Before the Net
Today, driving along a country road, I passed three separate women riding their motorbikes. About 1 kilometer apart. When I went past the first one I could see her talking on her phone, while riding her bike with one hand. I didn’t feel overly surprised because it is pretty common. The next rider I passed had her phone to her ear as well, so I wondered why they needed to chat while riding their bikes. When the third woman had her phone up to her ear too, I knew that it wouldn’t be long before AI ruled the world. Coming soon 6G. Many people think that 5G wireless technology is so fast and convenient. A service specifically for their entertainment. No, it is for robots, spaceships, self-drive vehicles, technocrats, surveillance cameras, police and the army. They give us the technology to make spare cash and keep us quiet, very quiet.
I couldn’t help reflect on my life before TV, mobile phones and the internet, and think how much better life is without technology. Soon you will need to think about it too. Within two years the technocrats will be using robots for everything and AI will be their way of making us slaves, ignorant monkey slaves, while they keep conquering the air waves. They have the power to shut the internet off to us mere mortals and also the electricity grids that power it. Then what, are you ready for a lifetime without chats, apps and personal aggrandizement. Unfortunately, for good days and bad days we all live in our heads. What’s real is up for debate. Usually our lives are our thoughts and dreams that never enter into the real world and thus become temporary existential fluff. The arguments for and against Buddhism and Christianity fit into this, ‘crazy scenario’. Buddhism, Buddha teaches that we need to be aware of our thoughts and how they create these life like scenarios that we think are real in our heads. Once aware, there is a great opportunity to delete and change them, so that the life we live is real. Chop wood, then chop wood. Whereas Christianity promotes our dreams and longings, feeds our netherworld with excessive dream like fairytales. Lives become the dream, and only some ever escape the bubble into the real world like St Vincent, St Nicholas and St Valentine.
Before the internet our thoughts and dreams often stayed inside our heads for long enough periods to be contained and subdued. Now, 2021, there is no safety on our minds, we have become the internet, we are just another transistor, another conduit in the endless stream of noise. How do I know this? Turn your phone off for a week and look around at the real world. Smell the real flowers, feel the real wind and see the real people.
Before the internet I worked building my own house, grew vegetables, played guitar, lost many games of chess, surfed thrilling waves, cooked spinach pie, printed photos in my darkroom, traveled here and there, galloped my horse through the forest and read books. Now I use my computer for writing, storing photographs and messaging my kids. My first computer, a CPM machine from Kaypro, my second a commodore 64 and my third an IBM. They had about 100 MB hard drives and 250 KB of RAM. I managed to use them to edit films I made, pump out reams of paper from my astrological programs and play.
Now 10 year old’s want the latest I phone and 50 GB of ram play machines.
It is too late to turn back the clock for everyone; not too late for many us to see the internet as the addiction it is and turn off and tune in.
I believe all the people on the planet that can remember the exquisite times we have had living in the real world need to turn back the clock, turn off and tune in and pay homage to the real world, and teach others its beauty before 6G comes and turns everyone into an antennae for the technocrats.
Some things, most things, all things are timeless.
Roditch 2021