Democracy is not free
Democracy – “control of an organization or group by the majority of its members.”
There is a dark side to democracy: political parties are not the same as the people who elect them. The majority of the voters do not control the organisation or group they elected.
This flaw is bringing the world to its knees. Political parties represent vested interests, (oligarchs, globalists, bankers) and themselves. They do not represent the people who gave them power.
An old friend used to talk about government by referendum. I agree with him. If the majority of members want control of the group or organisation they must have the chance to vote on major government actions and policy. This can be done with referendums by all citizens on a regular basis thanks to modern technology. This will never happen.
If you want democracy, government by the people, for the people, then you need to be actively engaged in your local and regional committees in a bi partisan way, “involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other’s policies.”
Instead do it for the common good. For the protection of people’s and animal’s rights, existing constitutions and beliefs.
I do not believe we should pay taxes for wars, politicians and civil servants without accountability and economy. A good example of this is the billions of American’s tax money recently given to the Taliban in Afghanistan without their permission. It appears that government leaders like Joe Biden, lifetime recipients of your hard earned money, are happy to give your money away.
Before the Us left Afghanistan.
“The United States has lost $19 billion in Afghanistan since 2002 due to “waste, fraud and abuse,” the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) said in a new report released Tuesday.
When they left Afghanistan
“It is unconscionable that high-tech military equipment paid for by U.S. taxpayers has fallen into the hands of the Taliban and their terrorist allies,” they added. “Securing U.S. assets should have been among the top priorities for the U.S. Department of Defence prior to announcing the withdrawal from Afghanistan.”
An estimate of the gear left behind is around $10 billion
10 plus 19 = $29 billion
That means every living person in the US gave the Taliban and corrupt officials $88. Yep, out of your pocket.
The way governments waste your money is disgusting. They don’t care, because you keep paying them no matter what.
I am also aghast at how much time politicians spend on maintaining their party’s and their own individual power, using your money to do so. Yep again. You are paying politicians so they can work hard to keep themselves in a job, indefinitely. Look at the age of Joe Biden: 79. What!
This erosion of democracy has speeded up. The presidents of China and Russia have changed the rules to suit themselves to stay in power forever. Western governments are puppets to globalists, bankers and oligarchs (rich people).
Endless examples: you get it.
The next time you encounter undemocratic behaviour I suggest you and your friends/community take action to correct it. Whether it is a local issue like school lunches, a national one like vaccine mandates or a global one like the war in Ukraine. If you don’t, one day soon you will wake up to Putin, Xi or Hitler. Your apathy will have reached its natural conclusion. Maybe you already have?
Roditch 2022