Chapter 7 A candle to myself – God
Chapter Seven: God
God and other Gods
The word God is often used by Christians, Muslims and Hindus, to describe a supernatural being who has our back, even when we are being murdered and raped. God is in control of everything, so don’t worry, it is all going to plan. Yet, God gave everyone free will, so there is no plan, only the determination of every soul to do what they choose to do, must do and can’t do for better or worse. To complicate everything, even more, God created Satan to rain havoc upon everyone who does not have the free will to be good.
Most of us have to deal with our monkey side: survival, reproduction, tribal politics and the accumulation of things and our spiritual side: love, relationships and transformation. We look for a balance between these for a happy and harmonious life.
Love is a force, God is love. I believe when you love you are inside God. Not lust love, love that radiates energy you can feel as sure as the spring wind runs along your face into a fray of billowing hair. If everything happens because your soul makes it happen, then love is the force that binds and bonds two souls together. Long enough to share and correspond their deepest meaning. A soul cannot speak in normal day to day language, it can’t easily use the mind unless it is art. To influence our life, it summons the heart to speak for it. Often this feels like it is coming from an inaccessible part of our minds.
The road of the heart is full of meaning, it’s the difficult road I need because my heart and soul are wanting.
A good life is often about love and marriage, working hard, taking care of children, growing old and wise, then meeting your maker. Underlying this life of ours is the opportunity to be kinder, wiser, more loving, more skilful and more at peace. The challenge then is to live a simple life, but work with your soul to make it more. Again, this sounds easy but it is a far greater challenge than scaling Mount Everest.
Love and spirit are connected. The greater the presence of spirit the more our love flows. Often the ones we love and marry, quickly become our enemies. The constant fighting, we do to survive takes its toll. The first causality is our spouse and the second our children. When this happens, it is time to reset our love machine, and love the one you are with, more.
Because of the cultural revolution in the ’60s, the 21st Century is searching for meaning in new ways which is a wonderful thing. The West, through people like Allan Watts now enjoy a God that meditates, laughs and sings. Most people appreciate the beautiful creation of the Earth more. This appreciation though needs to be met, equally, with action to preserve it, especially outlawing plastics, everything nuclear, and politicians. Many of us have learned to put our attention to ourselves, refine and polish everything we are, become the best we can, and then go out into the world spreading joy, and not woe. The question of heaven and hell is fading. Now we know to blindly follow a religion is detrimental to the truth, that naturally emanates from within: a willing soul. The Internet is the new God. One, that gives everyone a voice, a presence, a chance to express themselves and a God that is always accessible. The Internet also mirrors the invisible communications that are going on between all living things in the universe, which will always be better than any technology we come up with.
Sunday is a day of rest, devotion and restoration. This is the day the sun rules and polishes your spirit, endows creativity and saturates the world in colour and light. If not worship the magical universe we live in today, then when? Monday belongs to the Moon and is a day of nurturing, family and fulfilling your needs. Tuesday is Mars (Tiu’s) day, a good time to be strong, pioneering and independent. Wednesday is Mercury (Woden’s) day a time to read, communicate with others and hang in the hood. So far there is no time for worship, maybe Thursday it is Jupiter’s (Thor’s) day, would be good, but again we are busy studying for our exams, planning our next trip overseas and talking to monks about Sunday. Friday is Venus (Freya’s) day, we are too busy shopping, making love and getting married. This leaves Saturday, which is Saturn’s (Satan’s) day of getting your life in order so there is only one day of the week where we can shut out the noise, get off the merry go round, take a break, celebrate our lives, create beautiful things and feel a real warmth of love and spirit streaming through our veins, and that is the sun’s day.
Life has four important stages, when navigated correctly, can make life a joy without the need for external approval. The first stage up to the age of seven is to tune out external influences enough so that you can hold onto your integrity, visions and being. In the second stage from seven to twenty-one, we should build the foundations for the future based on your visions at the first stage. The third stage from twenty-one to seventy is to share your visions with the world. The fourth and final stage is to rest, meditate, and spend time with family. The first stage is the most important because when you consolidate and protect yourself from the world, you develop your intuition, insight, creativity and connection with everything around you. This is related to what many people believe: God is within, and of course so are you.
Words are an important part of our lives. When we learn to speak from the heart our relationship with the world is stronger, happier and prosperous—a simple idea but difficult in practice. Again, this is another important part of stage one. Without honest heartfelt communication both ways, we will feel alone and imprisoned. It is important to believe in yourself at all times and remember many people are in a prison, locked in their minds, and do not understand a word you say.
I believe in symbols, fairy tales, myth, lore and legend. They connect us to our ancestors. In the 21st century, most people have only a few options remaining: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and atheism. In time they will all be replaced by robots, selfism and many more isms. I think when life is measured by technology then we are lost. I worship my mobile phone, which is already stronger than God and the Beatles. Before the journey into AI doom, we all have the responsibility to balance all our beliefs into one basic set of inalienable truths. Truths like we must take care of the environment and all living creatures. Women are equal to men. Racism formed from religious beliefs is hateful and evil. Children are small power-packed bundles of love and creativity. All spiritual beliefs spring from within not without. And native Red Indians, Australian Aboriginals, Maoris, Hawaiians etc. are not barbaric. They have highly developed communities, health, art and intuition. The English Christians have never had these abilities so they kill instead: the true barbarians to this day.
I have powerful memories of a life lost in the land of OZ. No matter how hard I searched for meaning, I wasted my time and still do when I feel a bit lost.
The Australian Aboriginals should have been my answer, but being a white fella, I never knew how to ask them for help.
A falling leaf from the very top of a Californian big red, slowly spirals through the canopy, falling ever so slowly away from the light. Down to the peaceful earth below. Its surge of life in the sun has ended and it now has a long ride to the soil of its ancestors. Only time separates it from its next journey. Up again, using the energetic channels of expansion to be a pinnacle in the sun once again. Without a clock, time has no place in eternal life and the goings-on of a leaf. We see time as an enemy, but it doesn’t have to be. Living in the moment, in the now, time ceases. No longer need to think about finding love in the future, winning the lottery one day, getting married, dying. What is happening this very moment is the only thing that you know deeply, truthfully and clearly. If you don’t live in this current moment, you will know nothing. Your life will be only endless meals for your mind.
There is no greater pain than having no roots in the earth or in the heavens. Knowing the slightest storm will blow you across your inner psychological landscape and dump you on a hungry fear or complex. This can be me, often. With courage and expectation, I learned one essential lesson from an Indian Guru: life is like the Zen warriors. Through belief in your eternal self, you are the master, not the slave. Slaying the need for external acceptance. Avoiding all the minefields waiting for anyone looking for social acceptance and recognition. It has already been recognised that many children suffer from depression because they don’t have an iPad or iPhone or some other electronic gadget that is a status symbol like other classmates do. And many of the relatively well-off middle class in Australia are suffering from depression because they cannot afford a beach house or third car.
The West lacks the ability to be a Zen Warrior but they can be a Salvo, or work for the Red Cross or Mother Theresa… They could be another Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi. And they surely can bake cakes for a church fete. In my teenage years being a Salvo or Red Cross worker seemed boring and pointless but I felt intrigued by their loving service to humanity. Now, this vague intrigue has strengthened a lot, via the main principles of Buddhism, which teach compassion: based on the underlying truth that we are all one being, including all sentient beings.
Around 35 I had a good life-changing moment. When I realized that a tree, I always walked past near the outside toilet to go to the back yard had grown a branch. It came out from the trunk around head height, every time I walked past, I had to lift it over my head to get past. And then one day, a miracle happened. Going outside I put my hand up ready to grab the branch and it had gone. Not completely, it had moved and changed shape. It had formed a perfect arch so I could walk under it, neither disturbing the tree nor me ever again. This experience, without a doubt, changed everything I had been inoculated to believe by my family and the world. I saw with my own eyes that trees are intelligent, sentient and that Australian Aboriginals know this and we have no idea at all. Mainly, because the bible is a bunch of words and life is not. I had other three experiences after this. One night I went outside for a pee and started to pee on a tree. I suddenly felt a message, don’t pee on me, what are you doing? I apologized and attacked the lawn instead. These powerful, real, experiences, taught me clearly, that all living things share the same energetic communications from the same sources. This is why most people live in big cities, so they can live an inane but safe material existence. But sometimes, having to leave the concrete jungle for a short commune with nature, to recharge their spiritual batteries, then back, zombie-like, to the city to get more things.
To be amazed at creation and all the different food and medicine we have, the beautiful forests and flowers, the amazing animals and insects is a wonderful thing, as long as you feel part of it and not look at some show on a screen. We are the earth, we are one organism, we breathe the air and drink the water, and consume the food, we create soil for more trees and plants we are all the manifestation of the one. What stops us from seeing it with open eyes: our conscious mind is too busy understanding things by naming them, categorizing them and controlling them. We spend way too much time thinking we are individuals when we are clearly all from the same source.
My numerology says I have a karmic lesson to learn about ego and I have been struggling to understand what that meant–until now. What it clearly means is while hanging onto ego and thinking what you do is yours, your art, your writing, anything at all then you are wrong because everything comes from the one source and comes through you and into the world, there is no you as we think, it is we. Hopefully, this karmic lesson is now learned because it says I will suffer a lot until it is understood and the ego is broken and banished. I have been humbled down on my knees a few times. Well, that is the truth, I have suffered a lot without knowing it. Hell, we all suffer a lot without knowing it. But now I know we are all one, there is no me, or I to speak of. We are different expressions of the one and we channel these expressions through us and we never ever need to be human again – we are not human, we are divine.
A lot of happiness comes from helping others. Treating everyone how you need to be treated and rain an endless river of compassion on everyone you know who needs it.
Peace and wisdom come from the basic practice of what goes around come around.
This can apply to all the Englishmen who killed Aboriginals when they came to Australia. Many Aboriginals lived with plenty and in peace and now the ancestors of these Englishman are living chaotic lives of debt, divorce and hunger.
Revelations come from somewhere, during special times and in special places. Visiting Thailand, walking in a rice field, I had one of the most amazing revelations ever. This particular evening, looking up at a large passenger jet, lights flashing, flying above me triggered a thought/ vision that we are all in the mind of God. That the universe is in the mind of God. Formed by atoms into what we call physical reality. The term God belongs to no religion. It is a common term to describe the supernatural and divine. Also, I think that the idea that we are all God is true. God is all, all is God. We are literally one entity with many faces. Humility takes us closer to the entity and Ego fulfils the entities desires.
One single event in the past week is teaching me about love more than any other; it’s a very reflective time and I am humbled by it. To love someone is a verb that takes courage and wisdom to use. There is no room for adjectives or adverbs as they only dispel the true meaning of love. I now know that it is possible to love everyone if your heart is reborn into the light. A word (love) I will never play with again and from now on I want to use it as the bedrock of all my understanding and beliefs. In the process of searching for meaning in the world’s accepted religions, religious laws and religious leaders it is easy to be confused and become a humanitarian. What is incredible is the answer is within your heart all the time and it is so simple (like some cancer cures) that all doctrinal powers avoid it. Be one with your heart, heed it, empower it and love it. This is the secret, the holy grail, the purpose of our lives. The empowered and understood heart exudes compassion, wisdom and love for all including healing your own mind and body. I mentioned a new beginning as I changed my website when I opened it up to subscribers, but this is the true new beginning as I get to know my forgotten heart and pray it never slips away from me again. All my love to you, from my newfound love, heartie.
I have pondered on the fate of the pioneers once they reached the foot of the mountains and staked their claim to the Indian’s piece of mother earth, built their cabin and turned the soil. My mate, Professor Mumby says the true meaning in life is striving (not struggling). Meaning is a funny thing because it can exist without an index or connection to the roots it just is. I agree with Mumby (I always do) but not because striving is the true meaning of existence – only – because there are many other true meanings and they exist. They exist without any searching or study, they are always there with the journey of the soul and the soul decides what is true and what isn’t, what makes them shine or shiver, what amends and rewards, who they have to meet up with and why and how much love they can bear. Jan is a gold and silversmith and she more than anyone has clearly defined, found, understood her meaning as it wraps around her soul and opens every day with a strength and will to strive and to make her meaning grow and as it grows it blends with other meanings, eventually becoming one meaning and that is the secret and absolute revelation of all the universe; the energy the infinite, the creation and the gods all lead to the one truth: ‘Meaning’. The cog, the wheel that rules all, is all and is in stark contrast to a black hole, where meaning cannot exist, and where we so often find ourselves – temporarily – because we have lost our meaning and we hope in the dark she (meaning) will find us and forgive us and we can be profoundly reunited back into the light.
The Dali Lama says if you can fix your problems then be happy you can and if you cannot fix them then don’t worry; it’s pointless. If you wake up and don’t jump for joy at the miracle of life then there is something missing.
There is no greater pain than having no roots in the earth or in the heavens. To be living dangerously close to the edge of reality and God’s world. To know the slightest storm will blow you across the inner psychological landscape and dump you on a hungry fear or complex. This has been my way forever as I dream about life and watch the waters flow dizzyingly past. Many times, I think it’s time to come out from the cold, hand myself in and take a rest, but every time my bags are nearly packed a voice cries out not yet, your job is to sit and watch everything and report back what you see to Gods and men.
So, I do and I watch and wonder why no one has compassion anymore. I tell God that the love you breathe into every living thing is now used for self and that the love of self is wasted as it dissipates into a void in the heart. That all is lost as money has replaced you in worship and that people only act out grace and goodness as their empire is building.
Astrology is here to stay, for good reason. Religious books are devoid of a language, symbols and signs that help describe existence, often being used for divination and archaic laws. Greek and Roman mythology does a great job of this. All symbols invoke the different Gods within (psychology), clearly showing our potential. Astrology is a system that uses 12 symbols and tries to show how they may manifest, negatively and positively. For example, Mars the symbol for war has a strong place in the horoscopes of soldiers and in sports. Saturn the symbol for maturity and wisdom would has a strong place in the horoscopes of leaders, business people and builders. Understanding symbols helps us understand our motivations, talents and potential. The Moon, the symbol of Mother is strong in nurses, childcare workers and homemakers. Venus, the symbol for love, art, and everything delicious is strong in artists, farmers, romancers and chefs. Jupiter the symbol for knowledge and travel is strong in teachers, religious leaders and adventurers. Mercury, the symbol for your mind and short travels is strong with writers, teachers and taxi drivers. The sun is the symbol for shining, leading and creating. Uranus, the symbol for humanity working together with new ideas for a better future. Neptune, the symbol for the one, the ocean that we eternally belong. Pluto, the symbol for our shadow, subconscious and emotional power.
Astrology is a wonderful way to expand our symbolic language and open us up to new ways of looking at ourselves and others. In the hands of a good astrologer, it is an excellent way to explore yourself, your career and your strengths and weaknesses. An excellent way to get to know yourself better, knowing yourself being the end result that comes from personal searching and life experiences. Astrology does not tell you who you are or what you will become. It gives you a rich language to explore the infinite possibilities of your soul and the limitations
Astrology is not the path you take; it is the signposts along the way. After decades of using astrology, but not for the last 20 years, I am sure you should never use Astrology to predict the future. It can explain the present, because the present is real. The combination of many factors. If you are doing poorly then a good astrologer will give some new perspectives that can help you break through your situation. These days I watch a few Vedic Astrology tutorials on you-tube with interest. After 40 years of playing with Astrology and numerology my absolute favourite way of gaining insight into myself is Jungian Typology. You can do a free test at Then search the internet for definitions of your type. I do the test at least once a year and it always comes up the same. Liz Greene is a psychologist and astrologer. I love her work and recommend anyone to start their journey into astrology with her. Because, she has an understanding of Greek and Roman Mythology, psychology and how to use what she knows in practice. Comparable maybe? To Carl Jung.
I found studying Astrology and numerology in my twenties very helpful. It opened my eyes enough to take another step and another until I finally woke up. Warrnambool was a Christian town. Any search for meaning was confined to this context, that is why it opened my eyes.
Getting Baptised
It seems I will do anything for a woman I am trying to win and nothing to lose them. When Pamela moved from the shack on the other hill at Spring Gully I went to visit her at the Eerie in Bendigo, a historic mansion standing old and proud, on the side of a small hill overlooking the commoners below. A vampire could easily have built it 200 years ago and still be living in it now. Somehow her brother inherited it and not her. Now he wanted to sell it and invest the money in his motorbike shop.
It had been a while since we had seen each other and a lot had changed. She had been baptized in a revivalist church and found God and a couple of new friends. When I came to see her, she, extremely, enthusiastically, wanted me to join her with Jesus—I did, the next day. But that night something weird happened. Her new friend liked astral travel. He said he wanted to do it now and asked if we would take care of his body while his spirit flew around the local terrain like superman. His body relaxed into a large brown club chair. A single bulb shed a faint yellow glow over the room. He said goodbye and closed his eyes, each hand gripping the large arms of the chair. I wondered if we would know when superman took over from Kent. Then, when his eyes, under his closed lids started jitter bugging I knew he had gone. We could do no more for superman now but look and wait, and wait. Minutes turned into an hour; his body slumped deeper in the chair. We became seriously concerned, he looked lifeless and dead. We were overcome with confusion. Had superman broken the silver thread that connected his spirit to his body and disappeared forever? We didn’t know what to do, the situation looked dire, his body limp, his breathing shallow, his eyes started jumping under their skin. Then his body came to life, struggling to get free from his invisible watery prison. We had to do something. We shook him, yelled and screamed, wake up, but nothing. It seemed he could not come back. I smacked his face harder and harder, then his eyes full of panic opened. He had made it back. Gesturing and moaning how his chord snapped, floating and flying in the spirit world alone, could not find his way back, panic and fear overtook him, then he heard our voices, the chord reconnected and he came home like a jet on a rubber band. Then, three, dancing, happy hobbits, hugged and celebrated the return of super gibbie from a place I would be way too scared to visit. In the future when I was teaching the Ansel Adam’s Zone System at Durringhile Prison, one of my murderous students told me he went home every night on the same silver chord as a gibbie (short for gibberish, the sound I made when I got baptized, and all the other people sounded like too).
The next day around four, she took me to the church to meet the pastor. He smiled and asked me if I would like to be baptized. Knowing I had no chance with Pamela if I remained a heathen I said yes, sure, with a confident smile. Inside my heart, tremors, fear tremors, told a different story. My parents never succeeded at church even though their parents and siblings tried to help them see Jesus, weekly. My brother Bill and Norma saw Jesus for about a year and then decided to go back to a normal life. The tremors came from a family fear: find Jesus and lose your mind. Here, right now, a Hedditch would be baptized, the first one in decades. The pastor asked me to get changed. He handed me a white robe to put on. It is highly likely he thought I wanted to be baptized because my face showed happiness and wonder. We walked onto a stage, the theatre of God. A large curtain blocked the view of an empty church. Only Pamela would witness my baptism into Christ. He then bent down and opened a trap door on the stage. I could see a light green bath set into the stage with water in it, oh. Then excitedly he said, sit in the bath. By now, the tremors had turned into fear. Fear that he and God would recognize a fake, a Hedditch, who could never lose their mind on the pain of death. With the fear came apprehension an overwhelming feeling of paranoia, the kind of paranoia I felt after smoking weed: who am I? Where am I? What should I say?
The nice pastor started praying, in tongues. One hand on my chest, the other on my back, he gently pushed me under the water, and back up again. The revivalists talk in tongues. It sounds like a foreign language, spoken with integrity and fervour. When I sat upright, the curtain pulled open, the church was now full of people speaking in tongues. The fervour kept pitching up and up, along with my need to speak in tongues. The pastor wanted me to receive the holy spirit. Tossing me under the water again and again until it happened. I started speaking gibberish, I had no choice. The crowd and Pamela cheered, the pastor embraced me, I felt pretty good. Finally, he prompted me to stand up, dry off, get dressed and greet the congregation that joyously helped my gibberish to come out. I walked, smiled, embraced everyone. No fear anymore. Losing my mind felt pretty good. The transition from a nerdy brain to the heart induced a peaceful warm glow all over my body. Eventually, we left, after shaking and hugging everyone in the church—way too many teeth showing and a happy farewell. I had found Jesus with a lovely bunch of people. We went back to the Eerie, her arms wrapped around me, her lips warm. Two newfound gibberies spent the night in grace, together.
The next day I went back to Castlemaine to visit George. I felt completely different, released from centuries of Hedditch logic. Now the world had hues of beauty and the birds everywhere sang brightly. At George’s, about 20 people sat together in a room, smoking and drinking. I smiled openly and was happy, with no paranoia. The best I have ever felt. The baptism had spun its miracle, my soul, finally free and Jesus did it. I picked up a guitar and started to play, it sounded surprisingly good. Then I sang like the birds that celebrated my arrival in happy land. It sounded good too. Had my music and singing improved so much, yes it had, I was not overcome with the fear I usually had, every time I performed. Another incredible example of what Jesus can do in your psychologically messed up life. A giant reboot, a second chance, new beginnings, leaving the past behind, clearing the subconscious, cancelling out debts, being forgiven is amazing. It would not last 100% because it worked so well, I never went back to the church. People say you need communion to keep the spirit alive. I chose to take Jesus and me on a journey together and see what happened, alone.
Living within light
I think light has the wavelength of communication between all living creatures. People pray to God believing God will hear them. I think when they pray their words spread across the known universe on particles of light and all living things will hear it. And at night when the light stops, only the Moon can carry your messages, the urgent ones that can’t wait for daylight. We need tonight to switch off our walkie talkies. Our thoughts are our own at night. We have time to sort out the day’s messages and put them in the right boxes for future reference. When we wake up in the morning we will act on the most important messages, the purpose for our day.
We can increase our reception and output by spending more time in the sun, looking at sunsets and sunrises and gazing at the moon. If you have some serious message for a friend, it is best to send it at these times and if you are sending it out as prayer. If you want to message them directly then the same thing applies. The messages will have much stronger signals at these times but once you get the hang of it you can send and receive anytime, especially if you have recharged your radio with light beforehand. Believe it or not. I have had personal, lots of personal experience on this topic. We can communicate with each other, the collective and God because thoughts are an emitted energy, not passive like words on paper. You can test it out if you like. Ask a friend on the other side of town to sit outside, watch the sunset and think thoughts about you and you do the same. Try and picture their face in your mind and stay focused. I am a big fan of going within to find answers, but maybe, going within means going into your receiver and getting and listening to your messages from the universe. There is a good book, ‘Dogs that know their owners are coming home’ by Rupert Sheldrake. He has other brilliant books on this subject too.
Our lives are ruined by parents, doctors and teachers that communicate using vibrations in the air. This is extremely limiting. There is a universe full of help and knowledge waiting for you once you log in.
Light is communication, time, Vitamin D, spirit, life-giving, energy, power, anti-darkness and form making. We don’t think about light enough. Have you ever sat and watched the sun rise or set and fully appreciated what the sun does for you every day? Or, said thank you sun for your light, without you I would not exist. If not, it’s time you did.
I love how religions use light all the time to represent God, spirituality and consciousness. The Buddha was enlightened. God spoke, and then there was light.
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. Ephesians 5:8
The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned. Mathew 4:16
While I am in the world, I am the light of the world. John 9:5
You, LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light. Psalm 18:28
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
There are so many in the bible. I take them literally, especially Jesus being the Sun of God (I am the light of the world).
While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.” When Jesus had said these things, he departed and hid himself from them. John 12:36
For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness. Thessalonians 5:5
This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. John 1:5:7
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you . Isaiah 60:1
And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God. John 3:19-21
He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light but came to bear witness about the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. John 1:7-9
I have come into the world as light so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness John 12:46
According to Buddhism, all beings are imbued with a spark of inner divine light… The Jewish mystics use similar words when they speak of the inner spark or the spark of God. The Koran, referring to man, talks about the little candle flame burning in a niche in the wall of God’s temple. Almost inevitably a spiritual search becomes a search for divine or sacred light.
Lighten up your life, Lighthearted…
The next time you see light, love it, touch it, hear it, thank it and be happy. Like all living things do.
Carl Gustav Jung
John Lennon and Jung are both as famous as Jesus. Paul and the Roman Empire created a God out of Jesus when he wasn’t. Well, we are all Gods, born equally possible under the Sun. So, Jesus could be a God, but he spent all of his time teaching much the same way John Lennon did with his songs. Jesus lived with and under the oppressive Romans and the corrupt Rabbis. It would have been easy for Jesus to construct a philosophy around love, equality and forgiveness. The Essenes were not far away, neither were the Buddhists that were staying in Greece. As a carpenter working hard to support his family, he would have been angry about paying Roman taxes and money to the temples. I see Jesus the same as I do Allan Watts, Sadhguru, Bob Dylan and many others. They were unhappy with the status quo and took action to rectify it. Paul and the Romans ruined his message completely. Jesus understood the Old Testament very well and probably had some great teachers in the missing years. So, if there is a God and God has messengers why stop with Jesus, why not keep going? I think… of course, there are hundreds, thousands of examples of people who devoted their lives to others. If you stop the clock at Jesus then you have missed the point of life.
Carl Jung is one of those ‘Jesus’ people who helped hundreds of people with his psychoanalysis. Over time he realized people shared the same type of archetypal events, gods and demons in their dreams with him and others. Because of this, he coined the term ‘The Collective” which I immediately adopted for my definition of God. I had seen the collective at work before. For me the collective is the ocean, we are all one, we are emanations from the mind of God. Individuality pales in importance to the collective. The universe is a function of connections. The many thoughts and creations we have every day have roots in the collective. Which is how we live a humble life.

I am a retired Photography Teacher, Refugee Settlement Manager, and Builder. For the past 10 years, I have been teaching part-time, writing books, taking photos and doing lots of research.
All the books I write come from experience and research. Yes, in my life so far I have worked with refugees, taught art, built houses, studied herbs, and health. I have also studied astrology spirituality including meditation, animal welfare, and poetry.
I sincerely hope that you can gain valuable information from my books (usually short and sweet introductions) to different facets of life I have visited.
Where to find Roditch online

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 103,380. Language: English. Published: January 6, 2022. Categories: Nonfiction » Biography » Autobiographies & Memoirs
A story about my life in Warrnambool, Castlemaine and Rushworth

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 249,020. Language: English. Published: December 19, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Children’s Books » Lifestyles / Country Life
Time to dropout and start a new, secure and sustainable life.

Price: $2.00 USD. Language: English. Published: October 26, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
Portraits by Roditch. These photos are a collection of Roditch’s portraits over the past 5 years. They are a reflection of the person.

Price: $2.00 USD. Language: English. Published: October 26, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
This is a collection of photographs of rural Thailand. Including farmers, Monks, temples and farms

Price: $2.00 USD. Language: English. Published: October 24, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
Original Photos of Buddha sculptures Thailand taken by famous photographer Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 170. Language: English. Published: December 6, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
One reason I love Buddha is because he knew that animals had sentience, consciousness, and that consciousness was as valuable, respectable, sacred as any Homosapien.

Thailand of Dreams Series 1 by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 170. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
Thailand is a country is worth exploring to regain your imagination, love of nature, fairy tales and spirits of the land.

Portraits and Souls Series 1 by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
Portraits have always been there as a window into someone’s soul if only we are to look and care.

Beautiful Buddha Series 1 by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
Buddha is the peace in the world. Everyone can benefit from Buddha,s teachings.

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 140. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
Children are the magic in the world. NASA has done research that confirms that all children are born creative geniuses, but, by the time they are 7 years old their genius has been retired by cultural and family conditioning.

Musing with the Fishes Series 1 by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Fiction » Inspirational
It is a wonderful way to relax and tune in with nature; just looking into water and musing with the fishes.

Off the Fence Posts by Roditch
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 20. Language: English. Published: April 18, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
This book is a collection of posts I have made over the past 3 years.

Musing with the Fishes by Roditch
Price: $10.00 USD. Words: 530. Language: English. Published: April 16, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
What is real? As you look into these pictures you can see spirits and goblins and all sorts of magical things

Price: $10.00 USD. Words: 600. Language: English. Published: April 15, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
Thailand people love family, culture, Buddha, music, and celebrations.

Price: $7.00 USD. Words: 1,090. Language: English. Published: April 15, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
Thailand has a unique balance of culture, spirituality, art, agriculture, and the environment.

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 7,120. Language: English. Published: April 14, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » General self-help
Right now you are creating your future if nothing else. This book is about a future that belongs to the rich and powerful.

Teaching ESL English Zen by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 5,990. Language: English. Published: April 14, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Teaching methods & materials / language arts
10 years of experience teaching ESL English to Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary, University, and Teachers.

Animal Sentience Zen by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 10,700. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Science & Nature » Animals
Sentience is the word we use to say that we are animals like animals are human.

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 3,550. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Contemporary Poetry
Poetry is a way to communicate more deeply and completely. It is not just about writing a poem it is being a poem for your family, friends, and society.

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 2,900. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – how to
Photography comes from the soul as any art does, the deeper you go the better your photos will be.

Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 750. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Artists
Shepparton, Victoria, Australia has produced an amazing amount of brilliant artists over the years.

Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 790. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Science & Nature » Environment
The conservationists in the Goulburn Valley, Victoria Australia are outstanding people.

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 1,560. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Contemporary Poetry
Poetry from your own pen is a baby bird flying from the nest into the stars.
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 220. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 210. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 210. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: April 11, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 11, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 200. Language: English. Published: April 10, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 200. Language: English. Published: April 10, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans.

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 10, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Contemporary Poetry
This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 170. Language: English. Published: April 9, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Ancient
This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans. The words come in an inspirational moment and have more meaning than you first think and challenge your mind; like Zen Koans.

Meditation and Prayer Zen by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 9,640. Language: English. Published: April 9, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Mental health
Throughout history, meditators have been both influential and mysterious. To look at some of the great meditators, see their works and know them more deeply helps when meditating your way to a fuller and richer life.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 11,920. Language: English. Published: April 8, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well
The fountain of youth is real. By fasting 1 day a week, taking resveratrol, Metformin and AMPK you can live much longer, be more healthy and energetic
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 8,580. Language: English. Published: April 8, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well
There are many places in the world where people still get a large proportion of their food in the wild. And there are just as many who go hunting for their food in supermarkets.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 6,580. Language: English. Published: April 7, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well
People worry about dying from Covid-19 but most of us are dying early because of cancer, heart and liver disease already.
GMO and Glyphosate Zen by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 6,870. Language: English. Published: April 7, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Family health
If we don’t have the land or the time to grow our own food then we should buy only organic because Genetically Modified Food plastered with Glyphosate is not an option for a long and happy life
Fruits of Our Labour by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 21,200. Language: English. Published: April 6, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » History » Australia & New Zealand
This book is a history of the Goulburn Valley Fruit Industry.
Teresa – Love on the Riverbank by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 1,810. Language: English. Published: April 4, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Epic
Our heart is silent when it wants to scream out “I am here, love me.” Poetry is kissing with words, words that can cross infinite boundaries of the mind to pierce the heart of a willing soul.
A Suitcase Full of Dreams by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 83,830. Language: English. Published: April 3, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » History » Australia & New Zealand
The Goulburn Valley, Victoria, Australia is home to thousands of refugees and immigrants from around the world. Shepparton is the main city in the Goulburn Valley which is surrounded by orchards.

Francis of Warrnambool by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 7,870. Language: English. Published: April 3, 2020. Categories: Fiction » Fairy tales
A lot of very talented people were born in Warrnambool in the ’50s. Like Dave Dawson, Peter Lucas and Jack Wilkins.
Debt and Self Sufficiency by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 6,090. Language: English. Published: April 2, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Emotional healing
We all have too much debt. It is time to pay it all back and remain debt-free forever.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 4,870. Language: English. Published: April 2, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Politics & Current Affairs » Civil & human rights
Everyone has the right to physical,. emotional and intellectual freedom. These rights are eroding and it is time to make a stand.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 7,380. Language: English. Published: March 30, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Engineering, trades, & technology » Construction / General
Many years ago I built my own house out of second-hand materials.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 7,420. Language: English. Published: March 30, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Astrology
This is a small Astrology book. Like all the ZEN series it is a simple introduction about a vast topic.
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 1,360. Language: English. Published: March 30, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Music » History & Criticism
The Sunbury Pop Festival in 1972, photos and poems. Original photos and Poems by Roditch
Swat the Fly – A Covid-19 Self Help Guide by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 26,300. Language: English. Published: March 29, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Alternative medicine
This book is a collection of natural remedies used by Doctors that will help you prevent and overcome the covid-19 virus.
Roditch’s tag cloud
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