Beautiful Buddha Sculptures

In the world of mythology, sculptures reign supreme. They represent archetypes, and psychological ways of being, and they represent our potential. There are sculptures of Jesus, Mary, and the cross on every street on the globe. So, it must be okay to have sculptures of Buddha, Krishna, Zeus, Hermes, and Ra because they are all fulfilling the same needs and intentions: to uplift, remind, inspire, educate, and humble our busy, trivial minds. If you are Christian and object to other people “worshipping” idols the same as you do, then you are deluded, arrogant, and in need of help. These photographs of Buddha and other Buddhist icons remind us of his teachings on compassion, love for nature and animals, and purifying and calming our minds. Buddhism is about contemplation, good thinking, being kind and helpful to others, and keeping a part of yourself free, wise, conscious, and living in the now. Our ‘normal’ lives are no different from most animals: we find food, reproduce, sleep, and protect. Without the otherworldly teachings of God, we will waste our lives in this way. These photographs of Buddhist art can remind you of your higher self, your soul, your spirit, and your compassionate and loving nature for all living things. This will change your life forever once you get it, understand the message, become enlightened, and realize you are here to become the best you can be for others. Lately, I have loved looking at one landscape painting hanging on the bedroom wall. It has some cliffs in the foreground, forming a window showing a landscape with a river, grass, and a lone tree right off into the distance. It has profoundly affected me in two ways. The first, my eye drifts off to the tree, and it feels like it is a life time away. There is a powerful sense of time and distance, as well as the temptation to leave my safe abode and begin some adventure. The other powerful effect is how calm and peaceful I feel when my mind stops as my eyes drift into another world. All art can have a powerful impact on our psyche and transport us to other realms beyond the limitations of our mental minds. So, sculptures are good; all spiritual art is good, whether of Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Thor, or Ganesha. They introduce new thoughts and feelings, offering a banquet of theosophical considerations.

This book of poems and photographs by Roditch, is for sale on Amazon

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