cure cancer

Cure yourself, then cancer

Put together by Roditch

This booklet is inspired by

Please consider buying their information sets that go into great detail about how you can cure cancer.

I am not an affiliate, I am an admirer. and


This booklet is all about you. It gives you options that have helped many other people. The most important thing you can do when you have been diagnosed with cancer is to be in total control and know all your options before taking action.  After all of your research whatever you opt for: your oncologist, chemo, herbs etc, is of course your decision, and your life.

It is a fact; there are cures for cancer. Worldwide many DOCTORS  are  using holistic treatments to successfully cure cancer. Now there is a war going on between pharmaceutical companies and holistic doctors: over money and profits versus real affordable cures. Most doctors only use radiation and chemotherapy supplied by Big Pharma. If you have been diagnosed with cancer it is important to take a month and look at all your options, do not rush or let an oncologist take over your health.

Some things you can do are go to the www.thetruthaboutcancer.comwebsite and purchase their ‘Truth about Cancer’ series, Ty and Charlene Bollinger . Another is to find an oncologist that is happy to work with alternative therapies. After that, choose your actions based on the ‘Truth about Cancer’. This could be based on where you live, your bank balance and whether you want to create your own protocol or go to a clinic like the Hoxsey clinic in Mexico.

Luckily for you, there have been many scientific, research-based therapies developed over the last 20 years. That have been used by holistic doctors with real, verified success.

You have to choose between oncologists who sell expensive drugs and poisons and recommend eating pizzas and ice creams, which is why you got cancer in the first place (doctors do not care about real health, ie organic food and herbs etc). Or between a total healing program: spiritual, emotional, detox, raw organic foods, herbs and supplements.

The ‘Truth about Cancer’ series will give you the confidence you need to reject chemotherapy and rebuild your health. There may be times when your holistic doctor may recommend chemotherapy in conjunction with holistic therapy this is up to you. If you are full of fear usually an oncologist will make that fear grow and kill you like an aboriginal pointing his bone.  Don’t ever listen to words that give you a sentence, there is always hope. Before you agree to ‘sign your health away’ with an oncologist ask to see their treatment records over the past 2 years. Total numbers of deaths, remissions and cures. If they won’t show you RUN.

Finally, the takeaway from all this is: modern science is finding new ways to cure cancer and is able to understand, using science, why certain protocols work like Hoxsey and Gerson work.


Free or inexpensive treatments

You should not worry too much about money if you want to treat your cancer naturally. Here is a list of things you can do which need you to have the willpower to change your life, your diet and your belief system. Many of the things listed below are what you can do completely free like meditation, weight loss, exercise and fasting or things that require a change of diet like eating organic food (even grow your own) juicing some of your vegetables like carrots and beetroot. Eating more spices like ginger and turmeric. Adding more herbs into your food like garlic, basil, chilli peppers and lemongrass.


 Meditation does not have to be an impossibility. There are a couple of easy ways to meditate and reduce mental activity and stress. One is mindfulness. Take your time, don’t rush, enjoy the moment, and live in the moment, time with your kids, your parents, your wife, in nature. Savor the taste of your food, the wind in your hair. The Dalai Lama said, “if you have a problem and it can be fixed then fix it, if it cannot be fixed, worrying won’t help.” Another one is every time you catch your mind racing in fear, panic, evil thoughts, etc. STOP, breathe in slowly through your nose for 8 seconds, hold your breath for 8 seconds and then through a small hole in your lips blow out slowly for 8 seconds, then hold for 4 seconds and repeat 2 times as needed. When holding your breath it creates a relaxing state in your mind.

Apple Pectin

Absorbs toxins


Mushrooms that grow on trees are very good for health and treating cancer like, cordyceps, shitake, mitake, turkey tail  and chaga. Hunt them down and include them in your diet. If you cannot find them to eat they are available in supplement forms.


All these supplements are proven to help cure cancer.


Turmeric with a pinch of black pepper or Curcumin capsules which are much stronger.


Grapes, dark chocolate, black raspberries,  red wine, red grape juice, peanuts, pistachios, peanut butter. Strawberries, blueberries, bilberries, cranberries, red currants, mulberries,


Broccoli and broccoli sprouts, bok choy and cabbage. Brussel sprouts. Kale, and cabbage

Green tea

 Drink some every day


Quercetin is a plant pigment (flavonoid). It is found in many plants and foods, such as red wine, onions, green tea, apples, berries, Ginkgo Biloba, St. John’s wort, American elder, and others. Buckwheat tea has a large amount of quercetin

Vitamin C

Linus Pauling. Large intravenous doses of vitamin C for a month or more work. If you don’t have access to injections straight away build your Vitamin C with Vitamin C Powder and Vitamin C full fruits.


Indian Frankincense. Good for brain tumour’s


Artemisia annua, sweet wormwood. A Chinese herb that is also good for Covid-19


Lysine is an amino acid, one of the building blocks of proteins. Lysine is classified as essential because the body can’t make it. That means people must obtain it from their diets.

Raw pigs pancreas.  it is in protein-rich foods like meat, cheese, fish, eggs, and tofu. Yoghurt, Navy beans, salmon, chicken,  tempeh, quinoa, soy milk, sardines, turkey, lentils.


Manioc roots

Soursop Leaves


Salvestrols are contained some fruits and vegetables

Salvestrol – A phytoalexin with great potential


Sleep increases your body’s ability to repair itself, reduces stress and builds energy.


This medicinal plant references two herbs: American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) and Chinese skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis), with each being used to improve different conditions.

Research shows that Chinese skullcap extract is toxic to cancer cells, such as brain tumour cells, prostate cancer cells, and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines. Studies indicate that aqueous extracts suppressed the growth of lymphoma and myeloma cells.


The liquid extract of the Mistletoe plant has been used as an alternative method to treat cancer for close to a century? Mistletoe is one of the most widely researched naturopathic medicines prescribed for cancer patients in Europe? Numerous studies have shown Mistletoe Therapy may enhance cancer patient survival rates, improve quality of life, and reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation?


Some of the most studied actions of ginger are its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects through the inhibition of NF-kB, COX-2, and 5-LOX (the major pathways and switches of inflammation mentioned previously). Ginger also has been shown to protect against cancers and to demonstrate a chemoprotective effect, meaning it protects the body from the side effects of chemotherapy. Some characteristics of ginger’s actions include the following: [2]

  • Induction of apoptosis (programmed cell death) of cancer cells
    • Inhibits IkBa kinase activation (upregulates apoptosis)
    • Upregulation of BAX (a proapoptosis gene)
    • Downregulation of Bcl-2 proteins (cancer-associated)
    • Downregulation of prosurvival genes (anti-apoptotic) Bcl-xl, Mcl-1, and Survivin
    • Downregulation of cell-cycle-regulating proteins, including cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) (cancer-associated)
    • Increased expression of CDK inhibitor, p21 (anticancer associated)
    • Inhibition of c-Myc, hTERT (cancer-associated)
    • Abolishes RANKL-induced NF-kB activation
    • Inhibits osteoclastogenesis (type of bone cell that breaks down bone tissue to remodel and repair)
    • Suppresses human breast-cancer-induced bone loss

 Periwinkle flower (Catharanthus roseus
A decades-long mystery centered on how the periwinkle transforms stemmadenine acetate into tabersonine and catharanthine, which ultimately couple to make the cancer-fighting compounds.

Vitamin B6

Epidemiologic and laboratory animal studies have suggested that the availability of vitamin B6 modulates cancer risk. The means by which B6 mediates this effect is not known with any surety but it has been reported that high dietary vitamin B6 attenuates and low dietary vitamin B6 increases the risk of cancer.

Sources of Vitamin B6 are fish, beef liver and other organ meats, potatoes and other starchy vegetables,B fruit and carrots.

Bone Broth

Bone broth builds a healthy immune system

Andrographis Paniculata

Andrographolide, a diterpenoid lactone isolated from a herbal plant Andrographis paniculata, is known to possess an anticancer effect. Andrographolide suppresses proliferation and triggers apoptosis in many types of cancer cells.

This is also approved for use in Thailand Hospitals for treatment of covid-19 in the early stages. 180 MG a day for a week.

CBD Oil and leaves

CBD Oil or Blended Marijuana Leaves are a well-known cancer cure.  The oil is a very convenient way to take it.

Eat the rainbow

Every day eat the rainbow. All the different coloured vegetables and fruits will help you conquer cancer.


Probiotics and prebiotics – no antibiotics or GMO food. Your immune system depends on a healthy gut. When you take a course of antibiotics your Microbiome is destroyed. You should think seriously before taking antibiotics. If you do need a course of antibiotics you need to take probiotics for at least a month to overcome and fix the destruction. They come in pill form as wells as sour milk, sauerkraut, kimchee and all fermented foods and drinks. When fighting cancer you need an incredibly healthy microbiome which means taking probiotics to the max every day.

Vitamin D – The sun

Vitamin D has become famous because it is a preventative to catching covid-19. It boosts your immune system so much. Half an hour, naked in the mid-morning sun will give you a good dose. Get in the sun, working, playing, walking at the beach as often as you can.

Other relatively free things you can do

Coffee enemas

Coffee enemas are good to clean out your colon, this will detoxify your body. I am not sure how often you would need to do this. I have done it twice and all sorts of chemicals came out looking like different coloured powder and globs.  I would try one coffee enema and see what comes out. After that, I prefer to wash my system out with water fasting or just eat a lot of juicy fruit for a day and drink loads of water and it will eventually be released through your bowels in a whoosh. Cleaning them out all the way from the stomach to the butt.

Detox Fasting

Studies have shown that water fasting could have health benefits. For example, it may lower the risk of some chronic diseases and stimulate autophagy, a process that helps your body break down and recycle old parts of your cells

Detox with Moringa and  Cilantro

Cilantro is easy to buy. Moringa is an Asian tree. You can eat or juice the leaves. It is a very powerful plant.

Rebound on a small trampoline

When you jump you activate your lymph system. Your lymph system helps clean your body. It is important to do at least 30 minutes a day on a small trampoline to get your lymph system flowing.

Trypsin and chymotrypsin dissolves protein coating on cancer cells

Protein dissolving enzymes (trypsin and chymotrypsin) – are derived from a pig pancreas because it is very similar to that of the human pancreas, thus making it much more capable of dissolving the fibrin coating that surrounds tumours than vegetable-derived enzymes. Using systemic enzymes as part of an overall cancer healing program

Clean Water

Clean water, PH neutral,  is essential for curing cancer.

Organic Raw Foods

Most non-organic foods are sprayed with roundup. Roundup has glyphosate in it. A lot of foods are now GMO which also has a lot of glyphosate in it. This is a well known cancer-causing chemical. Also when you cook your food you lose vitamins, enzymes etc. When you have cancer you need to get the maximum benefit out of your food you can. There are many vegetables and of course fruit, you can eat raw. And organic will heal your body.

Some Herbs – Do your research for more

Turmeric – Curcumin Dr Thomas lodi.
Wormwood, Ginger, Cilantro, Moringa Leaves, Soursop Leaves,  Cayenne Pepper, Marijuana Leaves, Boswellia, Andrographis,


Dr Brownstein and Dr Sircus

Cancer starts with iodine deficiencies just as it does with low oxygenation of tissues with no one looking into the fact that low iodine and low oxygenation of tissues are directly related. Doctors are still scratching their heads wondering why cancer rates have been exploding but do not pay attention to doctors like Brownstein who has seen over 90 per cent deficiency rates among his patients and reports other doctors seeing the same.

Activated charcoal

Taking one activated charcoal tablet with a few glasses of water helps detox your body. There are mixed views about the value of using this product. Here is Dr Axe talking about it.

Lose Weight

Being overweight is normally not healthy and increases your risk of cancer. If you lose weight

Using the Keto Diet you will also benefit from reducing your blood sugar levels, remember, cancer loves sugar.

Universal God

I believe in a universal God. This helps me feel connected to other people, animals, nature, the earth and the universe. It is important to feel you are not alone when you have cancer. Praying, meditating and talking to the universal God usually brings many benefits. The Universal God is represented in all religions and spiritual beliefs and not. If you wish to make contact it is up to you if you want to go within to find your Universal God or without to experience the fellowship of religions like Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. I think if you are living in countries like America, Australia and England and you are not a Christian it is important to understand that God is not a religion. God is the universal energy that permeates everything, including humans that we need to communicate with on a daily basis.

Brassica and Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables –  broccoli, cabbage, kale, radish, chard, cauliflower, bok choy, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, watercress, collard, and mustard greens, turnips, pepper, daikon root, and arugula


Sprouted seeds are full of cancer-fighting nutrients like sulforaphane in Broccoli seeds and watercress seeds.

Coffee enemas

Coffee enemas are good to clean out your colon, this will detoxify your body. I am not sure how often you would need to do this. I have done it twice and all sorts of chemicals came out looking like different coloured powder and globs.  I would try one coffee enema and see what comes out. After that, I prefer to wash my system out with water fasting or just eat a lot of juicy fruit for a day and drink loads of water and it will eventually be released through your bowels in a whoosh. Cleaning them out all the way from stomach to butt.

Fruit and Vegetable Juicing

Wheatgrass, beetroot, celery, carrot, pineapple and more

Bitter herbs include ginger, turmeric, milk thistle, cilantro, dandelion greens

Essential Oils

Frankincense oil is particularly good for brain tumors.

Other essential oils will help you too.

Turmeric, Clary Sage, Citrus, Orange, Mandarin and carrot.

10 Potent Essential Oils for Cancer


Budwig Diet

Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese.

The Budwig Recipe by Dr Axe

The original Budwig Diet recipe provides many valuable nutrients; however, in my opinion, you can reap even more benefits from including additional superfood ingredients. My “Beyond Budwig Recipe” includes the following ingredients: (4)

  • 6 ounces of cultured dairy, such as organic cottage cheese, goat’s milk kefir, or amasai. I recommend checking your local farmers’ market and trying to find raw dairy products, if possible.
    • 4 tablespoons of sprouted and ground chia or flax seeds. You can use whole seeds that you grind yourself, pre-ground seed meal, or seed powder. (DO NOT include chia or flax seed if you have colorectal cancer or a colostomy.)
    • 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
    • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
    • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl or blender and consume one time or more daily. Consuming this meal one time daily can help rebuild your cell membranes and is also an incredible colon cleanse. It is loaded with probiotics and fermentable fibre that can transform the health of your small intestine and colon. However, note that if  you have colon or colorectal cancer or if you’ve had a colostomy, DO NOT include the chia and flaxseeds

Lysine diet

raw pancreas pig, raw cow liver, 8 raw eggs a day with chilli.


  • Apple and  apricot kernel seeds,

20mg of Vitamin B17  5 kernels 10 times a day for a week then 10 a day. Laetrile. Apple and Apricot seeds, 20mg of Vitamin B17  5 kernels 10 times a day for a week then 10 a day. Also in berries, grains beans and leafy green vegetables

Homeopathics – what have you got to lose?

Homoeopathic medicine has been around for a long time. It is well known the royal family in England use them.


Developed by the researcher and biologist Gaston Naessens in the 1970s, 714X is categorized as an immuno-modulator health product aiming to both support a weak immune system or to slow down an over-active one. It intends to restore the body’s immune defences without side effects.

Angustura Vera and other homeopathic cures for cancer

Ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet is a very low carb, high fat diet that shares many similarities with the Atkins and low carb diets.

It involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. This reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis.

When this happens, your body becomes incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy. It also turns fat into ketones in the liver, which can supply energy for the brain.

Ketogenic diets can cause significant reductions in blood sugar and insulin levels. This, along with the increased ketones, has some health benefits. This reduction in sugar helps fight cancer because cancer loves sugar. Also, weight loss improves your health dramatically.> Avocadoes have a special place in this diet because of their healthy fats.

Free protocols – Things to stop and let go

All sugar – try stevia

Stress – Relax and meditate. Make your mind peaceful

Junk Food – None,

Chemo – unless with holistic doctor

Non GMO food – Eat only organic

Food grown in bio sludge – eat organic

Stop cooking all your food eat some raw – salads, sprouts, juices, smoothies etc

Don’t use 5g networks on your phone. Use qi technology to protect you.


Protocols and Clinics that you will have
 to pay a bit more for.

Dr Burzynski



  • Innovative and cutting-edge Precision Personalized Cancer Therapy
    • Medical expertise based on over 40 years of clinical experience and research


Our goal is to provide sophisticated cancer care utilizing a personalized and precision targeted immunotherapy approach.

Our personalized cancer therapy utilizes an understanding of each patient’s cancer genetic and immunotherapy make-up to unravel the biology of their cancer and to identify effective treatment strategies using targeted therapies and immunotherapies that are aimed at specific genes or proteins that are found only in cancer cells or their environment.


Established in 1977, the Burzynski Clinic has grown to be a nationally and internationally recognized cancer centre that provides cutting-edge cancer treatments. 

For over 40 years, Dr Burzynski’s cancer research and patient care has been inspired by the philosophy of the physician Hippocrates: ‘First, do no harm’. Therefore, our approach to treatment is ‘personalized’ in an attempt to maximize effectiveness and minimize side effects for each cancer patient.

Cost of the clinic and reviews

 Dr Rath – Books

Dr Rath’s discoveries and our research set up new therapeutic directions and present a real chance to control cancer, all of which had not been possible with conventional medicine approaches. We have demonstrated that a specific combination of natural substances (vitamins, amino acids, polyphenols and other micronutrients) working in biological synergy can successfully control critical aspects of malignancy in our body, such as:

  • Curtail metastasis (the spread of cancer to  other organs)
    • Inhibit tumor growth
    • Decrease tumor angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels feeding tumors) 
    • Trigger natural death of cancer cells through apoptosis.

Buy his books here

Gerson Therapy

The Gerson Therapy™ is a natural treatment that activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself through an organic, plant-based diet, raw juices, coffee enemas and natural supplements.

With its whole-body approach to healing, the Gerson Therapy™ naturally reactivates your body’s magnificent ability to heal itself – with no damaging side effects. This a powerful, natural treatment boosts the body’s own immune system to heal cancer, arthritis, heart disease, allergies, and many other degenerative diseases. Dr Max Gerson developed the Gerson Therapy™ in the 1930s, initially as a treatment for his own debilitating migraines, and eventually as a treatment for degenerative diseases such as skin tuberculosis, diabetes and, most famously, cancer.

Dr. Max Gerson

The Gerson Therapy

The Hoxsey Therapy


Biomedical Centre Mexico Tijuana – Liz Jones

If you have cancer or know someone who does, you already understand the physical and psychological toll that it takes on a person. The symptoms of the disease are both painful and distressing. Conventional treatments do not always work and often cause serious side effects.

Modern medicine has made incredible progress in improving human health. However, conventional cancer treatment is often very painful to the patient and is not always effective. Fortunately, there are now alternative therapies that can offer great results without the problems that are associated with mainstream therapies.

Bio Medical Center specializes in alternative therapies for cancer and a wide variety of illnesses and conditions. Patients with multiple sclerosis, emphysema, and other problems have all benefitted from these remedies. Regardless of the illness being treated, the doctors here believe that helping the patient maintain a high quality of life is an essential part of any cure.

Intravenous Vitamin C

Discovered by Dr Linus Pauling.

With Intravenous vitamin C you have to make your own mind up like all the others. It should help a lot. But not your sole attack.

Essiac Tea

This is a popular treatment. It is an American Indian recipe that is made up of burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm and  Indian rhubarb root.

Hyperbaric Chamber – Pump your cells full of cancer-killing oxygen

Hyperbaric chamber therapy, otherwise known as hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), is a medical treatment used to help boost the body’s natural healing processes.

Historically, hyperbaric oxygen therapy was first used in the U.S. in the early 1900s. Later, it was used to treat decompression sickness, a hazard of scuba diving. Today, HBOT is prescribed and supervised medically by institutions such as Mayo Clinic, and it may even be covered by insurance (depending on the condition it’s used to treat).


Hydrotherapy uses water and temperature such as hot/cold baths, saunas, whirlpools, wraps, colonics, enemas, etc, as a method to promote healing.  Various forms of water therapy have been used for centuries in the treatment of disease and injury by many cultures including those of ancient Rome, China, and Japan.

BCE5 – Curaderm for Skin Cancer

This was discovered in Australia when animals with eye cancer rubbed themselves up to a Devils Apple Tree.

About Dr Cham

Dr Bill Cham

From a scientific perspective, Professor Dr Bill Cham has achieved a scientist’s dream. From laboratory experiments he has discovered and identified substances in plant material that showed anticancer properties when investigated in test tubes. He then proceeded to show that these substances known now as BEC was killing cancer cells and most importantly why BEC was not killing normal cells. Finally, he critically evaluated the results of his experiments and applied these to the treatment of human skin cancer. The outcome is now history and a treatment for non-melanoma  skin cancer is available to the public.

These events were not fortuitous, they were achieved by tenacious, accurate and responsible work in which lateral thinking was essential. His lateral thinking was fed by his background training at highly regarded universities worldwide. He has a degree in Chemistry, a degree in Biochemistry and holds a Doctorate in the school of medicine, exactly the recipe for mastering drug development and taking it to clinical application. His achievements in the scientific field is evidenced by the recognition of his work worldwide in that, currently, a large number of scientists are applying and extending his observations in the search for a treatment of terminal internal cancers.

From a humanitarian perspective Dr Cham has obtained tremendous satisfaction from patients, who by using Curaderm BEC5 can now lead a life with dignity and with a zest to continue living unashamedly.

Dr Cham we thank you for your tireless and unselfish contribution to mankind

Removing Amalgam fillings that have mercury.

Mercury, as we all know, is a highly toxic heavy metal as mentioned in this post on leaky gut syndrome. Even low levels of exposure can lead to a variety of adverse health conditions. Still, it continues to be used as a major component in silver amalgam fillings. While you may think your fillings are stable and solid and are not leaching into your system, any amount of friction can cause the fillings to release small amounts of Mercury gas. This gas may subsequently be absorbed into the body, resulting in Mercury toxicity. The connection between ‘silver amalgam’ fillings and cancer was first discovered in Europe, and many countries within the European Union have since banned, or greatly restricted, their use. Unfortunately, the United States has yet to follow suit, and mercury-contaminated ‘silver amalgam’ fillings are still the most common type of filling used by dentists in the US.


Acupuncture has proven effective in treating different facets of cancer and cancer treatments

Infrared Sauna

Sauna is not a recent invention of mankind. In fact, the cradle of the sauna is far from the luxurious spas from today. Ancient civilizations from all parts of the world once made use of rudimentary facilities, with the aim of raising body temperature (hyperthermia) to promote profuse sweating, aware that this powerful mechanism could activate healing processes in the body.

The healing effects of sauna are mainly derived from the activation of the parasympathetic system.

Science has further proven several benefits of regular use of sauna and in particular the use of the infrared sauna, which uses infrared radiation (or light) to increase temperature. It also has more therapeutic effects when compared to steam. [1]

Deep detoxification

An integrative approach to treating cancer will never be complete without a detoxification program. Among the different ways to eliminate waste from our body, sweat plays a key role. It has been said that the skin is the main detoxification organ in our body. Heavy metals, phenols, phthalate, medications of chronic use, and many other cancer-causing chemicals are expelled out through our pores when we sweat


Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF or PEMT

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy is a non-invasive, painless treatment that works by emitting a pulsating, varying intensity and frequency electromagnetic field, coming from a solenoid placed around the patient. Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy was approved by the FDA in 1979 specifically for the healing of nonunion fractures, which came after a Columbia University study that was encouraged by NASA, and has recently gained attention in the U.S (even appearing as a segment on the Dr. Oz Show). The value of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy has been shown to cover a wide range of conditions, with well documented trials carried out by hospitals, rheumatologists, physiotherapists, and neurologists. PEMF was widely used and with great success in the 19th and early 20th century. These primitive electromagnetic therapeutic devices were used by both medical doctors and non-allopathic health practitioners.

PEMF therapies may be one approach to enhancing the value of existing treatments for cancer. There may be benefits related to improving healthy oxygen circulation, promoting the growth of healthy cells, and improving the quality of breathing, a benefit of particular benefit to individuals with lung cancer. PEMF therapy may also help with the pain. Cancer often brings with it one or more of four different types of pain.


Spiritual and emotional

Always stay positive. Clear your mind of negative thoughts about cancer, especially any from your oncologist.

God is a universal term for spiritual energy, Universal laws, mathematical structures, entwining the universe, and all life. Get involved and get connected with the FORCE.

Releasing negative emotions using Evox therapy

Recall Healing

Hawaiian way of forgiving yourself.

Please forgive me, I love you and thank you



A list of Doctors and Healers

All these doctors and health practitioners have something special to say and offer. Dr Brownstein, the Health Ranger (Mike Adams) and Dr Sircus, Dr Axe I know well and respect them a lot.

When you have been diagnosed with cancer you need to stop as much as you can, take a deep breath, make a lot of notes and make a plan that feels good.  You will have to pick your way through this mini-book and especially the doctors over a quiet, peaceful week. This is the secret to health. Don’t let your monkey mind distract you from saving your life or the life of a loved one. And keep reviewing the materials from if you have chosen to buy them.

Dr Sircus

Dr Martin Goldstein


Dr Thomas Seyfried

Dr Yanigasawa

Dr Homer Lim

Dr Rengasamy

Dr Gaston Cornu-Labat

Dr Max Gerson

Dr Brownstein

The Health Ranger

Dr Keith Scott Mumby

Dr Axe

Burzynski Clinic


Dr Rath

Hoxsey Therapy


Dr Cham

Dr Joseph Mercola

Dr Jonathon Wright


 Dr Patrick Quillin

Dr John Beard

Bob Wright

Dr Buttar

9 Cancer Cures You Might Want to Know!

1. Turmeric — Most turmeric sold in America suffers from high lead content and a high count of microbes. By purchasing cheap turmeric, you could actually be increasing the heavy metal toxins and bacteria that you consume, driving cancer cells. Do the exact opposite! Find an organic turmeric tincture that contains the phytonutrient curcumin, and you can build natural immunity.

2. Hemp seed oil — Cold-pressing the seed of the Cannabis sativa (hemp plant) produces a very important oil that is legally purchased in the United States at health food stores across the nation! It’s very high in essential fatty acid content, and it does NOT contain the psychoactive THC ingredient used by people who smoke pot. A member of the achene family of fruits, it’s regarded as a “superfood” due to its unique ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 essential fatty acids and contains up to 5% pure GLA, which is even higher than in spirulina. For thousands of years, hemp seed oil has been used in elixirs and medicinal teas to provide anti-mutagenic action which prevents genetic damage by free radicals and/or radiation. You probably won’t see banners about it at the “pink” ribbon march or “walk for the cure.”

3. Reishi mushrooms — You won’t find reishi on salads at restaurants or packaged at your typical conventional grocer. Go to health food stores and check the supplements and dried powders, usually sold as capsules. Reishi have been used to treat countless ailments in the Far East for over two millennia. In China, they’re called the “Mushrooms of Immortality.” Reishi are meant for long-term consumption and have been linked to reduced blood pressure and improved nerve function and stamina! You might treat cancer and diabetes with reishi mushroom, just don’t tell the hospital administrators or your local newspaper that it worked so well, or they might have to report you to the Medical Mafia. When you start talking about important polysaccharides and saponins that decrease cell proliferation in cancerous lungs, the oncologists’ cash registers stop ringing and they send you home to LIVE!

4. Melatonin — Hello, scavengers of free radicals! Did you know that you can combat free-radical damage WHILE you sleep? It’s true. Since its discovery over 50 years ago, melatonin has demonstrated itself as a functionally diverse molecule with antioxidant properties. A vast amount of experimental research has revealed its vital role in the body’s defense against numerous cell-damaging free radicals because it possesses 200% more antioxidant power than vitamin E. Melatonin reduces oxidative damage and has been found to be superior to glutathione and vitamins C and E. It fights free-radical-related diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancer. It’s true that the body naturally produces melatonin in the brain, but if you’re diabetic, borderline diabetic or over the age of 55, it’s common to need supplementation. Ask your naturopath!

5. Real spring water without added fluoride (with average pH level of 8.8!) — If you’re fighting cancer, you most likely are in desperation to adjust your body’s pH. Nearly every nutritionist on the planet would tell you to eat plenty of raw organic vegetables and fruits and consume lots of water — and it better be real spring water to help alkalize the body.

6. Baking soda — Yes, the cheap kind that you find in most stores! Simply put a teaspoon in a glass of water daily and help alkalize your system so cancer can’t even survive if it wanted to. Cancer cannot survive when your cells have plenty of oxygen and your body is not acidic. The baking soda is so simple that you’ll never hear this advice from the mouth of an MD or oncologist, because the AMA/FDA/FTC will come shut them down. There’s no money for the mafia-style medical establishment in selling baking soda and the formula for killing cancer.

7. Organic garlic cloves — Beat down the pathogens thanks to over 200 biologically active components! There is a special enzyme that the “bad guys” (mutated cells) use to multiply, and it’s called “ornithine decarboxylase.” You could block this enzyme and cut off the enemy’s “supply lines.” How much easier would it be to beat cancer if cancer cells had NO fuel?!

8. Apricot seed kernels — The apricot seed “cyanide” controversy foolishly obscures an effective alternative cancer cure. Thousands of people have used apricot seeds to eliminate cancer without negative side effects. What if the “cyanide” from myths that scare you are really referring to the kind that KILLS CANCER and NOT you? Don’t let the medical mafia scare you away from longevity!

9. Cannabis sativa — The “Father of Chinese Medicine” discovered the healing properties of marijuana in 2700 BC. Throughout history, the ancient Egyptians, Persians and even Greek civilizations used medical cannabis. Mainstream medicine in the USA is very slow to recognize this because the DEA absurdly classifies it as a Schedule I narcotic, scaring off would-be patients and doctors.

Dr Lewis Thomas

Shu Funase

Celebrating Our Freedoms: What About Medical Freedom For Treating Cancer?

Dr Tony Jimenez

Bob Wright

Sayer Ji

Joel Salatin

Dr Yu cheng kuo

Dr Baylock

Dr Sunil Pai

Dr Suzanne Humphries

Dr Rigvr


Dr Hassami

Dr Palevsky

Del Bigtree

Dr Chris Motley

Dr Billy Demoss


Dr Tenpenny

Dr Badakashan

Dr Thomas Lodi


Dr Chilkov

Dr Simoncini

Dr Scott Bell

Dr Billy Demoss


Cilla Whatcott

Dr Farley

Dr Ben Johnson

Dr Homer Lim

Cells have a protein coating

Cancer cells are coated with protein which makes it hard for the immune system to kill them.  Trypsin and Chymotrypsin can dissolve the protein. It is available from raw pigs pancreas and other sources.

And another way. Over 100 years ago, Dr John Beard at the University of Edinburgh discovered that the body’s primary mechanism for destroying cancer is contained in pancreatin, a secretion from the pancreas that includes enzymes for digesting protein.  Among other things. Dr Beard presented papers to show recoveries using pancreatin to attack the malignancy, without the toxic side effects on other functions of the body.


Hypoxia-inducible factors, or HIFs

Cancer cells in a growing tumor can adapt to oxygen deprivation by hijacking these HIFs

For example, HIF turns on a protein called VEGF to induce new blood vessels, and multiple VEGF inhibitory drugs are now used to fight cancer. ( 


Cancer like sugar. It is good to avoid all sugar. Losing weight helps fight cancer. The Ketogenic diet helps lose weight AND reduce blood sugar levels.

You might have heard that sugar causes cancer or makes it grow faster. In some ways, this makes sense. Every cell in your body uses blood sugar (glucose) for energy. But cancer cells use about 200 times more than normal cells. Tumours that start in the thin, flat (squamous) cells in your lungs gobble up even more glucose. They need huge amounts of sugar to fuel their growth. (


The idea that cancer cells thrive on sugar has been around at least since the 1924 publication of Dr Otto Warburg’s paper, On Metabolism of Tumors. Warburg was a Nobel Prize-winning cell biologist who hypothesized that cancer growth was caused when cancer cells converted glucose into energy through glycolysis in the presence of oxygen. The Warburg Effect, present in the majority of cancers, is another name for aerobic glycolysis.1 This was an interesting assertion, in part because we know that healthy cells make energy by converting pyruvate and oxygen. The pyruvate is oxidized within a healthy cell’s mitochondria. Since cancer cells don’t oxidize pyruvate, Warburg thought cancer must be considered a mitochondrial dysfunction.



Cancer thrives in a low oxygen environment. Lots of oxygen can help fight the cancer. Time in a Hyperbaric chamber can do this.


Mitochondria are membrane-bound cell organelles (mitochondrion, singular) that generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell’s biochemical reactions. Chemical energy produced by the mitochondria is stored in a small molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Mitochondria contain their own small chromosomes.  Juicing fruit and vegetables is one way to increase the energy of the Mitochondria and kill the cancer

Inflammation encourages cancer to grow

Ginger and Turmeric are good for reducing inflammation.



How Does B17 Kill Cancer Cells?

Here is a basic outline of how B17 kills cancer, but first know that vitamin B17 is composed of two molecules of glucose (a sugar), one molecule of hydrocyanic acid (hydrogen cyanide), and one molecule of benzaldehyde (an analgesic/painkiller).

Our bodies use enzymes to perform a number of tasks.  One of these enzymes is called rhodanese.  It is found in large quantities throughout our entire bodies, except where cancer cells are present. When cancer is present, a new enzyme makes its presence known at the cancer site.  It is called beta-glucosidase.  Rhodanese is EVERYWHERE in our bodies, EXCEPT where cancer cells are present and beta-glucosidase, which is found NOWHERE in our bodies EXCEPT where cancer cells are found.

The enzyme rhodanese breaks down vitamin B17 as soon as it enters the body. It converts it into two by-products known as thiocyanate and benzoic acid.  Both of these by-products are helpful in the feeding of healthy cells.  These by-products, if in excess, are eliminated by urination. When B17 enters your body, the rhodanese immediately begins to convert it.  The B17’s lifespan in the body is approximately 80 minutes. Over 80% of the vitamin administered is excreted from the body in 4 hours.  The usual metabolic approach to vitamin B17 therapy is to provide the patient with adequate nutritional support, with doses of vitamins and minerals, and other active natural substances.

When vitamin B17 meets the destructive cancer cell, there is no rhodanese to break it down. Beta-glucosidase is now the only enzyme present.  As B17 and beta-glucosidase meet, they create a chemical reaction that synergistically combines the one hydrogen cyanide molecule and the one benzaldehyde molecule.  This creates a poison that kills the cancer cell.  Vitamin B17, in the presence of beta-glucosidase, targets cancer cells specifically and destroys them.

Cyanide-not as scary as you think

Now the word “cyanide” can be a little scary. I am sure you have read, as I have, that “cyanide” is a bad thing. However, not all cyanide compounds are poisonous.  Humans are always in contact with cyanide, this compound is present in the food you eat, as there are more than 1,200 kinds of foods that have it, cyanide is in the air you breathe because this chemical is released in the air when materials are burnt, like plastic and cigarette smoke, it is also in the chemical to develop a photograph, it is used to make textiles, plastic and paper. In short,  you are in contact with cyanide by breathing air, touching the soil, drinking water and eating food every day.

Also, there is no “free hydrogen cyanide” in vitamin B17. Hydrogen cyanide MUST BE FORMED.  Remember when we discussed the enzyme beta-glucosidase?  That enzyme is the ONLY ENZYME able to make and form hydrogen cyanide from vitamin B17. If there are no cancer cells present, there is no beta-glucosidase. If there is no beta-glucosidase, there is no hydrogen cyanide made from vitamin B17. Can there be another way to create the hydrogen cyanide? I don’t believe so, but if there were, the amount made would be so small, it would have little or no toxic effect whatsoever. The chemicals found in chemotherapy treatments are thousands of times more toxic than B17.

Vitamin B17 does, however, have the cyanide radical (CN-). Let me ask you this… Do you like strawberries?  Have you ever eaten them? Well, if you have eaten them, you have ingested that very same cyanide radical.  It is found in strawberries and also in vitamin B12.  Have you ever heard of anyone getting cyanide poisoning from eating strawberries or taking vitamin B12? I have not.


  1. What are the side effects of Rigvir®? Other than fatigue and sleepiness, some patients feel a little feverish (up to 99.5°F). Actually, this is a good thing because it means their immune system is up and running.
    1. What types of tumors does Rigvir® treat? Rigvir® can be used to fight solid tumors only. This means it cannot help fight such malignancies as leukemia, myeloma, and lymphomas. You will find the complete list of Rigvir® sensitive tumors later in the article.
    2. Can Rigvir® be combined with other treatments? Yes, Rigvir® can be combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy as well as be used as a monotherapy. Please note, however, that Rigvir® cannot be recommended as a preventive measure or in non-cancer cases. (   This guy is worth reading, but he could be big pharma?

Some ideas behind killing cancer

When people heal their cancer using natural treatments it can be hard to know whether one thing did it or a combination of things. It is about ‘healing the body.  I tend to think cancer is a disease of Dis-ease. I think it is true that poisons like glyphosate(roundup)  give you cancer (the World Health Organization says it does) and G5 wireless radiation, and stress, and all the other poisons we ingest in our food and environment. So, it makes sense if ‘dis-ease’ causes cancer you would use ‘ease’ to cure it. No stress, no poisons, fresh organic food, fun and laughter. I say this because big pharma has so many writers in their pay writing disinformation to confuse people AND some natural treatments lack scientific evidence but have lots of anecdotal evidence.

I believe all the therapies in this article and promoted by ‘The truth about cancer’ are in the ‘ease’ category and when combined — like the Japanese eat a wide range of foods to capture all their nutrient needs — with a myriad of protocols like organic food, clean water, rebound, B17 etc it does not just target cancer it targets your overall health so you can be at ‘ease’ and your body will heal itself. this will give you the strength to heal and avoid Cachexia, the wasting disease that kills a lot of people way before the cancer could.

Dr keith Scott-Mumby from Las Vegas said it right. Your system can handle quite a bit of rubbish, but it has a tipping point. You should never get to the tipping point (cancer, heart attack etc) so you should eat 95% healthy every day.  I often think that junk food, laziness is an issue not resolved about your childhood. Why wouldn’t you have the most optimum diet to make YOURSELF perfectly healthy unless there is some negative, even evil thinking, tucked away deep down inside of you.

So choose your protocols based on where you live, what’s at hand, how much self-control you have or have not. 

Make sure you cut out at least 5 bad things. Sugar, 5G, Glyphosate, Laziness and negative thinking and adopt at least 5 good things. Organic food, pure mineralized water, love and happiness, Turmeric with a pinch of black pepper and exercise. Finally, it makes sense to try and kill cancer directly like with B17 and Mistletoe as well as boost your immune system, so it can kill it too. Roditch 2021

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