Interstitial Lung disease and Chinese Herbs

Interstitial Lung disease and Chinese Herbs

I have a source of Chinese Herbs I can send to you if you have trouble finding them. Email me for more information My father died from Interstitial Lung Disease which is the inflammation and scarring of your lungs lining, (from an autoimmune disease or external irritants and poisons) small blood   vessels and air…

The Luscher Colour Test

The Luscher Colour Test

The Lüscher color test is a psychological test invented by Max Lüscher in Basel, Switzerland. Max Lüscher believed that sensory perception of color is objective and universally shared by all, but that color preferences are subjective, and that this distinction allows subjective states to be objectively measured by using test colors. Lüscher believed that because…

Ha Ha women are fighting back

Ha Ha women are fighting back

A lot of people in the media talk about  the globalist’s like Bill Gates concocted Covid-19 and the mRNA vaccines to  wipe out millions of people and reduce the world’s population.  But wait! They don’t need to anymore, there is another way of doing this. All around the world women are declining the traditional roles…

Subscribe by Email  and get my latest book Dropout 2020 for free. It is over 500 pages and it is guide to dropping out and living a more sustainable life.

Subscribe by Email and get my latest book Dropout 2020 for free. It is over 500 pages and it is guide to dropping out and living a more sustainable life.

Send me an email below and I will send you a copy the old fashioned way. I am now blogging at so your email address if not already being used will subscribe you to substack with the hope one day in the future I will get a few dollars every month to pay the…

A nature’s fool

A nature’s fool

Now I finally understand why I have struggled with women all my life. At the age of 15 at  my first school social I remember the beauty, spring flowers,  their perfume, lightly swirling in a rhythmic breeze. My mind enraptured by these beautiful maidens, students the day before, affected me like sirens. “Siren, in Greek…

A win for animals

A win for animals

There is no escaping the truth, humans are animals. There is no separation. When people  say there is a difference because humans have souls, I don’t agree. If having a soul makes us standout and be more special how come we kill each other destroy the environment, poison ourselves, consume more than we need and…

Go wild

Go wild

Wild food is not so crazy as you think. Your grandparents probably caught fish, shot rabbits,   picked mushrooms and grew fruit and vegetables.  Now in your busy lives (because you don’t do what your grandparents did, you have to work to BUY everything. This makes you dependent on having a job and other people for…

Outwitting the Devil

Outwitting the Devil

One of my favourite books is, ‘Outwitting the Devil’ by Napoleon Hill. My interpretation of it may not be the same as everyone else: our mind is mostly offering up negative scenarios, based on our subconscious fears which is Devil like because of its lack of positive influence over our consciousness. Once you realise this…

Omicron is saving us

Omicron is saving us

Because the Omicron variant of Covid-19 is highly ineffective and not very severe it appears to be boosting our immunity to Covid-19 while at the same time leaving most people unscathed. This is why many people like  Bill Gates are calling the Omicron variant a natural vaccine. It is possible to create a virus that…

Chapter 8 A candle to my self – Rushworth

Chapter 8 A candle to my self – Rushworth

Chapter Eight: RUSHWORTH Angie and Rushworth I met Angie through her eccentric ex-boyfriend in Warrnambool. At the time she had a pottery studio on her parent’s Biodynamic dairy farm at Harston, in the Goulburn Valley near Shepparton. Her father was dying, he had a tumour on his face that was slowly eating it away. Her…

Chapter 7 A candle to myself – God

Chapter 7 A candle to myself – God

Chapter Seven: God God and other Gods The word God is often used by Christians, Muslims and Hindus, to describe a supernatural being who has our back, even when we are being murdered and raped. God is in control of everything, so don’t worry, it is all going to plan. Yet, God gave everyone free…

Chapter 6 A candle to my self – Back to Warrnambool

Chapter 6 A candle to my self – Back to Warrnambool

Chapter Six: Back to Warrnambool Going Home Some things in this book are forgotten. I cannot remember our first kiss, or even where we did it. Nor when it happened, but after it, we did it often. We packed our meagre possessions and drove to Warrnambool to stay with Peter and Su in their empty…

The best and most sincere financial advice in the world

The best and most sincere financial advice in the world

I have been listening to Robert Kudla from Trade Genius being interviewed by Dave Hodges from the Common Sense show for a couple  of years. These interviews are like Gold. Here is the latest one in March 2022. Robert gives a lot of valuable advice about the future economic climate as well as where to…