sun's energy

Change your life, eat Prana and Biophotons now.

Like Vitamin D, the Sun powers the energy in our foods.

Whether you want to live a long life, have the energy to survive work, or fight off diseases like Covid-19, you need the same thing: fresh organic food and water. When you consume natural food your power goes up and when you consume junk food and alcohol it goes down. The more your energy  goes down, the harder it is to get out of the hole you are digging, often the only way out is death. And, just like all things in life like relationship’s and success: you have to fight to stay out of that hell hole that you are creating with our own free will, by fighting to stay in the light, the positive, the best and the wisest.

It is worth the fight because the benefits are endless. The first one is the increase in energy you get from living food, that makes the fighting all that much easier, until there is no fight needed.  The other option is to see your relationships, your health and your work disintegrate. While the world around you is going mad and you feel powerless, all you have to do is eat one organic carrot, freshly picked, eat it and feel the  life (Prana) returning to your tired bones, psychologically and physically: empowered beyond your wildest dreams.

God is creation, so when you eat fresh organic food,  you are eating a piece of her and  when you eat junk food you are eating a piece of the Devil.

Just like giving up smoking, giving up junk food (both childhood follies)  is a mind bending experience between your subconscious and your conscious minds. A battle, once won, sets you free to be so much more than you ever knew. No more slavery to doctors, hospitals, insurance companies and depression. You will become a shining knight, capable of saving the world, just with one organic carrot and some spring water. 

I remember my first biodynamic cauliflower picked and given to me by my wife’s father. After a light steaming, It tasted, smelt and felt divine: the same as fresh air, sunsets and spring water flows, purely and rightly through your veins.

The flavor of pure Biodynamic and Organic food often sparks memories of childhood, before supermarkets and the commercialization of food, when a spades was a spade that dug up a carrot that was a carrot.

Freshly picked food retains the Sun’s energy, energy that depletes every minute after it is picked. It has a crispness that crackles, a taste that tantalizes and although depleted can be eaten without refrigeration for up to a week before you throw it out.

Fruit is absolutely the best when picked from the tree if picked when perfectly ripe. Fruit in a supermarket are often picked before they are ripe, and sometimes are forcibly ripened. A number of fresh fruit are actually dyed to make you think they are really ripe, and some, such as apples and cucumbers, are coated with wax to protect them.

In addition, varieties that don’t ship well but taste fabulous will rarely show up in a supermarket. You might find them in a farmer’s market, or in a specialty orchard. Fruits taste far better from the tree than the supermarket. There are two reasons. Firstly you can let a fruit reach peak of ripeness if you are planning to eat it straight from the tree, but if you are planning to pack it in boxes and send it on a journey, fully ripe fruit is too fragile.

So, what is the most important part of your day.  Is it eating, sleeping, watching TV or  working? Most people would say eating, three meals a day, is the most important and time consuming (growing, buying, cooking, preparing, eating, cleaning up). So, why do we eat so much junk that is killing us, when fresh and organic food tastes better, lasts longer and keeps us out of hospitals, who or what do we blame: it is the inner child that secretly desires all that special sugary and salty food given to us with love from our parents on our birthdays and at Christmas as a SPECIAL treat. This programming is deep and difficult to exhume from the labyrinth within ours mind, but we must start digging.

The word Prana is a Sanskrit word for energy or life force. Prana is the underlying concept behind whole foods, raw foods and anything organic. Prana is a less quantifiable measure than, say, calories so we think less about it.

Prana is an  energy that gets in your system. When that energy is in your system, you feel good. It shows on your face. You either have it, or you don’t have it.”

Prana is anything that’s fresh or organic.” Fresh food has a lot of enzymes, which help break down food so our body can use the nutrients. For this reason, raw food has the most prana, since cooking food destroys those enzymes.

The moment food is picked from the tree, it starts to lose prana, so eating locally grown, organic food is the best way of getting prana into your system.

“When thinking about light, we usually think about light waves. The interesting thing about light is that in addition to behaving like a wave of energy, it can also behave like a physical particle, a kind of chunk of light, a quantum. It’s this basic unit of light that we call a photon.

Biophotons are photons, bits of light, that are generated spontaneously by most living cells. Research suggests that biophotons are created in the DNA that resides in the mitochondria in your cells. They are created in the 98% of each DNA molecule that is not used for genetic coding of behavior. The genome project referred to this as junk-DNA because they had no idea about its use.

All of your cells, except red blood cells, emit biophotons, but only a few dozen of them per square inch. Because of this paucity, the intensity is very low, by which I mean it’s like looking at a candle that’s about 6 miles away from you.

I should say here that research into understanding biophoton creation and function is still in early stages. So, while a lot has been discovered, and some interesting probabilities lie ahead, one might preface much of what I say with the word “probably.”

– Making Sense of Medicine Bob Keller, Oct 17, 2019.

Generally high Prana food (fresh food) makes you feel good and vice versa for low Prana food (junk food).

Usually cheese, meat, sugar and alkaline food is low Prana and locally grown fruit, vegetables and eggs.

Also if the food looks vibrant it should be high in Prana. And processed foods will be devoid of Prana.

Every plant, cereal or crop in general, exactly as every animal on Earth, needs the sun to grow and many cultural and philosophical traditions have named this energy, which is contained in food, in different ways. For example, the Yogic tradition recognizes the presence of a type of energy called prana in every food product.

When you lie in bed at night, your mind racing with ideas on how to have a trouble free life, and trying to sleep at the same time, always think of that organic carrot, freshly pulled out of rich mountain soil, orange, full of perfume and goodness, and how it, more than anyone or anything can change your life forever.

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