Stars have wisdom

Stars have wisdom

I remember the first time I had my horoscope done and how much I loved it. Up until then, my inner dialogues were basic Anglo Christian: hell,  heaven, evil and good. The rich philosophical and psychological language in astrology, from Greek and Roman mythology, broadened my knowledge of how to see myself and others exponentially….

What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

Common wisdom topics about charity are paying it forward, karma, good deeds, conscience, kindness and loving your neighbour. It is important to decide how you go about doing this. Will you be motivated by religious beliefs, like going to hell? Or, maybe your conscience is active enough that you know that it is a natural…

We don’t need to eat what we  think

We don’t need to eat what we think

In the 70s I fasted for 2 weeks. It wasn’t perfect. Sometimes I had orange juice, usually only water. What amazed me the most was the process. I had to psyche myself up to abstain from my first meal. Maybe the hardest part of the journey. Then I felt hungry for 2 days: starving.  After…

Why do you want to die?

Why do you want to die?

People of  all ages benefit from eating healthy food. Unfortunately doctors make more money when we are sick: millions from cancer alone. The so called caretakers of our health are nothing of the kind. They have their place but it isn’t health. Once you know this you can take steps to be super healthy for…

Heal thyself

Heal thyself

For a few years I have been using Lugol’s Iodine and food grade hydrogen peroxide. Doctors Like Sircus, Brownstein and Mercola are using them  for various health problems. After a lot of experimentation Dr Brownstein uses a mixture  of saline water, around 6 ml, a drop of   Lugol’s Iodine and a highly diluted amount of…

Did i mention my intention

Did i mention my intention

Intention = Karma – Photo by roditch Intention,  a determination to act in a particular way She announced her intention to run for president. 2 : an aim or plan It’s his intention to win. What are your intentions? Do  you know? Not only do intentions give you focus and  purpose they may interact directly with…

Are you working for the Devil or the Light?

Are you working for the Devil or the Light?

The Devil in me – Photo by roditch What is so special about 2022?  With all the rape and murders in Ukraine people are saying how can this happen in 2022. Humans have always been capable  of obscene behaviour, especially to non-family members. And people say that Putin is a   Christian. The same old formula…

Transform   your life,  buy a Honda Wave 125 cc

Transform your life, buy a Honda Wave 125 cc

Around the age of 18 I bought an old Triumph Tiger and  decided to  ride it to Tasmania. Two hours into the journey I crashed and stayed a night in hospital. The dynamo was wired back to front. A friend on a newer bike decided to  ride with me to  Geelong. After we got onto…

Why kids love water pistols

Why kids love water pistols

It is Happy New Year in Thailand today and it is called Songkran, the water festival. On the 13th of April you are likely to have a shower when shopping, riding your motorbike and driving in your pickup. Parents fill the back of their pickups with drums of water and lots of children. They drive…

Living on  potatoes etc. for a year

Living on potatoes etc. for a year

In the case of an emergency: economic collapse, war. environmental or food, you need to have an emergency supply of food available for at least 6 months.  This list is not exhaustive. You can add to it with a couple of days of research. The point of this article is to get you off your…

Dropout 2020 – Introduction

Dropout 2020 – Introduction

Serialisation of my book Dropout 2020 Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION This book is for people wanting to drop out and live a sustainable life style as a framework for their lives. Some of you want to escape the rat race, work online or locally, and have a natural and peaceful existence with your family and loved…