Knock Covid-19 on the head
I received this email today from Dr Sircus. It is a powerful reminder that you need every possible cure for Covid-19 at your disposable, because you don’t know when you will get it and how sever it can be. Dr Sircus fixed his problem with CDS Chlorine Dioxide. Many other people I espect use this when they come down with the flu, lightly or heavily.
In his article he has a link on how to make it using sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid by the guy who invented the way to make it in a convenient way, Andreas Kalcker.
You can make it pretty easy using 5mls of 25% Sodium Chlorite and 5 mls of 4% hydrochloric Acid and around 500 mls of distilled water. Watch the video for full details. In the Japanese study below they used 10 mls of Chlorine Dioxide in 1 litre of water and took 1/10 of it each hour until finished
Here is his full article. It scared me a lot and I have finally ordered the ingredients and will start making my own.

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Eleven Days Of Omicron Hell
Published on February 7, 2022
The first day, Omicron hit me like a truck, so hard I can hardly remember a thing from that day except my throat hurt so bad I could not drink water. My wife went into an appropriate panic about dehydration and ordered from a friendly pharmacy Ivermectin and associated medicines, an antibiotic, a steroid, vitamin C, and D.
The second day I was conscious and forcing water down my throat, and my lungs were having a difficult time. It was a problematic cough that was at first constantly triggered by my throat, which was further inflamed by the constant cough. Eventually, the throat eased off, but the cough was off to the races.
Day after day, feeling sick (but not typical flu symptoms and no fever), I fought for my life with the medicines, constant nebulization, and hydrogen/oxygen inhalation. The first three days passed without eating. An Orthomolecular doctor then sent me a truck of supplements and nebulizing substances.
After about a week, I was stable in my misery. I was holding on and steady in my treatments, but I was not getting better. By day eleven, I was desperate, totally sick of being sick. And then a friend offered to give me some chlorine dioxide, a substance I have known about and rejected for whatever stupid reason for over ten years.
I started to remember that my friend Dr. George Georgiou had already published a paper showing chlorine dioxide could clear the body of antibiotic-resistant infections like MRSA. I became hopeful. It got to me late at night, so I decided to start in the morning. I was a little afraid to take that first sip because early versions of chlorine dioxide were not exactly pleasant.
I got my courage up and drank the first dose of one ml. Then every hour, another amount. Of course, I could have taken much higher doses, but I did not know exactly what I was taking, did not know it was a new form (developed about three years ago by Dr. Andrias Kalcker.

Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker has been researching chlorine dioxide for over 13 years. NASA seems to have labeled this substance ‘The Universal Antidote’ in 1987. His chlorine dioxide treatment was first used for COVID-19 by the military, police, and politicians in Bolivia, who all recovered in four days. A law was then passed, making it a nationwide treatment. As a result, the rate of 100 deaths a day went down to virtually zero. A clinical trial then confirmed the efficacy of this treatment against COVID-19.
The drink was refreshing, and I could feel it pulling me up. I slept better that night, and the next day was at my ten hourly doses again. I felt saved by the end of the day; symptoms were vastly reduced. But I had run out of chlorine dioxide and, after a few hours, felt my symptoms creeping back.
A chlorine dioxide angel brought a new supply right across the river for me the next day. I did a dose every 15 minutes for two hours, then back to an hour-by-hour routine.
By day four, I felt no pain, and that was wondrous. Now five days, I am 99% better. Now with each dose, I take three times as much or 3ml. I have a good idea where long-term use of chlorine dioxide will take me, perhaps to the moon.
Dr. George Georgiou:
I can handle about 4 ml per hour for six consecutive hours, no problem
The average is 3 ml per hour for 6-7 hours for COVID –
need to run for 4-5 days to clear all symptoms
It is best to do this for three days per week – consecutive –
then the same the following week for about eight weeks.
My Ivermectin/Natural Allopathic protocol certainly kept me alive and out of the hospital. Still, it was not strong enough to rescue me from a deliberately fabricated virus that a group of men and women were inhuman enough to create through gain of function research. You can imagine how I could be dreaming of Nuremberg and of medical monsters being hung.
I will buy a lot of the chemicals and start making chlorine dioxide to give out as gifts to everyone I know and more. If you drink water, you will want to drink this God molecule. I thought hydrogen would be that, but this is liquid life, a liquid vaccine.
It is small, and it rains oxygen down on every red blood cell and cleanses away the rot of viruses, bacteria, and fungus. It will drown out areas of acidity. It is impressive, and if you make it yourself, it is dirt cheap. Yes, you can buy from a European company, but you will want access to a lot once you start.
I can buy a liter of sodium chlorite and HCL acid for sixty dollars. I cannot imagine how many gallons of chlorine dioxide impregnated water that will make. But, do not let making it yourself be an obstacle. Remember, everything is easy once you know how, and there is an explicit video of how to make this stuff.
It was initially known as MMS, Magical Mineral Supplement, and for ten years, I was closed in my mind to it. But yes, it is magical. Jim Humble knew what he had in his hands after discovering it was a sure cure for malaria. It is.
Chlorine dioxide is small and impacts the blood instantly with each dose. Medicine does not get any better now that we have a purified form of chlorine dioxide.
I hope my communications will prevent others from being stupid and in the dark about chlorine dioxide. I dare to call it a God molecule. God gives himself in the form of pure consciousness to everyone, and doctors and practitioners of every stripe can recommend chlorine dioxide to everyone. So taking this to a spiritual level is appropriate.
It’s a loving thing to make this stuff and give it to those you love, even to strangers. You will automatically be baptized as a chlorine dioxide angel if you give it away freely. I have ten years of denial to repent for, and I will more than make up for it.
This new chlorine dioxide called CDS makes everything easy, safe, and affordable. The two doctors I know who have been taking chlorine dioxide for years report potent effects on their mental capacities. So as I said, I am taking this trip to the moon.
If you can afford one can buy CDS. Buy at least several bottles. You are going to want to use it a lot.
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Dr. Mark SircusAC., OMD, DM (P)
Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine
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And More – New research from Japan courtesy of
New Study From Japan Proves That Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) Blocks SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins From Binding With Human Receptors
By Ethan Huff | 09/10/2021
Japanese researchers have confirmed that chlorine dioxide, also known as Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS [or CDS], is a safe and effective remedy for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
A paper published in the journal Annals of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics explains how CDS blocks the spike proteins associated with SARS-CoV-2 that are said to bind with human receptors such as Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2), allowing disease to form.
“Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is a powerful disinfectant that is known to inactivate both viruses and bacteria,” the study’s abstract reveals.
The stated purpose of the study was to see if chlorine dioxide directly inhibits the binding of the Chinese Virus Spike protein (S protein) to ACE2 receptors. The team conducted in vitro experiments with the British and South African “variants” of the Fauci Flu.
“Spike protein coated onto a microtiter plate was treated with chlorine dioxide aqueous solution or chlorine dioxide spray solution,” the study explains.
In the end, what they found is that CDS does, in fact, inactivate the binding of covid variant spike proteins to the human ACE2 receptor protein, “indicating that this strategy may be useful in blocking the transmission of variant SARS-CoV-2 viruses.”
Can chlorine dioxide protect your cells against a spike protein invasion?
Watch on BitChute:
Since we now know that the variants are being spread by the “vaccines,” and thus also by the “vaccinated,” chlorine dioxide could help the “unvaccinated” to protect themselves against infection.
It may also be useful in helping the vaccinated and those who test “positive” for the China Virus to rid themselves of spike proteins by preventing them from attaching to ACE2 receptors.
Much more study is likely needed to determine whether or not this applies to people who took the mRNA injections (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna), as these shots program human cells to continue producing spike proteins constantly.
For everyone else, taking CDS could provide a shield of protection against the type of spike protein damage that is causing some people to suffer cardiovascular events or worse.
“The powerful disinfection action of CD (chlorine dioxide) against microbes is due to its strong oxidizing activity against proteins,” the study explains. “Moreover, safe and permissible concentrations of CD have been well documented.”
Covid spike proteins do not like chlorine dioxide, which blocks them from damaging the body
For their experiments, the team sprayed a 50 µL aliquot of chlorine dioxide or chlorine dioxide spray solution diluted to the appropriate concentration onto microtiter plates containing purified Receptor-Binding Domain (RBD) spike proteins. The solutions were then incubated at 25ºC for 5 minutes.
Next, a 20 µL aliquot of 10 mmol/L sodium thiosulfate in Blocking Buffer 2 was added to terminate the reaction of chlorine dioxide with the spike proteins. This rapidly converted the chlorine dioxide to ClO2-, causing it to become unreactive.
Then, a 35 µL aliquot of biotin-labeled ACE2 diluted to 1.5 µg/mL by Blocking Buffer 2 was added to the solution, while a biotin-labeled ACE2 was bound to streptavidin-labeled horseradish peroxidase and detected using a substrate of horseradish peroxidase.
After one minute, a luminometer was used to measure the chemiluminescence signal emitted from the solution, which was assayed in four different wells due to the intensity fluctuation of the chemiluminescence.
Upon analysis, it was determined that the intensity of the binding of human ACE2 protein to covid spike RBD decreased as a result of chlorine dioxide. The higher the concentration of chlorine dioxide, the fewer spike protein binding events were observed.
Put more simply, coronavirus spike proteins do not like chlorine dioxide. And since chlorine dioxide has been proven to be a safe and effective remedy for a variety of ailments, there is no reason why it should not at least be considered as a potential option in the fight against covid.
Just like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, the government does not want you using chlorine dioxide to protect yourself against covid
Dr. Manuel Aparicio told The New American in an interview back in the summer all about chlorine dioxide and its potential use as a treatment for the Chinese Virus.
Back during the early days of the plandemic, the Sacramento Regional Transit District was using chlorine dioxide to clean its buses, further demonstrating its external use as a weapon against the Wuhan Flu.
For many years, chlorine dioxide has also been used as a treatment for autism. Kerri Rivera, a homeopathic doctor, has seen noteworthy success using it as a biomedical protocol to help autistic children regain normalcy in their lives.
“I started researching and [found that] it destroys viruses, bacteria, candida, parasites, reduces overall body inflammation, and neutralizes heavy metals, so I’m all in, [because] that’s what autism is,” Rivera told the Health Ranger in an interview.
There are so many beneficial uses for MMS [and CDS] that it would be a crime not to allow people to have access to it. Thankfully, it is not a prescription-only drug like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin, so it remains easily accessible as a dietary supplement.
Check it out for yourself to see if chlorine dioxide might be a helpful addition to your health arsenal. And be sure to tell others about it so they, too, can keep themselves protected against covid spike proteins, especially now that the “fully vaccinated” spike protein “factories” are potentially spreading them all around us.
For more helpful information about how to keep you and your loved ones safe and protected against Chinese Germs, be sure to visit
Free e-book on how to make and use Chlorine Dioxide Solution for preventing and treating Covid-19 (the symptoms caused by viral infection and/or Graphene Oxide/radiation poisoning):