Which camp are you in? Freedom or controldoom

Which camp are you in? Freedom or controldoom

This post was inspired by Tucker Carlson who recently looked into the real and basic problems confronting the world. Control versus Freedom. There are people trying to control us (globalists, communists, socialists, dictators, billionaires, governments, banks) and people who want to be controlled (minorities, the lower classes, uneducated, corrupt politicians, government workers and the lazy…

Covid-19. Aspirin reduces the need for ICU and ventilators by 44%

Covid-19. Aspirin reduces the need for ICU and ventilators by 44%

An important update on covid-19 cures. The Washington State university has discovered that aspirin can reduce the need for ventilation by 40%,  ICU admissions by 44% and death by 40%. It also has immune boosting functions and can reduce your chances of ever getting Covid-19 by 20%. This is science from Washington State University and…

Best nutritional information, ever.

Best nutritional information, ever.

This post is a Homage to Orthomolecular.org the most valuable health website I know of. www.orthomolecular.org Recently I tried to visit their site and my browser wouldn’t let me in. Some lame excuse about security that Google is using to block anything natural from the public. So I decided to copy some of their valuable…

Hydroponics at home for everyone

Hydroponics at home for everyone

The B A Kratky and Mike Adams Methods Originally stemming from one of Mike Adam’s situation updates about coping with food shortages in September 2021. He said it is easy to grow food at home using B A Kratky’s system. See instructions below. He has information about his Garden Tower at this link which will…

Roundheads and Squareheads

Roundheads and Squareheads

Uphold old constitution Add new components to a new  secondary constitution via 70% referendum Health Trained nurses another 2 years of study to perform higher level duties in a hospital. Tax Education fees Cap them Authorised subject teachers online. Immigration Build the wall Work Visas for 3 years and renew them Training Provide training in…

A letter to all presidents

A letter to all presidents

I am pretty sure this letter never got through to Trump. It is a beginning. I have lots to add to this letter over the coming months as Covid-19 continues to baffle and confuse 99% of the world because leaders have lost touch with who are paying their wages. Solutions to many problems facing the…

I have had enough. I want a Super Nurse

I have had enough. I want a Super Nurse

No more abuse from the rich morons that control our lives and governments. Skyrocketing health costs around the world can be stopped easily: stop letting Doctors charge obscene amounts of money. This can be done by creating “super nurses” The government needs to make it possible for fully qualified nurses to study 2 more years…

Cure yourself, then cancer

Cure yourself, then cancer

Put together by Roditch This booklet is inspired by www.thetruthaboutcancer.com Please consider buying their information sets that go into great detail about how you can cure cancer. I am not an affiliate, I am an admirer. www.roditch.wordpress.com and www.newcomz.wordpress.com Introduction This booklet is all about you. It gives you options that have helped many other people. The…

A Constitution for Living. The Buddhist Ten Commandments

A Constitution for Living. The Buddhist Ten Commandments

http://www.roditch.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/a_constitution_for_living.pdf A CONSTITUTION FOR LIVINGBuddhist principles for a fruitful and harmonious lifebyPhra Brahmagunabhorn(P. A. Payutto) Translated from the Thai byBruce EvansA Constitution for Living© Phra Brahmagunabhorn (P. A. Payutto)Translated from the Thai by Bruce EvansISBN 974-7891-71-9First and revised editionsFirst two hundred impressions, 1976–1997Newly revised edition with The Buddhist’s Life Standards incorporatedFirst published 1998 (reprinted 30…

Charge your life, not your phone.

Charge your life, not your phone.

Before Castlemaine I was seeking waves, women and song; only song came with me to the hot and cold, relentless weather, of this old gold mining town two hours north of Melbourne.  Now it would be boy against the hard labour, sparse luxuries, mosquito filled water tank and a hungry open fire.   I bought a…

We are all going to be Goodlies, soon. Be your conscience

We are all going to be Goodlies, soon. Be your conscience

The world needs a new religion. One where all humans,  who are naturally good, can say I belong to the “Goodly Human” religion. Every day they can worship themselves for being goodly. If religions cannot curb their violent tendencies, we should all look for “Goodlies”  to pave the way to a better future. One, where…

Peppermint Oil, off to a deserted island with me.

Peppermint Oil, off to a deserted island with me.

Peppermint Oil is my best friend. I can happily say that Peppermint Oil is something I have used daily for a couple of years. I have personal experience that  I would like to share with the world. For five years I have been exposed to, and got the flu, often. Sometimes this has crashed me…