Ivermectin has saved a lot of lives from Covid-19 around the world

Ivermectin has saved a lot of lives from Covid-19 around the world

We all know that most pharmaceutical companies and most doctors need to be jailed for crimes against humanity Ivermectin has been proven to work. It reduces viral proliferation and also the inflammation caused by the immune response. If you cannot get it from a doctor try your local veterinarian as it is used  for deworming…

Coffee Bean Waste not Want not

Coffee Bean Waste not Want not

My wife’s mother’s (She was a Steiner Kindergarten teacher) new husband, John,  was a mad composter and right into Rudolf Steiner’s philosophies of agriculture and (biodynamics)  religion (Jesus the Christ). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolf_Steiner) He lived near the Goulburn Valley Orchards and vegetable farms in Southern Australia.  When he could, he got them to bring big truckloads of…

You are the light of my life

You are the light of my life

 Think light has the wavelength of communication between all living creatures. People pray to God believing god will hear them. I think when they pray their words spread across the known universe on particles of light and all living things will hear it. And at night when the light stops only the Moon can carry…

I have never bean better

I have never bean better

Years have passed since I read an article about American Indians and Goose livers.  An amazing man, forgot his name,  wanted to know why American Indians had amazing endurance. After years of study he decided that Goose livers loaded with vitamin K gave them the power to run over 100 miles in a day. I…

Life, really is, simply good

Life, really is, simply good

Mindfulness is about making something out of nothing by injecting   simple meaning into  everything you do. It suggests a simple philosophy  that is available for everyone: enjoy and experience every moment you are in, in state of grace and meditation. Sounds highfalutin  but it isn’t. Some samples. Use all your senses all the time. The…

Spike Proteins created by Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are deadly poisonous to unborn babies.

Spike Proteins created by Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are deadly poisonous to unborn babies.

This is a serious topic for any woman who is pregnant, especially in the first 3 – 5 months. I have included the full article from http://www.naturalnews.com, which is backed up by research, because every pregnant woman in the world needs to know this. If you are 3-5 months pregnant and have received a Covid-19 vaccine,…

Here is a fantastic solution to the Totalitarian madness gripping and strangling each and every one of us.

Here is a fantastic solution to the Totalitarian madness gripping and strangling each and every one of us.

While watching this video, I kept saying, out aloud, yes, yes and yes. At this critical point in human history we need to think positively and act positively (without political, religious and racial agendas). Firstly, rescuing (ordering and seeking clarity) our own minds from the madness in the world that is intentionally destroying us and…

Reading the Universe

Reading the Universe

Love is a feeling and so is knowledge. Life is wonderful when we stay natural and in tune with what is natural. The internet has destroyed our innocence. It is an electronic version of the real internet, which Rupert Sheldrake calls Morphic Resonance.  The internet, like our oceans is clogged with rubbish. And our minds…

Bryan Ardis: There’s a cheap, effective and APPROVED drug for COVID-19

Bryan Ardis: There’s a cheap, effective and APPROVED drug for COVID-19

Compliments of www.naturalnews.com Dr Bryan Ardis NIH approves Ivermectin Dr. Bryan Ardis tells his viewers that there is a cheap and effective drug approved by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that can treat a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection: ivermectin. Ardis shares a document from the NIH website showing ivermectin as one of the three drugs in a…

All the answers you ever wanted about Covid-19 survival from Dr Peter McCullough.

All the answers you ever wanted about Covid-19 survival from Dr Peter McCullough.

Dr Peter McCullough’s recent video (September 30, 2021) clearly and professionally explains the need for early treatment: first signs of symptoms, using a multi drug approach. You need drugs (vitamins etc) to reduce viral replication and entry into your cells. You need drugs to deal with a cytokine storm in your lungs, inflammation. And you…

You are what you eat, and so is your future.

You are what you eat, and so is your future.

I am not a vegetarian. I eat social meat, whenever I am social, which is nearly never. At home, and in restaurants I am vegetarian. With family and friends I am a carnivore, much the same as Buddha. I haven’t got many friends and my family are a long way away. Actually some of my…

Eat organic fruit, Godam you.

Eat organic fruit, Godam you.

Most of us born in Australia, Canada, the US and England are surrounded by sugar, in the form of cakes, soda, juices, candy, ice cream, white sugar, and processed foods. The combination of sugar (fructose and sucrose) and carbohydrates makes us fat. For example cakes, donuts and many deserts. When combined the carbohydrates quickly convert…

Covid-19 Home Treatment Manual. Cures and prevention.

Covid-19 Home Treatment Manual. Cures and prevention.

Covid-19 Treatment Manual Covid-19 cures and Prevention For people who want to look at all the options  I am not a doctor This is updated all the time and it is a good starting point for your own research. Ver.  September 2021 After 12 months of following the virus I have come to these conclusions….

Betadine mouth gargle and nasal spray every 4 hours can keep Covid-19 at bay.

Betadine mouth gargle and nasal spray every 4 hours can keep Covid-19 at bay.

from 👉 https://t.me/PeterMcCullough Dr Peter McCullough ​​Iodine the new ivermectin: Government, media attacking all covid remedies that actually work The latest threat to the government’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic agenda is betadine, an iodine-based nasal spray that is helping people to stay safe and protected against the Chinese Infection. Much like ivermectin, betadine is being…

The choice between sitting or standing

The choice between sitting or standing

In Buddhist countries many people like sitting and watching the world go by. In contrast, Christian countries are full of people going everywhere and doing everything as if there life depends on it. This difference is worth considering whether you are a Christian, Buddhist or nothing. Buddhists learn meditation in the temples and schools. Usually…

Freedom is inside of you, do it now, let her out.

Freedom is inside of you, do it now, let her out.

Freedom and slavery are hard to see sometimes. Both are a product of desire and the lack of it. If I measured my freedom levels right now, I could not be sure of their value. So, I will guess. The choices I make are often around love and money and I feel like a slave…