Have a heart

Beetroot does wonders for your heart. If you don’t fancy eating a lot of it then beetroot juice is a great option. It tastes delicious and it mixes well with lots of other vegetables and fruit.

I have a friend who has a pacemaker. When he was younger he smoked and drank too much. When he turned 60 his heart nearly gave up. It is weak, getting weaker. He looks pale, lacks energy and is kept alive with the machine inserted into his heart.

I guess there are two morals to his story. The first one is to not abuse your body when you are young: you will regret it when you are older. And the second one. If you have any health problems keep an open mind. Talk to friends, do your research and take action.

Often natural organic foods, supplements and herbs can correct the damage done by alcohol, smoking, poisons and lack of exercise.

My friend is not the slightest bit interested in hearing about good things for your heart like beetroot, cayenne pepper and Hawthorne Berry. I think he could strengthen his heart using these things and continue to use his pacemaker and take all his pharmaceuticals.

Unfortunately, he suffers from a common disease: belief in doctors. Doctors have limited tools at their disposal and refuse (mostly) to use natural medicine. I recommend that you use doctors for diagnosis and natural products for a cure where possible.

Cayenne Pepper

I know cayenne pepper is widely used with patients coming to hospitals suffering a heart attack by doctors to kick start their heart.

Cayenne pepper is a blood thinner as well. It helps your heart to pump blood through your ageing veins.

In a study published in December in Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), scientists in Italy observed that people who eat chilli peppers four times a week or more were 40 per cent less likely to die from heart attack and 60 per cent less likely to die from cerebrovascular disease such as stroke compared with those who do not regularly consume chilli peppers.

“An interesting fact is that protection from mortality risk was independent of the type of diet people followed,” says the lead investigator, Marialaura Bonaccio, PhD, an epidemiologist at the Neuromed Mediterranean Neurological Institute in Pozzilli, Italy. “In other words, someone can follow the healthy Mediterranean diet and someone else can eat less healthily, but for all of them chili pepper has a protective effect.”

Bonaccio and collaborators based their findings on data from 22,811 men and women, age 35 and older, from the Molise region in Italy.

Participants provided details on their food intake via questionnaire. A total of 23.4 percent reported eating chili peppers more than four times a week, while 33.7 said they never or seldom consumed them.

Scientists tracked their health status for an average of about eight years. During that time, 1,236 of the subjects died — just over a third of them from heart-related causes.”


Hawthorn Berry

Hawthorn is a wonderful  herb for heart ailments.

“The Hawthorn is used to help protect against heart disease and help control high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Both animal and human studies suggest hawthorn increases coronary artery blood flow, improves circulation, and lowers blood pressure. It has also been used on the skin to treat boils and skin sores.in beetroot juice lower blood pressure: https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/herb/hawthorn#:~:text=Hawthorn%20is%20used%20to%20help,treat%20boils%20and%20skin%20sores

Hawthorn is used to help protect against heart disease and help control high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Both animal and human studies suggest hawthorn increases coronary artery blood flow, improves circulation, and lowers blood pressure. It has also been used on the skin to treat boils and Hawthorn

Crataegus laevigata; Crataegus monogyna; Crataegus oxyacantha; Hedgethorn

Hawthorn (Crataegus species) has been used to treat heart disease as far back as the 1st century. By the early 1800s, American doctors were using it to treat circulatory disorders and respiratory illnesses. Traditionally, the berries were used to treat heart problems ranging from irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, chest pain, hardening of the arteries, and heart failure. Today, the leaves and flowers are used medicinally. There is even research to suggest that hawthorn might be effective when used in the treatment of mild-to-moderate heart failure.

Animal and laboratory studies report hawthorn contains antioxidants, including oligomeric procyandins (OPCs, also found in grapes) and quercetin. Antioxidants are substances that destroy free radicals, which are compounds in the body that damage cell membranes, tamper with DNA, and even cause cell death. Free radicals occur naturally in the body and grow in number as we age. Environmental toxins (including ultraviolet light, radiation, smoking, some medicines, and air pollution) can also increase the number of these damaging particles. Scientists believe free radicals contribute to the aging process (such as wrinkling), as well as the development of a number of health problems, including cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants in hawthorn may help stop some of the damage from free radicals, especially when it comes to heart disease.

Plant Description

Hawthorn is a common thorny shrub in the rose family that grows up to 5 feet tall on hillsides and in sunny wooded areas throughout the world. Its flowers bloom in May. They grow in small white, red, or pink clusters. Small berries, called haws, sprout after the flowers. They are usually red when ripe, but they may also be black. Hawthorn leaves are shiny and grow in a variety of shapes and sizes.

What is it Made Of?

Hawthorn contains many substances that may benefit the heart. These antioxidant flavonoids, including OPCs, may help dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow, and protect blood vessels from damage.

The berries, leaves, and flowers of the hawthorn plant have been used for medicinal purposes. Most modern preparations use the leaves and flowers, which are believed to contain more flavonoids than the berries.

Medicinal Uses and Indications

Hawthorn is used to help protect against heart disease and help control high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Both animal and human studies suggest hawthorn increases coronary artery blood flow, improves circulation, and lowers blood pressure. It has also been used on the skin to treat boils and skin sores.

Heart failure

Hawthorn has been studied in people with heart failure (a condition in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood to other organs in the body). More studies are needed to understand how effective it may be. A number of studies conclude that hawthorn significantly improved heart function. Studies also suggest that the herb can enhance a person’s ability to exercise following heart failure. Participants in studies have reported that hawthorn significantly improved symptoms of the disease (such as shortness of breath and fatigue). One study found that hawthorn extract (900 mg/day) taken for 2 months was as effective as low doses of captopril (a prescription heart medication) in improving symptoms of heart failure.

A large study found that a standardized hawthorn supplement was effective in 952 people with heart failure. The study compared conventional methods of treating heart failure (with different medications) with hawthorn alone and in addition to the drugs. After 2 years, the clinical symptoms of heart failure (palpitations, breathing problems, and fatigue) decreased significantly in people taking the hawthorn supplement. People taking hawthorn also took less medication for their condition.

Heart failure is a serious condition, and you should never try to self treat with hawthorn. Ask your doctor if hawthorn is right for you.

Chest pain (Angina)

Preliminary evidence suggests hawthorn may help combat chest pain (angina), which is caused by low blood flow to the heart. In one early study, 60 people with angina were given either 180 mg/day of hawthorn berry leaf flower extract or placebo for 3 weeks. Those who received hawthorn experienced improved blood flow to the heart and were also able to exercise for longer periods of time without suffering from chest pain. However, more studies are needed to say for sure whether hawthorn is effective.

High blood pressure

Although hawthorn has not been studied specifically in people with high blood pressure, some people think its benefits in treating heart disease may carry over to treating high blood pressure (hypertension). However, there is not enough research to conclude whether hawthorn is effective at lowering blood pressure, and if so, by how much.

In one study, hawthorn extract was found to be effective for hypertension in people with type 2 diabetes who were also taking prescribed medicines. Participants took 1,200 mg hawthorn extract daily or placebo for 16 weeks. Those taking hawthorn had lower blood pressure than those taking the placebo.

You should talk with your doctor before taking hawthorn if you have high blood pressure.

Available Forms

Hawthorn is available in nonstandardized and standardized capsules and liquid extracts, along with tinctures and solid extracts. A bitter-tasting tea can also be made from dried hawthorn leaves, flowers, and berries.

How to Take It


Hawthorn should not be given to children.


Speak to a knowledgeable health care provider to find the right dose for you.


The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. Herbs, however, contain components that may trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. For these reasons, you should take herbs with care, under the supervision of a health care provider qualified in the field of botanical medicine.

Side effects of Hawthorn are rare, but may include headache, nausea, and palpitations (a feeling of a racing heart). One review of 29 clinical studies with more than 5,500 people found that hawthorn was safe when used in recommended dosages. Doses found to be safe were from 160 to 1,800 mg daily, and from 3 to 24 weeks in length. You may not notice any improvement for 6 to 12 weeks.

Heart disease is a serious condition. DO NOT self treat heart conditions without telling your doctor. You should use hawthorn only under your doctor’s supervision.

DO NOT use hawthorn if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

It is important to note any changes you feel while you are taking hawthorn. People experiencing more pain, more angina attacks, or more exhaustion while walking or exercising should stop taking hawthorn and seek emergency medical attention. Even if you do not experience any of these symptoms, see your provider if your condition has not improved after 6 weeks of hawthorn treatment. Your progress should always be monitored by your doctor. Side effects may include dizziness, vertigo, headaches, migraines, and palpitations.



“Beetroot juice lowers high blood pressure, suggests research 19 January 2015: https://www.bhf.org.uk/”       

Blood pressure assessment

Drinking a cup of beetroot juice each day could significantly lower the blood pressure of people with high blood pressure, according to research we funded at Queen Mary University of London.

High blood pressure patients who drank 250ml of beetroot juice a day were found to have blood pressure levels back in the ‘normal’ range by the end of the study. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease, which can cause heart attacks or strokes. The effect is caused by the high levels of a type of chemical called nitrates, which is found in high quantities in beetroot, and other leafy green vegetables like kale and cabbage.

The first evidence

This study, involving 64 volunteers, provides the first evidence of a long-lasting reduction in blood pressure by supplementing the diet with nitrates in patients with high blood pressure. The level of reduction was similar to that of some forms of blood pressure medication. No adverse side effects were observed in people taking the daily dose of nitrates, in the form of beetroot juice.

The results suggest that supplementing the levels of nitrate in the diet can be a simple and effective way to manage high blood pressure. But a study on many more patients is needed before this approach can become a recommended treatment for high blood pressure.

Getting the most from your veg

Professor Amrita Ahluwalia, who led the research, said:

“This research has proven that a daily inorganic nitrate dose can be as effective as medical intervention in reducing blood pressure and the best part is we can get it from beetroot and other leafy green vegetables.”

“For those looking to work dietary nitrate into their daily diets, the trick is not to boil the vegetables – as dietary nitrate is water-soluble – but steaming, roasting or drinking in a juice all has a positive effect.”

What’s next?

The possibility of using a natural product, rather than another pill, to help lower blood pressure, is very appealing

Dr Shannon Amoils

Senior Research Advisor at BHF

Dr Shannon Amoils, the Senior Research Advisor at the British Heart Foundation, which funded the study, said:

This interesting study builds on previous research by this team and finds that a daily glass of beetroot juice can lower blood pressure in people with hypertension – even those whose high blood pressure was not controlled by drug treatment.

The possibility of using a natural product, rather than another pill, to help lower blood pressure, is very appealing.  The trial is, however small,  and the next step will be to see if this result can be repeated in a much larger group of people with high blood pressure and over a longer period of time.

The findings were published in the research journal Hypertension.


Blackstrap Mollasses

My father often told me how good Blackstrap Molasses is good for your heart.

Improves Heart Health: Blackstrap molasses can help to control heart related issues, such as palpitations, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and more. This is because the molasses is high in Potassium, Iron, Calcium and Magnesium. All of these nutrients help to prevent the body from experiencing deficiencies that can cause heart palpitations: https://www.agentnateur.com/blogs/agent-tips/the-benefits-of-unsulfured-blackstrap-molasses#:~:text=Improves%20Heart%20Health%3A%20Blackstrap%20molasses,%2C%20Iron%2C%20Calcium%20and%20Magnesium.

Blackstrap molasses, which is a thick, dark syrup is made when sugar cane plants are processed to make sugar. Even though the refined sugar is largely considered unhealthy, the thick, syrup of molasses holds minerals and nutrients that are absorbed by the plant. These minerals and nutrients include Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese, Vitamin B6, Copper and Selenium. Molasses also has no fat, cholesterol and barely any sodium. Therefore, it can be consumed by a diabetic person. It is important to consume this product in moderation, therefore no more than one tablespoon per day.

Here are the top health benefits:

Prevents Anemia: Blackstrap molasses is a great source of iron and therefore can be essential to someone who has iron-deficiency anemia. Since it is a good source of iron, it helps the body to create more red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.

Reduces Menstrual Problems: Blackstrap molasses contains certain minerals, such as Magnesium and Calcium, that can help relieve menstrual cramps. It can also help the body to maintain healthy muscles in your uterus.

Cures Constipation and Improves Other

Digestive Problems: Blackstrap molasses is a natural laxative which can soften the stool. It can help to relieve constipation and make the bowels more regular. This is due to the high Magnesium content in the molasses that helps to relax muscles and bring water into the stool, which makes it naturally easier to pass.

Improves Heart Health: Blackstrap molasses can help to control heart related issues, such as palpitations, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and more. This is because the molasses is high in Potassium, Iron, Calcium and Magnesium. All of these nutrients help to prevent the body from experiencing deficiencies that can cause heart palpitations.

Combats Stress: A common vitamin that is recommended by health experts to improve your mood and ease the effects of stress is Vitamin B.  This vitamin is found in blackstrap molasses and therefore can help the brain and nervous system to function properly. It can also help you to feel relaxed, fight stress and fight fatigue.

Prevents Cancer: It is also believed that blackstrap molasses can also be used to prevent and treat certain types of cancer. This is because the molasses contains Selenium, which helps the cells to defend themselves against cancerous cells.

Increases Stamina and Energy: Blackstrap molasses can also help to give you more stamina and energy. Since it is made from sugar, it offers a temporary energy boost when it provides your body with carbohydrates that are converted into energy in your body.

Maintains Strong Muscles and Bones Blackstrap molasses also is high in Calcium, which helps the body to strengthen bones. One tablespoon of the molasses can provide your body with over ten per cent of your daily value of Calcium.

Improves Sleep Blackstrap molasses can even help to cure insomnia since it is high in Calcium. Calcium can help the body to produce melatonin, which helps your body to feel tired. The Magnesium in the molasses is also a natural nutrient that helps your body to feel tired.

Maintains Hair Health: Consuming blackstrap molasses on a daily basis can even improve your hair health, growth and colour.


These are also good for your heart.

Wholegrains, berries, leafy green vegetables, avocados, fatty fish, walnuts, beans, dark chocolate, tomatoes, almonds, olive oil, green tea,  seeds and garlic.


Roditch 2022



I am a retired Photography Teacher, Refugee Settlement Manager, and Builder. For the past 10 years, I have been teaching part-time, writing books, taking photos and doing lots of research.

All the books I write come from experience and research. Yes, in my life so far I have worked with refugees, taught art, built houses, studied herbs, and health. I have also studied astrology spirituality including meditation, animal welfare, and poetry.

I sincerely hope that you can gain valuable information from my books (usually short and sweet introductions) to different facets of life I have visited.

Where to find Roditch online

Website: http://roditch.com

Blog: http://roditch.com


A Candle to Myself by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 103,380. Language: English. Published: January 6, 2022. Categories: Nonfiction » Biography » Autobiographies & Memoirs

A story about my life in Warrnambool, Castlemaine and Rushworth

Dropout 2020 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 249,020. Language: English. Published: December 19, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Children’s Books » Lifestyles / Country Life

Time to dropout and start a new, secure and sustainable life.

Portraits by Roditch

Price: $2.00 USD. Language: English. Published: October 26, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books

Portraits by Roditch. These photos are a collection of Roditch’s portraits over the past 5 years. They are a reflection of the person.

Thailand by Roditch

Price: $2.00 USD. Language: English. Published: October 26, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books

This is a collection of photographs of rural Thailand. Including farmers, Monks, temples and farms

Buddha by Roditch

Price: $2.00 USD. Language: English. Published: October 24, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books

Original Photos of Buddha sculptures Thailand taken by famous photographer Roditch

Sentient Series 1 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 170. Language: English. Published: December 6, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration

One reason I love Buddha is because he knew that animals had sentience, consciousness, and that consciousness was as valuable, respectable, sacred as any Homosapien.

Thailand of Dreams Series 1 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 170. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration

Thailand is a country is worth exploring to regain your imagination, love of nature, fairy tales and spirits of the land.

Portraits and Souls Series 1 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration

Portraits have always been there as a window into someone’s soul if only we are to look and care.

Beautiful Buddha Series 1 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration

Buddha is the peace in the world. Everyone can benefit from Buddha,s teachings.

Angels Series 1 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 140. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration

Children are the magic in the world. NASA has done research that confirms that all children are born creative geniuses, but, by the time they are 7 years old their genius has been retired by cultural and family conditioning.

Musing with the Fishes Series 1 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Fiction » Inspirational

It is a wonderful way to relax and tune in with nature; just looking into water and musing with the fishes.

Off the Fence Posts by Roditch

Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 20. Language: English. Published: April 18, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books

This book is a collection of posts I have made over the past 3 years.

Musing with the Fishes by Roditch

Price: $10.00 USD. Words: 530. Language: English. Published: April 16, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books

What is real? As you look into these pictures you can see spirits and goblins and all sorts of magical things

Heartland 2 by Roditch

Price: $10.00 USD. Words: 600. Language: English. Published: April 15, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books

Thailand people love family, culture, Buddha, music, and celebrations.

Heartland by Roditch

Price: $7.00 USD. Words: 1,090. Language: English. Published: April 15, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books

Thailand has a unique balance of culture, spirituality, art, agriculture, and the environment.

The Future Zen by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 7,120. Language: English. Published: April 14, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » General self-help

Right now you are creating your future if nothing else. This book is about a future that belongs to the rich and powerful.

Teaching ESL English Zen by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 5,990. Language: English. Published: April 14, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Teaching methods & materials / language arts

10 years of experience teaching ESL English to Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary, University, and Teachers.

Animal Sentience Zen by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 10,700. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Science & Nature » Animals

Sentience is the word we use to say that we are animals like animals are human.

Poet Zen by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 3,550. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Contemporary Poetry

Poetry is a way to communicate more deeply and completely. It is not just about writing a poem it is being a poem for your family, friends, and society.

Photography Zen by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 2,900. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – how to

Photography comes from the soul as any art does, the deeper you go the better your photos will be.

Artist to the Core by Roditch

Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 750. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Artists

Shepparton, Victoria, Australia has produced an amazing amount of brilliant artists over the years.

Natural People by Roditch

Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 790. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Science & Nature » Environment

The conservationists in the Goulburn Valley, Victoria Australia are outstanding people.

Head in the Clouds by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 1,560. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Contemporary Poetry

Poetry from your own pen is a baby bird flying from the nest into the stars.

The Exit 1 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry

This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

The Exit 2 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry

This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

The Exit 3 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 220. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry

This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans

The Exit 4 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 210. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry

This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

The Exit 5 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 210. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry

This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

The Exit 6 by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry

This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

The Exit 7 by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: April 11, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry

This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

The Exit 8 by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 11, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry

This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

The Exit 10 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 200. Language: English. Published: April 10, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry

This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans

The Exit 11 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 200. Language: English. Published: April 10, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry

This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans.

The Exit 12 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 10, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Contemporary Poetry

This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans

The Exit 13 by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 170. Language: English. Published: April 9, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Ancient

This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans. The words come in an inspirational moment and have more meaning than you first think and challenge your mind; like Zen Koans.

Meditation and Prayer Zen by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 9,640. Language: English. Published: April 9, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Mental health

Throughout history, meditators have been both influential and mysterious. To look at some of the great meditators, see their works and know them more deeply helps when meditating your way to a fuller and richer life.

Longevity Zen by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 11,920. Language: English. Published: April 8, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well

The fountain of youth is real. By fasting 1 day a week, taking resveratrol, Metformin and AMPK you can live much longer, be more healthy and energetic

Wild Food Zen by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 8,580. Language: English. Published: April 8, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well

There are many places in the world where people still get a large proportion of their food in the wild. And there are just as many who go hunting for their food in supermarkets.

Health Zen by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 6,580. Language: English. Published: April 7, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well

People worry about dying from Covid-19 but most of us are dying early because of cancer, heart and liver disease already.

GMO and Glyphosate Zen by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 6,870. Language: English. Published: April 7, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Family health

If we don’t have the land or the time to grow our own food then we should buy only organic because Genetically Modified Food plastered with Glyphosate is not an option for a long and happy life

Fruits of Our Labour by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 21,200. Language: English. Published: April 6, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » History » Australia & New Zealand

This book is a history of the Goulburn Valley Fruit Industry.

Teresa – Love on the Riverbank by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 1,810. Language: English. Published: April 4, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Epic

Our heart is silent when it wants to scream out “I am here, love me.” Poetry is kissing with words, words that can cross infinite boundaries of the mind to pierce the heart of a willing soul.

A Suitcase Full of Dreams by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 83,830. Language: English. Published: April 3, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » History » Australia & New Zealand

The Goulburn Valley, Victoria, Australia is home to thousands of refugees and immigrants from around the world. Shepparton is the main city in the Goulburn Valley which is surrounded by orchards.

Francis of Warrnambool by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 7,870. Language: English. Published: April 3, 2020. Categories: Fiction » Fairy tales

A lot of very talented people were born in Warrnambool in the ’50s. Like Dave Dawson, Peter Lucas and Jack Wilkins.

Debt and Self Sufficiency by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 6,090. Language: English. Published: April 2, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Emotional healing

We all have too much debt. It is time to pay it all back and remain debt-free forever.

Censorship Zen by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 4,870. Language: English. Published: April 2, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Politics & Current Affairs » Civil & human rights

Everyone has the right to physical,. emotional and intellectual freedom. These rights are eroding and it is time to make a stand.

Builder Zen by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 7,380. Language: English. Published: March 30, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Engineering, trades, & technology » Construction / General

Many years ago I built my own house out of second-hand materials.

Astrology Zen by Roditch

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 7,420. Language: English. Published: March 30, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Astrology

This is a small Astrology book. Like all the ZEN series it is a simple introduction about a vast topic.

Buried in the Sun by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 1,360. Language: English. Published: March 30, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Music » History & Criticism

The Sunbury Pop Festival in 1972, photos and poems. Original photos and Poems by Roditch

Swat the Fly – A Covid-19 Self Help Guide by Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 26,300. Language: English. Published: March 29, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Alternative medicine

This book is a collection of natural remedies used by Doctors that will help you prevent and overcome the covid-19 virus.

Roditch’s tag cloud

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