Made in heaven or hell

I am not against abortion,  the universe is. People, more and more, are acting like gods and making their own rules. Murder of, or the killing of people and animals is forbidden by the universe. The collective of beings that rule the universe have rules and when broken karma quickly pursues. You have to decide if you believe in grace given leadership from the stars or not. Both God and Buddha forbid the same thing.

After I encouraged my girlfriend to have an abortion I suffered greatly. I lost my next child, she died a week before she was due. I am sure this was no accident. I know I have suffered the wrath of the peaceful rulers.

Not wanting this to happen again, intensify my suffering  even more, I had a vasectomy. One awful day I travelled to see my doctor in Bendigo and had my life force cut. He lost it on the floor, a small piece of tube, for at least 20 minutes. He was happy to eventually find it because it is kept as legal evidence of  my new found disability. Hmmm,  this wasn’t so bad I thought. Now I could complete my love making in peace and not have to worry anymore about: consequences. Thirty minutes later, while walking to my car, a sledge hammer slammed my groin. For almost a week I could hardly walk. The pain and discomfort was horrible. Anytime I did walk, I shuffled with a bent over back.

Later on my best friend said that I had changed after the operation. He blamed my impotent life on losing my ability to projectile testosterone.

Here I was suffering again in the matter of desisting progeny. Both experiences have changed my life for the worst. For over 20 years I know the pain I have caused myself and others: fiddling with natural selection.

So, sure you can choose to be loose with your baby making, and then choose to kill your baby (men or women) but don’t ever think you get off scot-free because you don’t. No way in hell you do. Just because you are a woman and your body is yours, except when there are multiple covid-19 injections, sex for security and poisonous GMO food coursing through your pipes.

So think again about the universal laws that function in our lives and what you do. The decisions you make will be judged and the punishment will ensue. This is not earthly law, this is one better, universal.  Some things you do will reverberate through your whole life and maybe future ones too. It will affect your friends and your  loved ones.  My girlfriend had the actual  abortion, but because I encouraged her to have it, I am sure I have suffered far more than her.

The moral to this story is, universal laws exist for the betterment of all living creatures. They are needed for the existence of humanity. No matter how much humans  change and ignore earthly laws, the universal ones never change. What they are clearly saying is that abortion is murder. Have one at your own peril and have two or more and see the gates of hell. So, you do have the freedom of choice to have an abortion. What you don’t have is the understanding of how you are breaking universal law and the punishment is severe. It is a good idea to manage your sex life with this in mind.

Roditch 2022

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