referendum government

Government for the people

I am pretty sure this letter never got through to Trump or Biden. It is a beginning. I have lots to add to this letter over the coming months as Covid-19 continues to baffle and confuse 99% of the world because leaders have lost touch with who are paying their wages.

Solutions to many problems facing the United States of America and the rest of the world by Roditch

Dear Mr President,
I am a retired Australian Teacher who enjoys following American politics and the rise of a Republican Party (whose underpinning values and governance, come from their Christian beliefs) who is becoming a government for all the people. Unfortunately for a long time, the Republican Party has been an advocate for the Great American Dream which has become just a dream for too many people. To curb the rise of socialism in America I offer some ideas that would enable the Republican Party to empower millions of American citizens in a non-socialistic way.

A New Community Future – People need to empower themselves by forming NEWCOMS. New communities for the people by the people at grass roots levels.

Because Governments are often controlled, dictated to and influenced by corporations and oligarchs the only way ‘the people’ can create communities that benefit them and not corporations is to build community-based policies and programs into government.

There is no freedom as the constitution outlines if ‘the people’ cannot be the masters of their own destinies.’ With obscene medical, food, housing, pharmaceutical and other living costs it has become time for people to decide if they want to create independent powerful communities by their own hand or comply robot-like to corporation controlled governments. Whose country is this? There is a long history of corruption, power, positions in society, self-serving politicians and profit orientated cultural economics. This letter offers alternatives to the disgusting way the rich and powerful control normal people for their benefit. It requires everyone to ‘hands up’ and take responsibility for their lives and create environments and communities that truly reflect their values and beliefs.

I suggest that wherever you are on the economic ladder this letter has ideas that only need community harmony to bear fruit. We have all lived under the rule of Kings forever, which includes Governments. There are times this works and times like now where it is an abject failure. As the globalists try to lurch us towards world government we need to match this with an alternative lurch to true local community government. Who knows? In the next five years, we all may have to decide whether to be communityists or globalists. Nature or Robot lovers, sustainablists or destroyers.

Common sense can play a part in the future. No one needs to suffer from lack of food, housing, health care and education. America is a good example of a serious problem. You know, the richest country in the world with some of the poorest, it doesn’t make sense: totally out of balance. I don’t think a socialist system is an answer: redistribution of wealth. Rather a capitalist system with real profit sharing for every worker that includes training and inclusive management roles.

This letter is an intuitive, 60s historical, commonsensical , sustainable and happinessical production that just may give enough people enough new ideas (including politicians) that everyone on the planet, when born, inherits an equal share of life.

Super Nurses

Nurses can do a better job

Skyrocketing health costs can be stopped easily. Stop letting Doctors charge obscene amounts of money. This can be done by creating “super nurses” The government needs to make it possible for fully qualified nurses to study 2 more years to become super nurses. This would enable them to manage most outpatients in hospitals and quite a lot of in patients too. They can have their own clinics like in Thailand where they can deal with everyday cases like the flu, injuries and sell basic medicines. This would take national health care off the table in its current form. There would be two outcomes: the first would be affordable health care with or without insurance. The second outcome would be that if the Government wanted to have a first tier national health scheme “The Super Nurse Health Scheme” it would be very affordable.

I was shocked when reading about a woman going to the hospital “just to make sure” she was ok after a bee sting was charged $10,000 for a checkup and one injection. The Republican Party is supporting theft by stealth (uncontrolled pricing) by doctors. Part of their extra training would be the use of orthomolecular and herbal medicine.

Another way health costs can be reduced is a national health promotion scheme in all schools advocating the use of organic food, orthomolecular medicine and herbal treatments that have passed all rigorous research like Turmeric. Most herbs and vitamins are extremely effective and cheap. The Republican Party has a high percentage of Christians who should be supporting the use and protection of God’s creation: including herbs, fruits, vegetables and minerals, not just man’s creation of wealth.

Drugs, mental health and homelessness

Live on a kibbutz and rebuild your life

The homeless problem which is now out of control in many places in America like Seattle is because of the joint problem of mental health, drugs and no income can be quickly solved by creating kibbutz’s like in Israel. The Federal Government can “round them all up, in a nice way” and take them to a kibbutz which would have dorm accommodation, hospital and kitchens. The participants would not be in prison they would be told they have a new or temporary home. They would be fed and taken care of for 2 weeks while they come off drugs. Then they would work in community vegetable gardens, fruit orchards, and take care of cows for milk and cheese. They would also work in community kitchens cooking food for each other. Each person would have the option of leaving after 3 months after they have recovered somewhat from addictions, regained their health and have been counselled about their future life. Everyone would be given the option to stay. If they stayed they would be allocated a cottage house set of steel, cement blocks etc and the kibbutz members would help each person in turn to build a small cottage they can stay in: forever if they want. They would continue to work on the kibbutz sharing food and resources. There would be very clear rules in the kibbutz about everything including things like alcohol, ownership and weapons = NO. These rules would be in 2 parts. The first 3 months and the following months (a lifetime).

Education – unit by unit

University study from home and community centers

The very high cost of education is not clearly represented in just teacher’s wages. As health and education costs continue to spiral out of control there is a need for a clear and workable solution. One solution is for University education to go online and downsize into local communities, like Community Houses in Australia (computers, WIFI, books and instructors, in towns as small as 1000 people) . This can happen if the Government accredits teachers to teach subjects and units online and visit community houses. Students can be given an online resource = website that clearly defines the courses, subjects and units for a Bachelor Degree and the connect details for all the teachers. Students could continue to borrow money from the government for their degree at a 1/4 of the price it is now. In this day and age it would be easy to do, including the testing. The savings from cutting loose the real estate and administration costs of universities would be enormous. Universities would have the opportunity to provide their teachers for online teaching but this would mean they would continue to advocate for their own unsustainable existence causing pressure on the government for higher prices; they would have to compete with sole trading teachers offering their services. As mentioned before with doctors it is time for the government to side with the people, their employers, not capitalists. In doing so America and all countries will be fairer and sustainable. It will reduce costs substantially and avoid the hard change of direction into “SOCIALISM”.


Profit sharing and a very good living wage

There appear to be 2 ways to increase people’s wages to a living wage of (or an average of) around $15 (Australia is $19 minimum). “The current minimum wage in Australia is $740.80 per week, which equates to a minimum hourly rate of $19.49. The minimum wage is the absolute lowest that an employee can be paid.Feb 20, 2020” The first way is to do what Australia and other countries have done: create a minimum wage. The second way would be to create profit sharing. The government would create a minimum wage of $14 or $15 and also create/mandate a profit-sharing scheme. At the end of the financial year, a company or business would share 20% of their profits (equally) with all workers as a lump sum payment, which could be collected as a tax and distributed by the tax department or just documented for workers so that their employer can distribute it. An example would be: A business employs 10 people. It has an annual profit of 1 million Dollars. 20% of 1 million would be 200,000 shared with 10 people that is 20,000 per person. Which would equate to an extra 400 a week which would increase the hourly rate from $14 to $24 a bit above the Australian minimum wage. Again this is a way to avoid the SOCIALISM model that is becoming more popular in America due to very low incomes and very high costs.

Using America as an example there is a huge gap between the rich and poor. Unfortunately, rich people don’t know how to help poor people so profit sharing is a great option. It means employees feel loved, able to pay their bills, more interested in seeing the business flourish and prosper and part of the business, not just a worker. The business should pay less tax this way, have more loyal and productive workers and have a good feeling in their gut when they go to sleep at night.

Bartering is also a good way especially for people with low incomes to share their skills within their local community and be rewarded for their endeavours.

Super Communities self governing and self taxing “Newcoms”

This can involve organic food markets, no 5G towers, bike lanes, playgrounds and parks, fruit trees, religious and racial harmony. It can also include trade schools, certified training, art galleries, community houses and sports grounds.

The Power of 10

A leap away from apathy

Money from every single person in the world can be given on the 30th of June with a celebration to the UN/ or a combination of trusted organizations, or even a new one. and they can buy their way to heaven at the same time. The way this could work: everyone on the planet gives 1/10 of their daily income, once, on the 30th of June to the UN. The money can be used for creating fish farms for village people, water bores with pumps, medicine, food, shelter, teachers, women’s rights, victims of war, temporary housing, ecologically secure and sustainable energy and seeds.

We often feel powerless (I do) when we see disasters in the world. And think what can I do? Well, now you have the answer. If everyone on the planet does this on the same day Billions of dollars will be raised amplifying your $1-10 into a tractor or a new house and so much more. That is why this project is called the power of 10: because it amplifies and multiplies and changes the world.


We can all do God’s work sometimes, in our own way

It is time all angels stepped out of churches, the synagogues, temples and mosques, forests and donned an angel t-shirt and took calls from people in need.
Newcoms can start an Angel Service which people can volunteer to take calls at certain times from people who need help. If the Angel can accommodate the call then they would go (in pairs) and help that person; if not, contact a relevant service within the community for help.
Everyone needs help sometimes so this service can go round, pass it on. Anyone receiving an Angel service could be given an Angel T-shirt and they get a chance to help someone else in the future. There are many scenarios where this can work. Someone has run out of gas, they are short a few dollars at the supermarket, someone is lost, someone is hungry, someone is lonely, someone needs their light globe replaced, someone cannot find their dog. Like I said anything serious would be passed onto other organisations or departments.


Start with Dr Brownstein and Dr Sircus for real solutions

This virus is a menace to the world due to very bad mismanagement from the Chinese Government. Governments, scientists and doctors have been caught napping. It has been 17 years since the SARs Virus and the world still has no idea: because once a Virus is gone, Pharmaceutical companies do not make a profit. Most doctors don’t care if you live or die. Newcoms can create a booklet. One that can be updated when new information comes to hand and supply sensible advice to everyone in the community based on the main values of the community. For the current virus, a booklet could include very useful information like how to be healthy, eat more organic food, exercise more, drink alcohol in moderation, don’t smoke, meditate to stay stress-free, Vitamin D, Zinc, Magnesium Chloride, Vitamin C food sources and effective/safe doses for adults and children. It could advocate the use of Hydrogen inhalers, Hydrogen Tablets and which herbs (Turmeric, Astragalus, Rhodiola, Cayenne Pepper, Ginger, Andrographis) and essential oils (peppermint and eucalyptus) that can be used and inhaled. The use of nebulizers with Iodine and hydrogen peroxide. It would include some great recipes for chicken soup, garlic soup and Indian Curries. After careful research include ancient remedies like Lugols Iodine, Magnesium Chloride Oil, Hydrogen Peroxide and Hydrogen Gas.

Dear Mr President this is about making everyone healthy, happy and prosperous, wouldn’t you agree?

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