fulfill your dreams

What people don’t do

How do we determine where my world starts and yours begins? Buddhists say we reincarnate for …. Many people wonder what happens when we die. No matter how much we hide in our minds, many of us think God knows everything we are thinking and we will be governed accordingly. To do something is to expose your mind, full of … for the world to see. And expose we must. If we came from the spiritual plane to Earth for a reason it must be because on Earth we can do things. The fruits and torments of our labour for the world to see. The magic sea of souls around us will determine out fates: the rising and ebbing of our life’s pursuits and endeavours.

If you want a nothing life, one full of stasis, and empty of change then don’t do anything: most politicians. If you want change then follow Erin Brockovich take action and the collective will judge you accordingly: this is the path.

The Dali Lama and Picasso both said action is the way. I agree with this 100%. The passion and inspiration emanating from the ‘connected soul’ is the chance we all must take. Sometimes we fail and fall, and sometimes we shine. Henry Ford said, never give up. What he meant is a treasure of understanding and wisdom. Why? Because we are meant to fail. Only in failing do we know the verb in the word. Failing is doing and vice versa. As is winning. Action, beautiful action is the only way we can be part of the whole. Jesus never knew the outcome of his life, neither did Buddha. They both failed and won.

In this desperate time in history: economy, environment, pandemic and greed we need to do good things for each other and the world to survive.

You have the freedom to choose what it is you want to do for good, and the same energetical freedom will propel you into the collective for  evaluation and transformation.

Back to Erin Brockovich, there is no better example of  thought/need = action = success than her.

Do you really want to be tired and uninspired every day? Because you don’t have time or the skills to save the world? No.  We are all cogs in the machine of creation and potentially have the same opportunities to be warriors for good, inspiration and love. Yet, money, fear and power, prestige and fame feed our little minds until death. Then it is time to wonder what you ever did that was beautiful, joyful, life changing, inspiring, generous, loving and kind.

So, my message from your future is, you should start now before it is too late to make a difference.

I have been a procrastinator on many important issues during my life. I never really know why I am afraid to take action; it always seems better to wait. Now I have won some battles and there are still more to come. I can take action when I am overweight and diet, as long as I affirm it powerfully. Same with smoking. As a Drum smoker in the 60’s, I kicked the habit with a powerful affirmation: live long enough to see your kids grow up. Art is  the greatest test on your actionese because it is fraught with psychological complications: I am not good enough. Conquer your fear with art and you may conquer all the other ones with it.

We often don’t understand how our childhood needs and feelings control our lives, even  when we see wrinkles in the mirror. A bit of encouragement goes a long way when we attempt to fly. Without it we can stay a slave to the nest and free worms forever, and call it a loving family. 

I encourage you now. Umpteen bucketful’s of pure encouragement: you are meant to do something special in the world, no matter how trivial it seems. You have what it takes, everyone does.

Action to: talk with your neighbour, forgive your children or parents, give up smoking and drinking. Follow your dreams and do the necessary training. Listen to your own voice, heed it saying, come on you can do it.

One powerful enemy of action is the class system. When the rich seem to do anything they want, in your mind only, you become a slave to perceived limitations and servitude.  But, it is not about how much, how big: it is about, when. When you stop listening to your devil like mind always saying you can’t do it, you have no time, you have no money… Often pounding you in to mouse like submission.  A simple formula will fix this mental war, yes, it is action. Because where action goes, the mind cannot follow.

When you you are unhappy about politicians, governments and corporations because they are dictatorial self interested bemoaths then action is necessary. Small steps that turn into giant ones when people take them together. One thing you can do is support local everything. Make the power of your dollar work for your community, helping and supporting each other, not the huge corporations who are bringing you robots, junk food and slavery. When buying your food, look for local restaurants and growers. You could start a farmers market. In Some parts of the world they have one in every village. People bring flowers, herbs, vegetables, cakes, fish, drinks and snacks they have grown and made at home or their farm. This creates a wonderful community gathering and meeting place for shoppers and sellers alike and boosts everyone’s income, especially pensioners and the unemployed. It is amazing how making $50 for three hours work in the company of friends adds up at the end of the month: $1500. The prices are usually 1/4 of Super Market prices. Their products are expensive, not fresh, junk and tasteless. Why would we ever shop there? Convenience is no excuse: what you may save in time is lost 10 times over in money, health and happiness.

Another way to take action is to get involved in your school. Support their local projects: like planting trees, excursions, work experience, lunches and sports activities. Build the relationship between your school and the community so the students prosper and create early ties with their communiity.

There is a long list of what you can do: big and small. Write that book, take painting lessons, learn guitar, plant vegetables and fruit trees, preserve seasonal foods, knit and sew your clothes, renovate your house, join the council, support local groups that help the homeless, be an angel for anyone in need, learn to fly, learn Spanish, join any number of groups that encourage community activities and hobbies, learn to meditate, grow sprouts, and…

And stop the endless talk about the equality of the sexes, races, religions, political parties, rich and poor and be that equality. As it has been for the many who have already taken the necessary action to overcome. For those who haven’t then this article is for you. There have been millions of refugees: economic, race, religious and sex who have taken the magic word ‘Action’ and so must you if you want to be free of your limitations and negativity. If not you will be stripped of your freedoms by corporations, socialists and oligarchs and there will be no decision time left, only the slvaery you waited patiently for, a prop, in a theatre for evermore.

Roditch 2021

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