cancer cure

Cancer: Is your health in surplus or deficit

We know what it is but still have no idea what causes it. How do we avoid it and how do we cure it when we get it? I think that Cancer is a breakdown of our system that can be generally avoided  by living a healthy life. This means, to quote Dr. Mumby, to keep your health in the surplus not the deficit (when your body can’t self-repair anymore). To do this you need to be happy, spiritually fulfilled, and do lots of outdoor activities like surfing, swimming, gardening and hiking. It also means you eat mostly fresh organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. You give and receive love, help make the world a more beautiful place,  and  apply wisdom and compassion to topics like race, religion, class, politics, education, sexes, international relations, animals, nature, technology and money.  To cure Cancer is to go from deficit to surplus as quickly as you can. When you do this your bodies will  be able to repair the damage, like it was born to do. Some people love living in the deficit world of excessive alcohol. sloth, sex, entertainment, obsessive thinking and emotional gratification. They may escape Cancer, but some other deficit disease will get them in their prime like a heart attack, liver and kidney disease or diabetes. The same method of being in surplus will help your body protect you from all breakdowns and diseases, not just cancer. My father cured people using freshly juiced organic carrots  once or twice a day.  There are lots of ways to live in the surplus. You don’t have to think too much. Organic food, exercise, sunlight, pure water, sleep, love, friendship, mindfulness and… Think what is good for you and what isn’t.

Cancer: A complimentary approach
By Roditch .

The book on Amzon

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