Buddha 45

How do we determine where my world starts and yours begins? Buddhists say we reincarnate for …. Many people wonder what happens when we die. No matter how much we hide in our minds, many of us think God knows everything we are thinking and we will be governed accordingly. To do something is to…
People of all ages benefit from eating healthy food. Unfortunately doctors make more money when we are sick: millions from cancer alone. The so called caretakers of our health are nothing of the kind. They have their place but it isn’t health. Once you know this you can take steps to be super healthy for…
Posca gets an osca I have been watching the series ‘Rome’ for the past 2 weeks and it was enjoyable. In one of the last episodes, the roman called Pullo, packed some vinegar before going on a journey. I wondered why they used it and found this on the web, Posca. Posca was an Ancient…
I am that, Dr Wayne Dyer Meditation I spent a few years in the wilderness, alone. The two things that got me through it were this meditation and Deva Premal’s Gayatri Mantra on the previous blog. One night in particular when under a full moon I buried my favourite dog. Tears sealed the dirt and…
I never fully understood how prophetic the acronym KISS was when I first saw it. Years later, with hindsight garnered from The great Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh and his book on mindfulness, do I see the connection. “KISS, an acronym for keep it simple, stupid, is a design principle noted by the U.S. Navy…
I have been thinking about the Ukraine war for months and how I could offer an opinion. I have finally understood what concerns me the most. The time of Dictators, Czars, Kings, Technocrats, Popes, World Economic Forum, the Rothchild’s, Autocrats, Presidents and assholes is over. If we want it to be free we have to …