alpha mind system


The Alpha state of mind

Children are truly innocent. They are, according to NASA, natural geniuses up to the age of seven. These photos honor the beauty, creativity, and innocence of children that we often ignore and devalue. They are all bright little suns from heaven who have come to earth, still retaining the scent of the mysterious other life. If they do represent heaven, then we should often return to our inner child and get our perspectives and values back into sync. Seriously, the NASA research has proven what we already thought was true: society and school destroy our creativity and inner genius. School clearly values “mental training,” like you would train a dog to sit, over tapping into our inner genius and soul. This means we are good at sitting but not at easily following our inner bliss and purpose. A balance of logic and inner genius is not a bad thing for most of our lives. But, logic does not answer all the big questions that we take to the grave. So, the incredible key to unlocking the meaning of life is children and their holistic approach to life before they turn seven. They, proven by NASA, have the natural ability to tap into—intuition—their soul, or inner self and access the infinite knowledge that is there. Their mind waves are naturally at alpha (intuition, peace, creativity, awareness, consciousness), while adults are buzzing at theta (thinking all the time about nothing). Adults need to engage in serious meditation practices or commune deeply with nature to return to the more powerful alpha mind state. There are so many ways to imagine who God is. The best way is to imagine God as a state of consciousness that is clearly infinite in matters of love, knowledge, and purpose. I love being with children before they lose their genius. They are friendly, kind, creative, innocent, strong, and wise. There is no doubt in my mind: we need to hang onto our child as we traverse the adult journey of purpose and will, so we don’t become lost in the twilight zones of sex, money, and power. God and heaven are simply this Alpha state of mind, and heaven and hell are you being stuck in Theta.

This book is a collection of poems and photographs by Roditch and is available on Amazon – click here

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