cure flu

Beating the Flu

Beating the Flu

Sometimes we have deadly flu pandemics because doctors and pharmaceutical companies are only interested in profits. The average human lacks viable treatments to survive a bad pandemic. In contrast, there is anecdotal evidence that normal people have survived horrendous pandemics by chewing on garlic. This is the terrible truth of our society: the average person needs to take care of their health. This book is about things I use, and others use, for the flu with success.

I am passing on to you what I have learned, and there is much more to learn. I hope this gives you alternatives to doctors and pharmacies. Luckily, a lot of this information is now backed up by quality research. You can add to this book what I have missed, more cures, and more accurate doses.

I am a little worried when I see that government dosage recommendations are on the extremely safe side and doctors are on the “normal” side. This is where research comes in and when you have to find the doctors who are working for you and not their next vacation home. Luckily, we are talking mostly about herbs and supplements we already take in our food, beverages, and supplements.

There is a leap of faith needed when you start following the advice of researchers and specialist doctors. The most common thing they all say is that most supplements don’t work very well in low doses. Vitamin C and D are good examples. So, if you want to try natural cures for the flu and you worry about poisoning yourself, you should make an appointment with a qualified doctor like Dr. Brownstein so they can put your mind at ease. If you are happy doing your own thing, then you can read articles by famous doctors like Dr. Axe, Dr. Sircus, and Dr. Brownstein online. The doses I have included in this book come from them or other doctors who have published their protocols. You can choose any of them and search the internet to gather information on doses for yourself and see if they correlate with mine. I include doses in this book because they are mostly what I use, but not all. Of all the supplements in this book, I think Andrographis is my number one for the flu, and so it is in Germany.

This book is available on Amazon

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