Astrology – Building your inner vocabulary

Astrology ZEN

By Roditch

copyright © Roditch 2019

all rights reserved



The Bible


Vedic Astrology

Carl Jung

Sidereal versus Tropical Systems

Planets Signs Houses and Aspects



Famous Astrologers


The Moon’s Nodes

The Four elements

Astrology Schools



Astrology is popular around the world, especially in India. Most Christians are against astrology because God teaches free will and self-responsibility. If you become interested in astrology you should always remember that it is only a guide and a philosophical system that is based on Roman and Greek mythology.  When I feel troubled I will often read different aspects of my horoscope to introduce a more complex psychological framework to my thinking.

The first time I tried to do a reading for a friend I was shocked to find out so much about their personal feelings and life: not from the horoscope but from what they told me as they opened up about their inner life as we talked about their astrological chart. This changed me a lot because I thought we were all hiding behind our masks and that was the way it was for everyone. To hear someone else had much the same fears and worries as I did was very comforting: especially from such a successful and beautiful woman. This is the beauty of astrology it introduces a third person into a discussion. A good example would be when a husband and wife are arguing about him being lazy. The third person, the horoscope, can speak about elements in the horoscope that say he is lazy. This can defuse many problems between people because the third voice is impartial.

I am also encouraged by Vedic astrology. There is a lot to be learned about your pathway in life and all the developmental obstacles you can imagine.  There is one very good Vedic Astrologer in America that can offer clear guidance on many topics. I will talk about him in another chapter.  Again, astrology can be a thought expander, option maker, shadow lifter, reinforcer and a third person offering new ideas, deeper insights and expanded language and psychology. Astrology cannot be your main guide through life, it should not be your first decision-maker and you should never use it for looking at the future especially for your personal life. It should be used like a wise old grandmother offering some insights and advice.

Vedic astrology is to the point and clear about its observations. Western astrology is a tapestry of mythological battles from the past, present and into the future. It is open to interpretation which is often a lot of fun and full of interesting viewpoints on life.

I love astrology and I think it’s an important part of our heritage and culture. It broadens our life vocabulary and often shows meaning where none existed before. For Christians, it may be an issue but I am not sure it should be based on what references there are in the bible about astronomy and astrology.

The best way to learn astrology is by people like Liz Greene (a psychologist) for Western Astrology and krschannel on youtube for Vedic Astrology. He also has a couple of books. Just listening to his videos you will learn a lot also.

The Bible

    What does the Bible say about Astrology? The Bible actually holds numerous mentions of astrology and or astronomy. In biblical times, people used the stars for navigation and looked to the night sky as a heavenly realm. Christians who assume that astrology is evil would be astonished to discover that the Bible is saturated with astrology and even Jesus made references to astrology.

People regularly utilized and studied the stars in Biblical times. Most people, even then, knew the significance of the sun on Earth. One of the most renowned astrological stories in the Bible is the star of Bethlehem. The three kings used the star as a navigational marker on their way to see the newborn baby Jesus.

Discover the most notable scripture quotes about Astrology in the Bible in this collection of verses.

1 Corinthians 15:41

41 The sun has one kind of splendour, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendour.

 Amos 5:8

8 He who made the Pleiades and Orion, who turns midnight into dawn and darkens day into night, who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the land— the LORD is his name.

Daniel 12:3

3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.

Deuteronomy 4:19

19 And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars—all the heavenly array—do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the LORD your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven.

Matthew 2:2

2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

 Philippians 2:15

15 so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky

Psalm 8:3

3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon, and the stars, which you have set in place,

Psalm 19:1

1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Psalm 136:9

9 the moon and stars to govern the night; His love endures forever.

Psalm 147:4

4 He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.

 Revelation 6:13

13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind.

Isaiah 13:10

10 The stars of heaven and their constellations will not show their light. The rising sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light.

Isaiah 40:26

26 Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.

Psalm 8:3-4

3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon, and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?

Matthew 2:1-3

1 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” 3 When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.

 Genesis 1:14-18

14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. 16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.


   Astrology is based on astronomy. Centuries ago Greeks used to sleep on their roofs on a hot night and developed some understanding of the correspondences of planetary movements with life on earth, the Indians likewise.

The basic concept is that each of the planets in our solar system including Pluto represents a certain psychological function like loving, communicating and fighting. They all revolve around the Sun and are always changing their positions in the sky relative to the earth and each other. The closer they are to the Sun the faster they move and vice versa. They move through the constellations of stars in the heavens each which have a similar psychological meaning as the planets. Like the planet, Mercury and the constellation of Gemini relate to communication. The constellations of stars are called signs. Thus when you are born on the 15th of July your sun sign will be Cancer because the sun is set against the constellation of stars called Cancer, the crab at this time of year.

If your Sun is in Cancer it means the psychological function of self-hood, will, identity, creativity (Sun) will express itself in a caring, sensitive mothering kind of way.

The next component of astrology are the houses. The constellations are generally divided into 30-degree sections in the sky. There are 12 signs that have 30 degrees of the sky each and in total make up a full circle of 360 degrees.  So a horoscope that is created represents these 30-degree sections of the sky and are represented as houses. 12 houses starting with Aries (Mars), Taurus (Venus), Gemini (Mercury) , Cancer (moon) , Leo (sun), Virgo (Mercury), Libra (Venus) Scorpio (Mars and Pluto), Sagittarius (Jupiter), Capricorn (Saturn), Aquarius (Saturn and Uranus) and Pisces (Jupiter and Neptune).

 The horoscope is set at the time you were born. If you were to look at the stars to the East rising above the earth’s horizon you would call that the sign that is rising. The rising sign is always set in your horoscope in the circle representing the 12 signs on the left and is the starting point, the first house.

The houses are the situations and places the psychological aspects of our lives play out. If Venus (Taurus, Libra)  is in the 7th house of Libra then relationships with others will be accentuated with more love and wealth. If the Moon (Cancer) is in the 12th house of Pisces and Neptune then our feelings and memories an even our mother will be somewhat a mystery and quite hard to understand without meditation and peace.

So far this is the Vedic astrology system. The Western system places emphasis on the aspects or relationships of the planets, signs, and houses have with each other as we act out our lives. The Vedic system uses aspects in a different way: a much easier and simple way to understand and implement.

Western astrology is more complex and often many budding astrologers give up trying to ‘read’ a horoscope for themselves and other people: me included, especially aspects.

In Western astrology, you will have a planet, in a sign, in a house, and aspecting other planets. I often like to think of the outer or slower moving planet has a lesson for the faster moving one. For example, If you have the planet Mars 90 degrees give or take 8 degrees away from the planet Saturn you will need to become more disciplined (Saturn) and reduce your need for action, adventure power and self (Mars) This will play out as a kind of rebellion. No teenager wants to take advice from their grandfather but with this aspect, they should. So astrology can point out areas of learning, development, and self-transformation. If Mars is in the 6th house of Virgo (work and health)  and Saturn is in the 10th house of Capricorn (career) then the lesson of self-discipline becomes clearer because it relates to health and work. Saying, if you are not more careful and responsible in your daily work and health habits you will lose your job or become sick.

This small book is a small introduction to astrology. If you want to study it and become an astrologer I suggest you join a school of Western or Vedic Astrology somewhere online or near where you live. Luckily these days there is so much on the internet that you can supplement your studies with info online.

There are ways to predict the future in Astrology. There are limitations in these techniques called transits and progressions because it depends on our own personal power how we respond to anything that happens to us in life. Personally, I never look at the future as this is disempowering everything you are trying to achieve. Professional astrologers will use these techniques with clients that are having a particularly bad time to give them perspective and insight into what’s happening, why it’s happening and what you can do about it.

I used to love buying astrology books. My wall was covered with them. But, I never had the presence of mind to either read them all or to understand them. I suggest if you want to buy astrology books you should only buy a 2 or 3. Read them a few times and decide if they are the way to build your understanding or not. Again, Liz Greene is a great place to start as she has been a practising psychologist, astrologer all of her life and she has so much experience. Some of her books include: ‘Astrology for lovers’, ‘Saturn: A new look at an old devil’, ‘The astrology of fate’, ‘The astrological Neptune’, ‘The inner planets’, ‘The Luminaries’, ‘Dynamics of the unconscious’, ‘Relating, ‘The Dark of the soul’, ‘The development of the personality’, ‘The outer planets and their cycles’ and ‘The mythic journey’. Everything you will ever need is probably in these books.

There are lots of websites where you can calculate horoscopes for free. A very food website is Astrolabe,
The most popular software for calculating a horoscope is Solar Fire. You need your date of birth, place of birth and time of birth. Hospitals often keep detailed records of your birthday.   You need your time to be as accurate as possible. If you are not sure then the houses, which depend on the time of birth, will be inaccurate.  If you don’t know your time of birth within 30 minutes then it’s best not to read anything that’s says something like the moon in the third house.

Books by Liz Greene are very good, somewhat deep and full of mythological symbolism. I suggest you start here when you are interpreting your horoscope. If you find it too deep then there are hundreds of books and websites that explain all the components of a horoscope like planets in signs, planets in houses and the aspects of the planets.

It is important to remember that humans do not have the capacity to fully understand the complex interweaving of a horoscope. Sometimes they (horoscopes) are full of contradicting information that will make your head spin. Western astrology especially can be so confusing you want to give up.  Vedic astrology, on the other hand, is straight forward and calls a spade a spade.  I think these days I prefer a Vedic (Indian) horoscope to a Western one:  especially  Nakshatras.

There is no way a horoscope can fix your problems, or tell you what to do. For this, you need to follow your heart and common sense. Once followed, then a horoscope sheds more light on what you already know which is confirming and enlightening.  I doubt that you can do this in reverse: use a horoscope to become wise and all-knowing then see if your heart agrees.

Here is a good example. Say your husband is always arguing with you and does not like any kind of advice. You feel at your wit’s end then one day a friend says what’s your husband’s birth details, they make a horoscope and find he has something like mars square Saturn (the planets Mars and Saturn 90 degrees apart. This can mean that Mars (independence, fighting, selfishness) does not like Saturn (responsibility, discipline, and wisdom)  telling him what to do, even though in this lifetime he must listen to Saturn and become less independent and rash and more disciplined and wise. Son (mars) must listen to grandfather (Saturn) and learn how to be a much better person: grow up quickly. Once the third person (the horoscope) speaks then it is much easier for a husband and wife to have effective dialogue, that can change their lives for the better.  For example, the wife or friend says, “it says in your horoscope you don’t like other people telling you what to do.”  The talking that follows on from this is usually very constructive. Often the husband will say let me look at your horoscope and when he does he may say, “you have your sun in Capricorn.”  You  need to lighten up and not be so serious all the time.  This can go on for years as necessary for the development of the marriage or relationship.

Vedic Astrology

   Either I lack enough understanding of Western Astrology to understand it 100%  or there are flaws in the system that prevent easy and complete learning of the subject.  If I have particular questions I want help with I use  Vedic Astrology and look at simple systems like Nakshatras and Atamarkarka.  Once you calculate your Vedic Chart you can search the internet for the meanings of these two very powerful parts of Vedic Astrology.

You can go here to calculate your Vedic Chart
The chart will tell you about your Nakshatra. Once you have it you can search the internet and read what it says. I very like it. For your Atamarkarka you have to look at all the planets and their degrees. You will see them in a list after prokerala has calculated your horoscope. You have to look at Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.  See which has the highest number of degrees out of 30.   This is your Atamarkarka. Search it on the internet and read it with wonder and amazement.

For the rest of your Vedic (Indian) Horoscope, you can go to this youtube channel and listen to what he says or visit an Indian astrologer.   I think this man is incredibly good. You can learn all about Vedic astrology from him as long as you keep notes when you watch his videos.  If I had more time I would learn Vedic astrology from this man and I think it would be very helpful sometimes.

Carl Jung

   Psychologist Carl Jung has contributed a lot to humanity’s understanding of how and why there are different types of people. Through his research and in conjunction with  Isabel Briggs Myers, a personality test was born. The Jungian Typology Test is usually expensive and used by companies to get a better understanding of prospective employees suitability for employment.

Luckily,  you can do a test free here

You need to answer the questions honestly and when the test is completed (scored)  write down the four letters that make up your type (so you don’t forget them). You can then search the internet just using these four letters for a detailed analysis of your personality.  This test is not astrology but it gives a detailed analysis of personality, soul and type much the same as astrology does but with this test you are directly answering the questions and getting clear, scientific answers in a way that astrology can never do. The test outlines what type of person you are and what careers you are best suited for. When I did my test I was surprised to see that I have done every one of the careers that are suggested for my type. A simple, accurate interpretation of what type of person you are, what work you are best suited for and some of your negative traits that need working on. I love this test and I can’t tell you how much it has helped me in times of confusion: yes I can, a lot.

Sidereal versus Tropical Systems

    There are two astrological systems for calculating your horoscope.  Sidereal Zodiac is used by Indian astrologers and the Tropical Zodiac is used by Western astrologers.

The Sidereal Zodiac is based on the visual observation of the planets in the sky against the backdrop of constellations. If Venus is in the sign Cancer it is literally within the 30 degrees allocated to the Cancer constellation in the heavens. With the tropical zodiac, the planets are not in the physical 30-degree portion of the sky. They are actually 23 degrees advanced. Why?  The earth wobbles on its axis called the procession of the equinoxes. When astrology was being used seriously by the Greeks 2000 years ago the tropical and sidereal zodiacs were the same. But now, 2000 years later, the earth has moved 23 degrees (backward) So when the first degree of  Aries was the beginning of summer 2000 years ago (the 21st of March)  it is now 23 degrees earlier making it 28 degrees of February.

Sorry, I am not very scientific about these calculations. The main thing to consider is there are two systems. Western astrologers say they are both relevant but I doubt that Vedic astrologers would say the same thing.  It is important that you check out both systems and decide which one is for you. You can ask western astrologers to calculate your horoscope using the Sidereal Zodiac if you want. With computers, this is very easy. You can then read all the interpretations for Sidereal and see if they fit. If you were born on the 30th of July you will think you are a Leo but in the Sidereal system, you will be Cancer. Every planet that is under 23 degrees will step back into the previous sign.  The aspects will be the same. The house positions will be much the same.  I suggest you look at the Sun and Moon signs if they are less than 23 degrees.  If your Sun moves from Scorpio back to Libra then ask yourself is your father more Scorpio like or Libra like. Normally Scorpio will be more emotionally intense, hold secrets, adept at using other people’s money and working in insurance, psychology or police.  Then ask yourself if he is more Libra. A more social, managerial, beautifying and balancing person. Possibly working in law, art, counselling or with others.   Use the same technique for your Moon. But this time do it for your mother. When you have finished weighing up their personalities decide whether they are in the Sidereal Zodiac (23 degrees earlier) or Tropical Zodiac as it is normally done for the newspapers and western astrologers.

If you get a clear answer then you know which zodiac is for you. If not, then you are experiencing possibly the first of many confusing moments that astrology does to everyone. Which means that it is not always a reliable system and that we are open to suggestion by others, often at our most vulnerable times when we are looking for guidance and help instead of getting on with life: fighting and winning.

I like the language, mythology, philosophy, terminology, intimacy, and colourful nature of astrology but I don’t like susceptible people who have lost sight of themselves being disempowered even more by astrologers that lack the training and experience of using astrology as a tool to use with common sense, wisdom, and heartfelt relating.

Planets, Signs,
Houses, and Aspects

   The 10 main planets are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,  Neptune and Pluto.
The 12 signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

The 12 Houses are in the same order as the signs Aries = 1 to Pisces = 12. The main aspects are Conjunction, Opposition, Trine, and Square.

These are the rulerships. The Sun rules Leo and the 5th House. Their meanings are much the same. For example, the Sun is about identity, becoming, creativity and leadership. Leo is about similar things and the 5th house is about these things with regard to places and situations.

Sun – Leo – 5th House

Moon – Cancer – 4th House

Mercury – Gemini and Virgo  – 3rd nd 6th Houses

Venus – Taurus and Libra – 2nd and 7th Houses

Mars – Aries and Scorpio – 1st and 8th Houses

Jupiter – Sagittarius and Pisces – 9th and 12th Houses

Saturn – Capricorn and Aquarius – 10th and 11th Houses

Uranus – Aquarius – 11th House

Neptune – Pisces – 12th House

Pluto – Scorpio – 8th House.


Aspects are the positions of planets with each other as they circle the Sun. A circle is 360 degrees.
If you divide the circle by 1 you get a conjunction. This is when the planets are side by side in the sky.  Conjunctions represent a group of planets working together for the needs of your self, which often means you have more power and intensity regarding these planets. Say Venus and Pluto are conjunct. Venus represents love, money, and art. Pluto represents our deeper subconscious motivations. When Pluto and Venus are together like this the person will be more intense and serious about relationships. The very thing they are serious about is often a huge problem because their partner finds it all ‘too much’  and the person with this aspect will take a long time to understand how to have a normal loving relationship with another. 

If you divide the circle by 2 you get 180 degrees which is called an opposition. The planets are opposite each other in the sky.  An opposition aspect points out the need for compromise and balance between the planets, houses, and signs.  An example maybe Saturn in Capricorn in the 10th house opposite Mars in Cancer in the 4th House.  There is a need to balance the responsibilities of your career with all the energy you need for taking care of your home, family or farm. If you don’t balance them, then there will be problems either at work or at home.

The next aspect is dividing the circle by 3.  This aspect is called a trine and is formed when planets are 120 degrees apart in the rotation around the Sun. When they are 120 degrees apart they have a good understanding with each other and enjoy the experiences they represent especially in a social and successful way.  For example, if the planet Venus is 120 degrees away from Neptune.  Then you will have very sensitive and exquisite relationships with others, spirits and the kind of art you produce.

The next aspect is dividing the circle by 4.  This aspect is called a square and is often described as a learning aspect. When we are born there are talents we have: to survive and prosper and there are lessons, plenty of lessons, which are represented by the square. I think the slower moving planet if squared to a faster one offers guidance on how to make that particular area of yourself work better and successfully. For example, if you have Saturn square Mars. Saturn is the self-discipline, wisdom, hard work and responsibility we show for ourselves and others. This planet is strong in the Japanese Samurai. Mars is our personal fighter, climber, make things happen guy that we need if we want to do something. 

When Saturn is square Mars it means that the negative side of Mars is too strong. The negative sides being aggressive, selfish, reckless, too fast, impatient and warrior-like.  When Saturn speaks to Mars about this Mars often says “F-off” and there is quite a lot of rebellion and hot-blooded reactions to authorities and discipline. This can lead to losing jobs, prison, fighting all the time and isolation.  When Mars tires of this he will start to listen to Saturn “Grandfather” and heed his advice. After many years Mars and Saturn will reach an agreement and work more like a trine. When Mars square Saturn becomes a  trine then Mars will be a perfect soldier, fighting for the good of others, not himself. Mars will excel in sport, adventure and completing hard tasks like building a house and surviving all of life’s problems that come our way.  The houses Mars and Saturn are in will emphasize where this epic battle takes place. If Mares is in the 1st house and Saturn is in the 4th house then the battle will take place between all the freedom things you dream about doing and responsibility for your family and home.

Another example could be a square between your Moon and Pluto. The Moon in the 12th house in Taurus (representing Mother) and Pluto in Leo in the 3rd house.
With a square between the Moon and Pluto, there is a need to delve deep into your feelings, memories and subconscious and find the truth about your childhood, your mother and how you express all your feelings. When you are young you may have no idea what drives you to do anything and what motivates you. You may hide your feelings from others and feel incredibly lonely and isolated. Your relationships with women and your mother may be quite deep as you search all the passageways in your heart and soul for meaning and then change how you act. As Pluto ferrets out all the past and your feelings you will become less secretive and more honest and open. Your relationships with women will improve. As your aspect becomes a trine you will have an incredible memory, a strong empathy with people who struggle with their feelings and be good at transforming old buildings into new ones and old emotions into new ones too.

There are many more aspects but I think it is good to start with just 4.


   To interpret a chart it is good to think of it as a stage play or a movie. The actors are the planets in signs. The houses are the different sets or scenes and the aspects are the kinds of dialogue going on between the actors.  Mars in Gemini could be acting as a taxi driver conjunct Venus in Scorpio acting as a sex worker and they are having a discussion about everyone’s personal emotional needs. The taxi driver says he loves talking about it and the sex worker says she has a lot of good friends. When an actor squares another actor they are usually having an argument. Say the Moon says I love a quiet peaceful time at home and Saturn keeps saying but you need a good job, make your way in the world and be successful. The Moon replies she doesn’t care about all that material stuff and wants time to be with family and nurture her kids.

Using imagery from Greek Mythology helps to picture your actors and how they may act and react to different situations. If Mars is set onto a stage like a hospital they will wield the scalpel and if they are on a stage at home they will be watching action movies or fixing the car.

Using this technique to play out your inner and outer actors is a great way to start reading a chart. If you have a large sketchbook you can draw each one set on the stage using each house they are occupying and imagine their dialogue with the other actors (planets).  Normally Conjunctions will be quite enthused about their topics, Trines will be having a nice agreeable chat and oppositions will be bouncing back and forth like ping pong balls trying to find common ground. Squares will draw swords and fight to the death of ignorance, usually, the older slower moving planet will win but not always. There are other things to consider as you write out each scene of your play like the elements, the ongoing changes of each character (they will not be the same at 30 as they were at 15). The squares and oppositions will have resolved some issues.

There are progressions in the horoscope that mainly belong to fortune-telling but not all. It is good to ask yourself how the play is going and how the actors are developing as they grow up and mature. Am I more self-disciplined? Saturn.  Am I more creative? Uranus and the Sun. Am I more spiritual? Neptune and Jupiter and am I more wealthy? Venus and Capricorn. Am I more motherly? Moon and Saturn and am I more fatherly Sun and Saturn.

 There are also trends like lots of planets in a house, many planets in earth signs, a lot of squares or oppositions which will catch your eye and take note of their prominence.

The very hard part of chart interpretation is to stick to the play, follow the dialogue of the players and understand what it’s all about.

Famous Astrologers

   Most of my astrology books are old. I don’t know many modern astrologers. I like Liz Greene, Howard Sasportas, Dane Rudyhar, Jeffery Wolf Green, Robert Hand, Jan Spiller and Stephen Arroyo. I don’t read any books anymore: it is important to start thinking for yourself as soon as you can. The basics of astrology are what matter most as there are so many different techniques and options you can get lost pretty quickly. 

Liz Greene fits into the idea of using a stage to set your players. Each player has a clear identity in Greek Mythology so it is easy to imagine what they are like and how they act. Liz Greene has a wonderful school where you can learn online as well.

Howard Sasportas has passed on. He was a friend of Liz Greene and his books are an easy read.  Dane Rudyhar is an esoteric astrologer. He has written many books that are very hard to understand if you don’t study spiritual astrology.

Jeffrey Wolf Green has a great book about Pluto and the Soul. This is probably my favourite book of all time. He has courses about Astrology and the Soul.

Robert Hand is a technician when it comes to astrology. His books are plain and simple and in-depth.
   Jan Spiller’s book on the Moon’s Nodes ‘Astrology for the Soul’ is a classic.
Stephen Arroyo has some great books that cover the elements in astrology.  There are many good astrologers and you can be a good one too when you start sketching out your plays.


    There is no astrology without Greek and Roman mythology. Liz Greene is an expert on mythology as well as a psychologist and astrologer. Humans have used Gods to represent the human psyche for a very long time. They are individual symbols of what makes us, us. It is important to see mythology from this angle otherwise you may think it is not good to be studying gods, a lot of gods. We all have the gods within us acting out their dreams and needs. The god of war, Mars, is now more commonly acted out on the big screen as we become more tamed and housebound. The Avengers are all inside of us wanting to get out. It is so important to read a little ( lot) about Greek Mythology to understand which gods are dominant in us and what they need to do.


ZEUS                JUPITER           King of the Gods

HERA               JUNO               Goddess of Marriage

POSEIDON       NEPTUNE        God of the Sea

CRONUS          SATURN          Youngest son of Uranus, Father of Zeus

APHRODITE     VENUS             Goddess of Love

HADES             PLUTO             God of the Underworld

HEPHAESTUS  VULCAN          God of the Forge

DEMETER        Ceres   Goddess of the Harvest

APOLLO           Apollo             God of Music and Medicine

ATHENA          MINERVA        Goddess of Wisdom

ARTEMIS         DIANA             Goddess of the Hunt

ARES                MARS              God of War

HERMES          Mercury          Messenger of the Gods

DIONYSUS       Bacchus           God of Wine

PERSEPHONE  Proserpine      Goddess of the Underworld

EROS               CUPID              God of Love

GAIA                Terra               Goddess of Earth

HYPNOS          Somnus           God of Sleep

RHEA               Ops                  Mother of Zeus / Wife of Cronus

URANUS          Uranus            Father of the Titans

NIKE                Victoria           Goddess of Victory

EOS                  Aurora            Goddess of the Dawn

PAN                 Faunus            God of shepherds

SELENE             Luna                Goddess of the Moon

HELIOS             Sol                   God of the Sun

HERACLES       Hercules          Son of Zeus

ODYSSEUS       Ulysses             Greek Hero

Look up the meanings of the Greek Gods using the Roman name for each planet (Hermes, Mercury).  The Gods are us in different quantities and dimensions. The astrology chart outlines which Gods are dominant and which ones are not.

The Moon’s Nodes

    The Moon’s Nodes are not planets. They are points in the sky that are considered very important because they describe our past and future lives. The symbol for the Nodes are much the same as Leo. The North Node is upright and the South Node upside down.  There are a few books that have extensive explanations and descriptions of the Nodes in signs, houses and in aspect with the planets. Some of them are ‘Astrology of the Soul’ by Jan Spiller, ‘The Moon’s Nodes and reincarnation’ by Martin Schulman, and ‘Pluto the evolutionary journey of the soul’ by Jeffrey Wolf Green,

Everyone wonders what happens when we die. The Buddhists say all going well we will be in another body within a few hours. Christians say we will have a long stay in heaven. Reincarnation, a major tenet of Hinduism, is when the soul, which is seen as eternal and part of a spiritual realm, returns to the physical realm in a new body. The continuous cycle of reincarnation is called samsara.

The Moon’s Nodes give us some information about who we were before and who we will be this time. It is interesting to read our Nodes in signs and houses. We can gain insight into ‘the big picture’ of our eternal existence and how it will play out this time. Because we can never know for sure about our past and present lives it is important to study the Moon’s Nodes to get a feeling about it.  Jeffrey Wolf Green places emphasis on Pluto and the Moon’s Nodes as a guide to our evolution. ‘Pluto the evolutionary journey of the soul’ by Jeffrey Wolf Green,

He covers the topic of reincarnation in great depth and if you decide to buy his book and read it 2 or 3 times you may understand a lot about what is going on in your life, giving you more purpose and passion about it than before.

What do I think about reincarnation?  I think that we are all part of the one divine being. Hard to tell where the divine being ends and where we start. I think we are thought creations emanating from a giant mind that play out every conceivable facet of imaginary potential. As a creation, our purpose is to exist and experience, then play that experience back into the divine. As our experiences and development are unique it makes sense to come back and continue the process. Does this mean we are learning? Yes, we are learning and what we learn is shared.

The Four Elements

   Each planet, sign house combination is one of four elements. The elements are fire, earth, air, and water.
Fire is the getup and go, the fighting, winning and will power to be. Earth is the sustaining, practical and building element. Air is the social, mental and thoughtful element. Water is the compassion, nurturing and emotional element.

Aries, Mars and the 1st house are fire. Taurus, Venus, and the 2nd house are earth.  Gemini, Mercury and the 3rd house are air. Cancer, Moon and the 4th house are water. Leo, Sun and the 5th house are fire. Virgo, Mercury, and the 6th house are earth. Libra, Venus, and the 7th house are air. Scorpio, Pluto, and the 8th house are water. Sagittarius, Jupiter, and the 9th house are fire. Capricorn, Saturn, and the 10th house are earth. Aquarius, Uranus, and the 11th house are air. Pisces, Neptune and the 12th house are water.

‘Astrology, Psychology, and the Four Elements’ by Stephen Arroyo is a great book to read about the elements. The four elements introduce a simple idea about human makeup. As we are formed here on earth we originally are spirit energy which is then separated into the four elements.  Who we are and what we are here for can be understood a lot by looking at what planets are in what elements. Say we are Capricorn. Our life will revolve a lot around the earthly demands of security, social position, advancement, power, and money.  If we are Cancer then our life here on earth will revolve around the watery demands of love, care, and compassion.

Astrology Schools

   Liz Greene’s school ‘ The Center for Psychological Astrology’.

The CPA provides a unique workshop, seminar and professional training program, designed to foster the cross-fertilization of the fields of astrology and depth, humanistic, and transpersonal psychology.

The world-renowned Centre for Psychological Astrology was founded by Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas in 1983. In 2011 the CPA changed to a new Plato’s Academy style of learning. Read all about it here. Here you can learn psychological astrology, attend public seminars, study online, receive mailings and browse the CPA Press astrology books.  This is learning for the sheer love and joy of learning.

Jeffrey Wolf Green’s school. The School of Evolutionary Astrology  We all arrive in a given life, such as in the one we are living now, as a result of the composite of all previous desires. The past is always shaping and conditioning the nature of any given moment ( the present, a new birth), as well as the future. The future itself is a function of the desires within the Soul that reflect its ongoing need to evolve, beyond where it has already been. Thus it is the natural tension between the past and the future that shapes any given moment in our life/lives.

Through the specific paradigm of Evolutionary Astrology, the astrologer is able to measure this dynamic evolutionary process in each life.

The Faculty of Astrological Studies in London.   Founded in London in 1948 we have an international reputation for excellence in astrological education. Our courses are open to all, whether you wish to take a Foundation Course, gain a professional Diploma, or simply attend a module or part-module to brush up your skills in a particular area of astrology. 

Faculty Diploma holders include Liz Greene (Patron), Melanie Reinhart (Patron), Howard Sasportas, Julia Parker (Patron) and Charles Harvey, who all went on to become world leaders in astrology. Current Patrons include Rob Hand and Baldur Ebertin; past Patrons include Dane Rudhyar and John Addey.These three schools are famous and very good. There are many others. You can search around and find one that is good for you. If I had the time I would do all three.


    This small book is an introduction to astrology by someone who has been using astrology for over 30 years. It is meant to explain things in a simple fashion without confusing you too much.  There is a big difference between studying astrology for personal understanding and being a practising astrologer, doing charts for other people: it is difficult enough doing it for ourselves. It is hard to keep astrology in the ‘it’s real’ basket for long. There are so many possibilities and observational options that we can easily confuse ourselves and others more than when we started. Confusion or not it is good to start a psychological dialogue with ourselves that has different but coherent guideposts along the way.

We often learn about the good and the bad aspects of astrology early on. This means we look for the high and mighty aspects first and ignore the low ones. I think we should concentrate on the low ones first and create a safe and secure environment to look at our shadow. We all probably have a dark side that astrology can often expose. This has the potential to be painful: depending on how you think about it. Pluto and the Moon are a good place to start. Psychologists like Carl Jung talked about the subconscious, unconscious, inner, hidden parts of our psyche that need to be exposed and transformed.  This can be done quite easily with a good astrologer and good client.  Having someone else peering into our soul is probably easier than looking in the mirror.

I hope you have enjoyed this book and it gives you a head start in learning about astrology and its value in starting mythological dialogues between the inner and outer parts of your total being.

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