Beautiful Buddha Sculptures and Art

Beautiful Buddha Sculptures and Art

Photos by Roditch In the worlds of Mythology sculptures reign supreme. They represent archetypes, and psychological ways of being, and represent each of our own’s potential. There are sculptures of Jesus, Mary, and the cross on every street on the globe. So, it must be okay to have sculptures of Buddha, Krishna, Zeuss, Hermes, and…

Are you sustainable or terminal?

Are you sustainable or terminal?

This book is for people wanting to drop out and live a sustainable lifestyle as a framework for their lives. Some of you want to escape the rat race, work online or locally, and have a natural and peaceful existence with your family and loved ones. Others want to drop out and live a more…

Why you celebrate your birthday

Why you celebrate your birthday

Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. Have you ever wondered why you celebrate your birthday? Me too. First you may think it is your special day of the year when you focus on yourself. I know it goes deeper than that. Your birthday is calculated by the universe and your soul to set…

You are not even a pawn,  in their game

You are not even a pawn, in their game

I have been thinking about the Ukraine war for months and how I could offer an opinion.  I have finally understood what concerns me the most. The time of Dictators, Czars, Kings, Technocrats, Popes, World Economic Forum, the Rothchild’s,  Autocrats, Presidents and assholes is over. If we want it to be free we have to …

Sadhguru, the second has come

Sadhguru, the second has come

I don’t normally predict the future or get enthusiastic about what someone  will  do: until now. For about  5 years, once a month I have listened,  on YouTube,  to  a talk by Sadhguru, and enjoyed everyone. Now I can see he has become very popular, which is wonderful news. I told a friend of mine…

Be healthy and circulate

Be healthy and circulate

Blood circulation to all parts of your body including your brain is imperative for good health. As we age, our blood thickens, becomes more viscous, making it hard work for your heart to pump, which means stress on your heart, and a lack of vital oxygen and nutrients to your body, especially your brain. This…

Stop panicking in bed

Testosterone is naturally in  abundance in men under the age of 40. It gives them strength, power,  endurance, sexual energy and good health. From then on it declines. For some men who consume   a lot of Estrogen foods like beer, soy beans, BHP plastics and chicken the decline will be more rapid. Like all things…

I gouta stop drinking alcohol

I gouta stop drinking alcohol

High levels of Uric Acid in your blood is a  serious problem that needs to addressed and fixed urgently. if you don’t, regardless of age, your kidney will degenerate more and your joints will become very painful. The kidney problem could be devastating. Gout and uric acid problems  can be attacked in a few different…

Stop and go at the same time, another dimension

Stop and go at the same time, another dimension

Life is a balance between stopping and going.  This erratic journey is going on somewhere and nowhere all the time. When we stop at traffic lights, and ponder the meaning of our  lives, in a temporary burst of enforced thought,  then go  on again, acting out our dramas on life’s stage; we are reuniting with…

Made in heaven or hell

Made in heaven or hell

I am not against abortion,  the universe is. People, more and more, are acting like gods and making their own rules. Murder of, or the killing of people and animals is forbidden by the universe. The collective of beings that rule the universe have rules and when broken karma quickly pursues. You have to decide…

It is in my nature

It is in my nature

Human nature is a concept that denotes the fundamental dispositions and characteristics—including ways of thinking, feeling, and acting—that humans are said to have naturally. The term is often used to denote the essence of humankind, or what it ‘means’ to be human. – From Wikipedia. There is human nature and then there is my or…

Out of hell,  into heaven

Out of hell, into heaven

The rewards for doing good deeds are numerous. Here is a  small list. The   most important  one is maintaining a balance between good and evil. An good example of tipping the balance in favour of good are  all the people in Poland taking in the refugees from Ukraine. I often think about how everything in…

I have a feeling in my gut

I have a feeling in my gut

I discovered 30 years ago how important probiotics are for our health, especially our immune system. The 3 best ways to be healthy are to consume probiotics regularly, exercise and eat organic food. This led me to hate doctors even more. I knew, clearly,   they were only interested in money and questionable pharmaceuticals: not nutrition, …