
Do you really want to be a blended frog?

Before you read this it is worth watching this interview between Archbishop Vigano and journalist Dr. Robert Moynihan. It is priceless.


I love the frog in a blender story. Until now I never really got it. Why now? Because now we are all being slowly blended by the globalists and seemingly don’t mind being blended as long it is done slowly. Does this mean, we are all fat, playing with our phones because we have given up and depressed. Yes it does.

No matter how much you want to criticize religious people, most of them seem to be happy: the positive psychological consequence of believing in something greater than yourself.

You only need to read this far to know you have to make a decision: be blended or not!

I am currently watching a 10 year old series called ‘The Vikings’ and recoil in horror every time I hear somebody say, ‘I want to be King.” These words stem from the animal kingdom, top dog, head monkey, lone wolf, proud lion, scaredy cat, slimy frog, slithering snake, soaring eagle, Queen bee, King of the jungle and stubborn bull. I save my soul from such tedious words of power and think about humility and  vengeance is my said the Lord. Back to believing in something higher than ourselves; we must do it or we will be lost to the animal kingdom forever. 10 years ago, I was pummeled to my knees through dire circumstances. Until one day I learned to embrace my humility, my beautiful, perfect drop in the ocean. Escaping for a second and not.

There are numerous examples of how we are all being blended, usually slowly, without us knowing before it is too late. So, it is important to know thyself, and know how much of your life is free and how much isn’t and how the ‘powerful ones’ are acting on your freedom at any time.

Some Examples


Constantine and his friends (The First Council of Nicaea ) allowed books to be added to the bible that retained power to the Roman Catholic Church. But, as revealed in the Gnostic Texts discovered in 1945 many books that showed Jesus talking about finding God within and Heaven is here on Earth wee left out. Without knowing the truth of Jesus’s full teachings we are in a blender.


The Western Westminister system of government is called democracy. In actual fact there is no democracy because most political parties and leaders are influenced, if not controlled, by the rich and powerful. And even if they wern’t, they spend and incredible amount of their time buoying up their own positions while being financed by the tax payer. A real democratic system would be a referendum style of government where everyone got a chance to vote on policy: environment, education, health, tax etc. This would be an ongoing process, maybe a monthly event, managed digitally, instead of the farce of voting for someone every four years, who do what ever they want. In Australia it is illegal not to vote. Democracy is forced on people when they don’t have real choices. If you really think Western Governments are democratic, sorry, your are spinning quite fast in the blender.


If you think different races are discriminated against and need to be treated differently on masse then you are racist. In Australia, all refugees, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, black, white, yellow coming to the country are all treated the same and showered with money and help from the government. Some of them respect the government for their help, freely become eduacted or find employment and others never work and live off the social system: taxpayers = people who work, money. Everyone arrives the same, but many people are lazy and abuse the system. If you think becasue you are African or Afghani and people are against you, you are spinning slow and steady.


I believe the Catholic Church burnt witches (who were they really? witches are from disneyland) becasue men fear powerful women. They dictate their power over women in religious texts so they can rule them, becasue the bible and Koran, that men wrote says so. It is a joke and has cursed women for centuries. If you really think that men should be boss and they are superior to women, you are definitely in the blender. From my own experience women are generally smarter, braver and wiser than men, men the war mongers and killers.


For way too long doctors have set themselves up into a postion of ultimate power of your health. But, they offer very little in taking care of your health. Maybe they are ok at surgery and scietific diagnosis but lousy at curing anything and saving your life. they are also incredibly rich. they get paid a huge amount for watching you die with chemotherapy. Most many of us do not get paid if we fail to do our job properly. Nutrition, herbs, minerals, exercise, spirituality, stress are all important, the most important, facets of our health that doctors and their pharmaceutical company cohorts are completely inept at supporting. If you beleive doctors and hospitals can cure your ills better than you can, you are about to be mashed in the blender.


If you think the only way to God is through church or the mosque then you have fallen into the hands of the church leaders like the the Catholic Church, one of the richest corporations in the world and the Muslim leaders who call everyone else infidels. Again God is within and without and everywhere. We all live in and are creation. God is not the creator. God is the creation becasue they are the same thing. All answers come from within, from our soul/ spirit and that is where we should seek and find what we are looking for. If you are a Christian or Muslim following only the words, written centuries after any event, were written then you will be blended for sure. Why? because only true peace can come from knowing God is within and has no name or no book or no religion.


Just another brick in the wall. I like the idea of a Zen Warrior honing his skills through his lifetime. Life skills: fixing, building, growing, healing, teaching, honing, reproducing, wandering, thinking, creating, loving, helping, communicating, discovering and transforming. These are what we should be learning. To go to a school for 22 years without learning these things is criminal, and shows you what kind of world you live in. Fodder for the gloablists machine. If you are not developing the skills above and more, consider yourself close to blended.


Teams are the illusion that you belong, a construct of your mind, not real. Whether you belong to team politics, sport, race, religion, work or race there is no real connection to these things. There is only one team you should committ to wholeheartedly and that is team soul. Work with your SELF and from that amazing and fecund relationship and foundation build your life. If you don’tknow your SELF then jump out of the blender now and start looking.

The current situation of overreach with authorities regarding covid-19: mandating endless vaccines, that don’t even work, that are killing people and not mandating Vitamin D3, Aspirin, Budesonide, Vitamin A, Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine, Quercetin and Vitamin C, that do work, seem like they have put us all in a blender and turning up the power.  It has taken me a long time to believe that it is all a hidden agenda: to reduce the population of the Earth by people like Bill Gates, Soros and Klaus Schwab, but now I do. I have spent over 18 months following the cures and symptoms of a virus that doesn’t even officially exist that is treated by billionaire making drugs that are slowly killing everyone that took them.

If you are in the blender: taken the vaccine and don’t believe a word of this. Watch this video by Dr Peter McCullough one of the most qualified and decorated doctors in America and then decide if he or Joe Biden are qualified to look after your health, your freedom and your life. If you think he is wrong then it is time to be blended, you are ready.

If you think he is right, then jump out of the blender and jump into the arms of everyone who already have and are doing their best to rescue you. Learn the truth and put it into action for yourself and your family.

“Dr Peter McCullough”




The Most important Video you will ever see.


COVID-19 vaccines result in far more deaths in just 10 months than all other vaccines combined for the last 30 years

Data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines had been associated to the deaths of 16,310 people since December last year. Prior to that, there had only been 6,214 people who died from all vaccines approved by the Food and Drug Administration  .

There have also been more permanent disabilities, life-threatening reactions and hospitalizations from COVID-19 vaccines compared to all other mandated jabs in the past 30 years. The database has also recorded 2,102 fetal deaths following the inoculation of the COVID-19 shots in pregnant women.

Yet, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to tell American people and pregnant women that it is safe to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

Record number of people suffering from adverse effects

The CDC admits that there are risks of thrombosis and heart diseases from the COVID-19 vaccines, especially among younger males. However, they brush aside these known side effects as “rare” and continue to push people to get the shots despite the risks.

The VAERS database is open to the public to fact-check their claims. As of October 1, there had been 12,553 cases of thrombosis recorded through VAERS, resulting in 589 death, 869 permanent disabilities and 2,543 life-threatening events for people who took COVID-19 shots in the first 10 months of rollout. Using the same data for all the vaccines in the past 30 years, there have been 487 cases of thrombosis resulting in 18 deaths, 65 permanent disabilities and 110 life-threatening events.

Since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, there had been 26 times more cases of blood clots and 33 times more deaths from blood clots than cases and deaths due to blood clots following all other types of vaccinations in the past 30 years.

Senior citizens over the age of 65 comprise 76 percent of the recorded deaths following the COVID-19 vaccination, which translates to 12,396 deaths. Before the COVID-19 vaccination, there had only been 1,068 people over the age of 65 who died from any of the previous types of vaccines in the past 30 years.

Older adults are among the hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic. People 65 years and older represent nearly 80 percent of all COVID-19 deaths as of September 29. At the same time, these older adults are among the first to receive the vaccine and have the highest vaccination rates among all age groups, with 83.3 percent fully vaccinated.

Despite these numbers, the CDC and the FDA still approved the booster dose for this age group.

COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations rise among vaccinated

In Pennsylvania, COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations . Officials say that the majority of people in the area are vaccinated, but it is likely that the protection has already waned.

The Department of Health data on so-called breakthrough infections shows that between September 5 and October 4, about a quarter of infections and nearly 5,000 hospital admissions across the state were among vaccinated individuals. As more people get vaccinated, there are also more vaccinated people who contract the virus and eventually wind up in the hospital.

The situation in Pennsylvania mirrors the national impact of the virus. COVID-19 cases accounted for 14 percent of U.S. hospitalizations and 16 percent of deaths in June and July – about twice the percentage compared to earlier in the year.



The covid virus has NEVER been isolated and shown to cause disease… the entire pandemic is based on a fake science myth

Many people are unaware of it, but the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), also known as SARS-CoV-2, has still not been properly isolated, meaning it does not technically exist.

In response to a request that was made under the Transparency Act of 2013, the Ministry of Health in Spain recently acknowledged that “it does not have a SARS-CoV-2 culture” in its possession, nor is there a “registry of laboratories with culture and isolation capacity for testing.”

The response went on to discharge all responsibility for diagnoses and treatment onto health professionals, clarifying that “tests, by themselves, are not usually sufficient to determine the disease.”

Amazingly, the Spanish newspaper El Diestro reported on September 30 that these so-called “tests,” which have repeatedly been proven fraudulent, “are not usually enough to determine the disease.” Despite this, PCR tests have been used to justify government impositions about lockdowns, mask mandates and now, “vaccine” requirements.

Here in the United States, hundreds of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests have revealed that there is not a single record anywhere in the world of SARS-CoV-2 having been isolated or purified.

“Would a sane person mix a patient sample (containing various sources of genetic material and never proven to contain any particular virus) with transfected monkey kidney cells, fetal bovine serum and toxic drugs, then claim that the resulting concoction is ‘SARS-COV-2 isolate’ and ship it off internationally for use in critical research (including vaccine and test development)?” asked The Exposé‘s Christine Massey.

“Because that’s the sort of fraudulent monkey business that’s being passed off as ‘virus isolation’ by research teams around the world.

When pressed for proof that covid really exists, governments have nothing to show

On Feb. 15, 2021, Kepa Ormazabal, a Spanish researcher, submitted an FOIA request about this very thing. He wanted to see proof that SARS-CoV-2 had truly been isolated and purified, and determined to exist in the way the government claims it does.

The Basque Country Office of the President and Department of Health, along with all other dependent institutions, ignored Ormazabal’s request because they had nothing to say.

“According to the law, they have 30 days to respond,” Ormazabal’s told the media several months later. “Sixty days if the question is especially complex. Today is May 2nd and I have not heard from them.”

On March 30, Ormazabal submitted another FOIA request to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Higher Council of Scientific Research), which is considered the flagship of Spanish research. Once again, Ormazabal did not receive a response.

“Again, they have not responded and, therefore, their silence is refusing access to the information they may hold in regards to my question,” Ormazabal reported.

“The CSIC and the Basque government are public institutions and, therefore, must comply with the law of transparency, good governance and access to public information. Article 20.4 of this law states that, if after 30 days there has been no response from the public administration, this silence is to be understood as meaning that the request to access the public information solicited has been refused.”

To this day, not a single government or research agency has procured solid evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is real in the way we have all been told. There are no sample cultures available or really anything to show that the China Virus is anything other than a false flag , exercise being used to usher the planet into a new world order.

There is a wealth of information published by The Exposé about this subject that is worth your time to look over and consider.



Roditch octover 2021

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