food medicine

Nayure’s Guide to Eating Fit

Nature’s Guide to Eating Fit

Food is your medicine

Most modern people in the world spend a fortune on medicine and beauty projects and get a minimal return. A much better alternative that can save you money is creating a home medicine plan and sticking to it. “Food is your medicine” is an adage that goes back in time and is more relevant now than ever before. It is just a matter of knowing the true value of each food and incorporating it into your diet. In this book, we will look a bit deeper into the health benefits of food and herbs that will help you live a long and disease-free life without spending an extra dollar.

It is important to increase the good foods and decrease the bad ones. If you truly love yourself and your family, you will treat your body like a temple and not a garbage dump. The cliché “eat to live and not live to eat” should be your mantra while you are weaning yourself off baby feel-good foods and onto superfoods. Yes, it is much better to be a superhero than a dumpster.

This book is a good start because I want you to be strong and healthy, disease-free, and “super.” For the last 10 years, I have had a tablespoon of herbal powder that includes ginger, turmeric, Andrographis, cayenne pepper, and cinnamon every morning. This is a cheap and easy way to reduce inflammation, reduce weight, thin your blood, and be virus-free. I also like to use coconut or olive oil, drink lemon water, and eat fermented foods like Tua Nao. So far, so good. Touch wood—I am feeling healthy for a 70-year-old.

You will already use many of the items in this book for the same reasons I do. Green tea, organic coffee, and some common herbs like mint, chili, and garlic I recommend you use most of the foods and herbs in this book in any given week and reduce your consumption of junk food considerably. The crazy thing about many of us humans, including me, is we like to eat crap food to make us feel better when healthy food does that. The constant cravings for sweet and salty food, just like smoking and drinking, with a few exceptions, are sending us to hell before we die. It is your decision.

The decisions you can make to lengthen your life and reduce the pain of medical intervention, both physically and monetarily, are made much easier if you follow this book because all it is doing is turning the clock back a few years. Back when food and medicine were in the hands of farmers and mothers and not huge factories and pharmaceutical corporations that wanted all your money.

There is no specific order in this book. You can flick through it and choose the things you can do and get easily, and then build your daily routines on that solid foundation. I would say that the most important things to consider are eating food that is organic, locally grown, and in season; drinking pure water; consuming turmeric and a pinch of black pepper; and cutting out junk food and snacks that are just memories of childhood birthdays.

This book is available on Amazon

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