Climbing Brockovich Mountain
Erin Brockovich is my hero. She went where most of us should go and never do. In these dark days of global tyranny and incompetent leadership we all need to stand up and have our EB moment. And, one most amazing thing is she got rich doing it: the universe rewarded her for her dedication, empathy, stubbornness and determination.
If you sit and think for five minutes about the world and what negative, evil, dark things need fixing, write it down and Brockovich it. And wow, she was a single mother, not a qualified lawyer, yet managed to do something even high class lawyers couldn’t.
This is a metaphor for life: climbing a mountain. Highly educated people are often wrong and highly motivated people are often right.
When a ‘normal woman’ can scale Everest with ease, 2 children strapped to her back and no supplies, then so can you. By helping others, she helped herself (the Universe supported her) at the same time. Isn’t this the beauty, truth and mystery of life.
Sometimes we need some help to get started on our climb, and often we get it, yet turn back discouraged and frightened after just a few steps. But, if you keep going to the top, the world will be grateful for your efforts and the knowledge you gained from getting there, believe me.
The world is in a bad place at the moment and now it’s time to make it better. It needs peacemakers, herb growers, organic farmers, sustainable house builders, preppers, healers, teachers, tree growers, inventors, creators, diplomats and lots more.
Time to join the other climbers, one step at a time and you will get there. The summit of your life and dreams. And everyone will be happier for it.
Roditch 2021