You are not even a pawn, in their game
I have been thinking about the Ukraine war for months and how I could offer an opinion. I have finally understood what concerns me the most.
The time of Dictators, Czars, Kings, Technocrats, Popes, World Economic Forum, the Rothchild’s, Autocrats, Presidents and assholes is over. If we want it to be free we have to fight.
I am incensed that a KGB agent in Russia (Putin) can send hundreds of young Russian men to their deaths and kill thousands of Ukrainians because he has obtained the pinnacle of power: control of the police, and in these so called modern times of peace and harmony? Why do we let them do it to us? Much the same as the Presidents of China under Jinping and America under Biden. When politicians have the power to kill, incarcerate and dictate at will, you have to ask yourself how it came to this and what can I do about it?
It came to this because of apathy, fear, ignorance, propaganda, misinformation and isolation.
Many of the leaders in the world are corrupt, evil and puppets for other people much worse than they are.
Here is something to hang onto. Christians believe that God created everyone equally able to be equal.
Use this as your mantra. I am an equal under the sun.
Whenever you feel less than an equal: a serf, a slave, a nothing, a number, a nobody, you must rise up and defend what is your birthright.
What I can do about it.
- Knowledge, know you are nobody to the powerful ones. They will use you and abuse you for their own ends.
- Freedom, stay out of debt, go surfing more often and protect/standup for the poor and downtrodden: each other.
- Politics, don’t fall for the democracy game, there is no democracy.
- Power, make yourself powerful by being healthy and strong, be smart, don’t be a consumer, don’t desire to be rich, stay tuned with the God waves, run when you need to and don’t follow anyone.
- Team, remember you are part of team humanity. help others and they will help you.
- Meditation, the most important jewel of your life. The holy grail is the ability to go within, commune with your soul, find infinite wisdom and be the best you can be.
“A lot of people got notices saying that they were traitors,” said Jeanne Batalova, senior policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute, noting the backlash suffered by some Russians — even from neighbors.
Roditch 2022