmaceutical companies and all the politicians and doctors who have profited from the…
Partly because I am not sure how to know myself and partly because of the gross limits of Western Education I have enjoyed extracurricular learning with Astrology, Numerology, Buddhism and lots more. Somethings I like are knowing what day of the week I was born. Moonday etc. I was born on Saturn Day and come…
Before Castlemaine I was seeking waves, women and song; only song came with me to the hot and cold, relentless weather, of this old gold mining town two hours north of Melbourne. Now it would be boy against the hard labour, sparse luxuries, mosquito filled water tank and a hungry open fire. I bought a…