Dr Wayne Dyer, much love from Earth
I am that, Dr Wayne Dyer Meditation
I spent a few years in the wilderness, alone. The two things that got me through it were this meditation and Deva Premal’s Gayatri Mantra on the previous blog. One night in particular when under a full moon I buried my favourite dog. Tears sealed the dirt and my future.
The I am wishes fulfilled meditation
All material on this page is from Dr Wayne Dyer d. 2015
Transcription from the video
Welcome to the I am wishes fulfilled meditation.
My name is Dr. Wayne Dyer.
I am very happy to offer you the opportunity to meditate to the same divine sound that
I use every single day of my life.
I discovered these sensational sounds while doing research for my most recent book, Wishes fulfilled.
Which places a real strong emphasis on the significance on the words I am that I am.
These are the words written in the spiritual literature The TORA.
Which are the first 5 books of the old testament.
In which God tells Moses this is my name forever.
The name which I shall be known for all future generations.
I am that I am.
The very first time I was meditating for these sounds I was hooked as were each of my children after encouraging them to do so as well.
And it is no wonder really.
I discovered while reading James Twyman’s book The Moses Code, that the sound you will be hearing in track two and track three of this CD was the result of some intense research to reproduce the exact sound associated with the name of God under the old testament translated from the original Hebrew as I am that I am.
It turns out that specific numbers can be assigned with letters and the tuning fork
sounds that you will be meditating to are the exact sounds described with the letters
that comprises the divine name of GOD that is I am, that I am.
This is been called The Most Powerful Meditation Tool in the history of the world.
This is how I use it every day I encourage you to become open to the idea that these sounds when are accompanied by your own I am mantra can and will provide you with the ability to live a wishes fulfilled life.
Steven Wilbourn
8 months ago
Thanks doc! You got my through prison and changed my life forever. I get out and this gem was waiting for me. In 1 month me and my wife and 2 kids have a new home (our dream home) everything if falling into place just like you said it would with little effort. You are my hero!
From Dr Dyers Blog www.drwaynedyer.com
James Twyman, the author of The Moses Code, asked sound-healing expert Jonathan Goldman to research and create tuning forks that encode the holy name of God—and then reproduce these sound frequencies in a meditation program. Jonathan used a system called gematria (derived from the ancient Kabbalah tradition of assigning specific numbers to words) to find the sounds that correspond to the words—I am that I am. These were the words that God spoke when Moses asked for God’s name in the book of Exodus in the Old Testament. The sounds Jonathan discovered make up the Moses Code frequency meditation that has become the heart of my meditation practice today.
Meditation is a vital practice to access conscious contact with your highest self. When I use the Moses Code frequency meditation, I feel a deep sense of peace that echoes the messages I’ve written about in my book Wishes Fulfilled. I use the inner mantra I am, seeing myself as already having arrived at what I’ve placed in my mind. Then I repeat silently I am, the name of God given to Moses, honoring the cooperation of my highest self, and acknowledging my Divinely-aligned desires. With these spiritually uplifting sounds wafting through the room or my earphones, I breathe in a sense of tranquility and conscious contact with God.
These sound frequencies have been a regular part of my meditation and manifesting spiritual activities for the past year or so. In fact, I meditate every day for 40 minutes using these exact frequencies to accompany me as I make conscious contact with God in my sacred meditation practice. I encouraged several of my children to join me in a meditation session listening to these sacred sounds while using the mantra I am that I am. After only one session, my adult children were hooked, and each day they would ask me to put on the “I am wishes fulfilled sounds,” so that we could all meditate together.
You’ll find these sacred sounds with a brief explanation of how I use them in a CD titled I AM Wishes Fulfilled Meditation. Listening to the sacred sounds while meditating brings me, and some of my children as well, a sense of tranquility and a feeling of being at total oneness with the Divine. I feel as if I’ve been in blissful conscious contact with God, almost as if I’m wrapped in the arms of God. I simply love having these sounds with me in this holy practice of meditation as a tool in the whole process of living a wishes fulfilled life.
There is a level of awareness available to you that you are probably unfamiliar with. It extends upwards and transcends the ordinary level of consciousness that you’re most accustomed to.
At this higher plane of existence, which you can access at will, the fulfillment of wishes is not only probable — it’s guaranteed.
At this level, your wishes — all of them — can indeed be fulfilled. By using your imagination and practicing the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes being fulfilled, and steadfastly refusing to allow any evidence of the outer world to distract you from your intentions, you will discover that you, by virtue of your spiritual awareness, possess the ability to become the person you were destined to be.
What follows is simply a preparation for entering into that realm wherein you have much more say over what comes into your life than you might have envisioned. Read and apply these 13 habits into your own life, and you will soon be well on your way to creating your own destiny.
Watch my free video series on spiritual awakening, forgiveness, manifesting and more
Habit 1: Believe You Are an Infinite Spiritual Being Having a Temporary Human Experience
The first step to learning to manifest your reality is you must create a new concept of yourself: as an infinite spiritual being having a temporary human experience.
The I that I use to describe myself is not so obsessed that he insists in staying in one body. In fact, that I that is me finally recognizes that ancient spiritual truth spoken by Divine masters since antiquity: None of us are really doing anything, rather we (our bodies) are merely being done.*
This I that you use to describe yourself isn’t the physical form that you occupy and take with you everywhere. The I is your higher self, changeless and real.
Habit 2: Become the Observer of Your Thoughts
You become what you think about. If you think about giving, as God does, the Universe will provide. If you think about things being taken away, then that’s what you’ll attract.
If you want to manifest your dreams, you must become a master at monitoring the thoughts and feelings you are aligning yourself with. Your thoughts and feelings become your reality, so become adept at observing the thoughts and feelings you are creating for yourself.
Habit 3: Release Your Imagination from Current Limiting Circumstances
Do not let your imagination be restricted to the current conditions of your life, or what I call “being obsessed with what is.” Keep reminding yourself that everything that you’ve believed has gotten you to precisely the point where you are now.
This is a rather persistent theme in my work, so it bears repeating here: if you want to elevate your life and become a manifester, then you have to change what you’ve believed to be true about yourself that has landed you where you are. The sentiments of This is reality, This is just the way things are, There is nothing that I can do to change what is, and the like are pernicious thoughts that will taint and defile your great gift of I am that I am, which is your Divine inheritance from your creator.
Habit 4: See Your Wish as Already Accomplished
In my mind I see my wishes as already having been accomplished. I experience what that feels like, savoring the feeling in my body. I stay in a profound state of gratitude for my wish having been already realized — as if it already were brought into being. My prayer is without effort; rather, it is felt as an already accomplished fact.
Habit 5: Believe in Your Own Divine Power
The words of all the great spiritual teachers encourage us to see ourselves as unlimited and to know that even the least among us has the divine power of God available at every moment of our lives.
I know that you, if you practice studiously, can begin to manifest for yourself virtually anything that you are capable of conceiving in your mind. You must unplug from your conditioning and know in that private space behind your eyes that you can and will take on the challenge of manifesting your destiny.
It is my belief that you are never given the power to dream without the equivalent power to manifest that dream and make it your physical reality.
Watch my free video series on spiritual awakening, forgiveness, manifesting and more
Habit 6: Remain Independent of the Good Opinion of Other People
Remain independent of the good opinion of others and keep yourself fixed on your ability to attract whatever it is that you previously thought was missing in your life. When you trust yourself to decide what is to be your destiny, you don’t allow externals to discourage or influence you.
What you place your attention on is your burning desire and intense yearning combined with an intention to make that your reality. You never allow outside circumstances to deflect you from your desires. This inner picture in your imagination is undisturbed by opinions or provocations that originate outside of yourself.
Habit 7: Reconstruct Your I Ams
The thoughts that you dwell on determine what you will possess or not possess. What you think about is what you will become. Examine all the supposed lacks and scarcities in your life. Then say to yourself, “I created all of this with my thoughts, conditioning, beliefs and actions.”
Run through as large an inventory as you can of the things that you would like to define your life. Than make the shift in your imagination from I am not or I am hoping to become to I am.
In the book of Joel, the Lord’s advice is in harmony with this practice: “Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’” (Joel 3:10). It is truly as simple as these seven words form the Bible advise. You want what follows I am to be congruent with your highest self, which is God. Beginning with your inner dialogue, simply change the words that define your concept of yourself.
Habit 8: Be Patient & Banish Doubt
If exercising your imagination feels difficult to do, perhaps due to a life where the imagination has played servant to your logical faculties, be infinitely patient with your attempts at imagining your wish fulfilled. Cultivate infinite patience with yourself, never being dissatisfied with the speed or the manner in which your intentions are manifesting.
When you banish all doubt in favor of faith, there’s nothing more powerful on this planet. If you truly understand the ability to manifest, you realize you can control the speed at which change occurs in your life.
Henry David Thoreau said: “[You] will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” Thoreau suggests that the universe will begin to conspire with you to fulfill your wishes. This is the law of co-creation.
When you trust in yourself, you are not looking for solutions to your life problems in someone or something outside yourself. Instead, you remain in a state of trusting. Then, in a trustworthy manner, you can proceed to attract the energy to you that provides the solution.
Habit 9: Align Yourself with the Feeling of the Wish Fulfilled
When you put aside your doubts, you can begin to imagine in both mind and body what it will feel like to have your Wishes Fulfilled. Think about what you plan to manifest — then use your imagination to feel what that feels like in your body. Does it feel natural to you? Does it really feel like this is the “you” that you are deciding to be? By staying only with what your senses tell you is your reality, you place a barrier to letting your imagination create all that you wish for. Your imagination is unlimited.
Albert Einstein made this astute observation: “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” Your logic — that is, the facts that you’ve accepted as true — have gotten you to point B. Now you’re going to reprogram your imagination to take you everywhere — everywhere that you are brave enough to envision for yourself.
Habit 10: Take Stock of How Natural Your Dream Feels to You
The time it takes your desire to become reality is directly proportional to the naturalness of being it. The more natural an experience your wish feels for you, the faster you will create it in your life. Conversely, the more unnatural a state of being feels to you, the longer it will take to achieve.
The key word to contemplate is “feels.” If being healthy, prosperous, happy, successful, strong, intelligent, and so on, currently feel unnatural to you, naturalness may yet be achieved by persistently using your imagination and your subjective attention to make this feeling stick.
If it is your burning desire to become a professional basketball player, ask yourself how natural it feels to you to be on the court, competing at the professional level. If this feels unnatural to you, you may eventually, with persistence, achieve this wish fulfilled, but only until you have become so aligned with that experience that it feels completely natural to dunk a basketball and sink a free-throw.
Habit 11: Phrase Your Intentions as Given Statements
When you place an intention in your imagination, do not allow a question mark at the end of your pronouncement. See your statement ending in a grammatical exclamation point. “I bring this into my reality!” is easy to say if you’re already living from that declaration in your imagination and have assumed the feeling in your body of that wish being fulfilled.
Remain confident that through continued reliance on your imagination, your assumptions are materializing into reality.
Habit 12: Choose Your Reality with Love
When you attempt to manifest from a place of selfishness or potential harm to anyone else, you invoke the ego. The ego is always about winning, overpowering, being better than others, accumulating for the sake of feeling superior, achieving adulation or recognition, improving your status, and so on. So the secret is to feel yourself as already being and having what your desire, and to keep the entirety of it all wrapped up in a spirit of love. Always weigh your choices on the scales of love.
Habit 13: Know that What You Already Have is Enough
When you stop needing more of everything, more of what you desire seems to arrive in your life. Try this now: feel gratitude for everything you have in this moment. Know that this is enough.
Becoming More of Who You Are
Our creative power is the ability to convert the energy of our thoughts into a newly materialized form. Manifestation is the result. Beginning with one intention at a time, you can learn how to manifest anything in your life.
Watch my free video series on spiritual awakening, forgiveness, manifesting and more
Think of yourself as a consciousness being played out by God just as a wave is part of the ocean that is being played out by the ocean. This theory of nature will promote the kind of trust that you need to attract to yourself all that belongs to you in the universe. You cannot receive it or even come close to manifesting it if you have an absence of trust in yourself as an extension of God.
Manifesting then becomes the business of doing nothing more than bringing into form a new aspect of yourself. You are not creating something from nothing. You are learning to align yourself with an aspect of your being that your senses have not known they could activate.
When you know your highest self, you are on your way to becoming a co-creator of your entire world, learning to manage the circumstances of your life and participating with assurance in the act of creation. You literally become a manifester.
This may appear to contradict the “Ask and you shall receive” version of prayer that you were likely exposed to. It may feel new, but it is so important that you acknowledge your own Divine role in the fulfillment of your spirituality aligned desires for yourself and others.
Links to the meditation
Dr Wayne Dyer Meditation, Powerful Meditation Music, Angel Voices
I am that, Dr Wayne Dyer Meditation NO ADS DURING MEDITATION 🙏- Anxiety Attack Relief
“I AM” guided meditation by Wayne Dyer

Throughout life you’ve been through a conditioning process that’s created a mind-set overflowing with I am nots. As a schoolchild with a less than satisfactory grade on your report card, you thought to yourself, I am not smart. You place anywhere other than number one and say, I am not talented. You feel criticized and believe that I am not good. You look in the mirror and compare yourself to a glamorous movie idol or homecoming queen and tell yourself, I am not attractive. Your relationship fractures and you think, I am unloved or I am unworthy. These, and many more like them, are repeated throughout your developmental years and into adulthood, and become your core defining self-concept.
Overcoming this I am not mentality begins with trusting your inner world of spirit. There are no boundaries restricting your inner world. But your worldview and your self-concept in the outer world are defined by your five senses. The outer world is always changing, which, by our definition, means it is not real. This awareness that what remains unchanging is the only reality could lead you to experiencing a majestic wake-up call right here, right now.
Run through as large an inventory as you can of the things that you would like to define your life. Then make the shift in your imagination from an I am not or I am hoping to become to I am. You want what follows I am to be congruent with your highest self, which is God. Beginning with your inner dialogue, simply change the words that define your concept of yourself. Redefine your self-concept by choosing the words that you opt to place into your imagination. Try this rewording of your inner world as a beginning step to accessing the assistance of your higher self and fulfilling your desires.
Instead of I am incapable of getting a job, shift to I am capable. Similarly, replace proclamations of I am not able to live in peace with I am peace. I am unlucky in love is replaced by I am love. I am unworthy of happiness becomes I am happiness. The words I am, which you consistently use to define who you are and what you are capable of, are holy expressions for the name of God—the highest aspect of yourself. Break lifelong habits of unwittingly besmirching this holy name. Discontinue using pejorative labels to cast aspersions on your holy self. Always make your very first consideration the honoring of your Divine spirit. This will allow you to rise to previously unimagined heights. Teach your outer self to accept the unlimited power of your inner spirit and the things you place in your imagination can become true for you.
From <https://www.drwaynedyer.com/blog/the-power-of-i-am/>
Roditch 2022
Your Biography
I am a retired Photography Teacher, Refugee Settlement Manager, and Builder. For the past 10 years, I have been teaching part-time, writing books, taking photos and doing lots of research.
All the books I write come from experience and research. Yes, in my life so far I have worked with refugees, taught art, built houses, studied herbs, and health. I have also studied astrology spirituality including meditation, animal welfare, and poetry.
I sincerely hope that you can gain valuable information from my books (usually short and sweet introductions) to different facets of life I have visited.Complete your profile — Write an interview
Where to find Roditch online
Website: http://roditch.com
Twitter: @roditch
Blog: http://roditch.com
Your Books
A Candle to Myself by RoditchPrice: $5.00 USD. Words: 103,380. Language: English. Published: January 6, 2022. Categories: Nonfiction » Biography » Autobiographies & MemoirsA story about my life in Warrnambool, Castlemaine and Rushworth
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Portraits by RoditchPrice: $2.00 USD. Language: English. Published: October 26, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo booksPortraits by Roditch. These photos are a collection of Roditch’s portraits over the past 5 years. They are a reflection of the person.
Thailand by RoditchPrice: $2.00 USD. Language: English. Published: October 26, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo booksThis is a collection of photographs of rural Thailand. Including farmers, Monks, temples and farms
Buddha by RoditchPrice: $2.00 USD. Language: English. Published: October 24, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo booksOriginal Photos of Buddha sculptures Thailand taken by famous photographer Roditch
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Thailand of Dreams Series 1 by RoditchPrice: $5.00 USD. Words: 170. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspirationThailand is a country is worth exploring to regain your imagination, love of nature, fairy tales and spirits of the land.
Portraits and Souls Series 1 by RoditchPrice: $5.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspirationPortraits have always been there as a window into someone’s soul if only we are to look and care.
Beautiful Buddha Series 1 by RoditchPrice: $5.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspirationBuddha is the peace in the world. Everyone can benefit from Buddha,s teachings.
Angels Series 1 by RoditchPrice: $5.00 USD. Words: 140. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspirationChildren are the magic in the world. NASA has done research that confirms that all children are born creative geniuses, but, by the time they are 7 years old their genius has been retired by cultural and family conditioning.
Musing with the Fishes Series 1 by RoditchPrice: $5.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Fiction » InspirationalIt is a wonderful way to relax and tune in with nature; just looking into water and musing with the fishes.
Off the Fence Posts by RoditchPrice: $3.00 USD. Words: 20. Language: English. Published: April 18, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo booksThis book is a collection of posts I have made over the past 3 years.
Musing with the Fishes by RoditchPrice: $10.00 USD. Words: 530. Language: English. Published: April 16, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo booksWhat is real? As you look into these pictures you can see spirits and goblins and all sorts of magical things
Heartland 2 by RoditchPrice: $10.00 USD. Words: 600. Language: English. Published: April 15, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo booksThailand people love family, culture, Buddha, music, and celebrations.
Heartland by RoditchPrice: $7.00 USD. Words: 1,090. Language: English. Published: April 15, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo booksThailand has a unique balance of culture, spirituality, art, agriculture, and the environment.
The Future Zen by RoditchPrice: $4.00 USD. Words: 7,120. Language: English. Published: April 14, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » General self-helpRight now you are creating your future if nothing else. This book is about a future that belongs to the rich and powerful.
Teaching ESL English Zen by RoditchPrice: $4.00 USD. Words: 5,990. Language: English. Published: April 14, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Teaching methods & materials / language arts10 years of experience teaching ESL English to Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary, University, and Teachers.
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Astrology Zen by RoditchPrice: $4.00 USD. Words: 7,420. Language: English. Published: March 30, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » AstrologyThis is a small Astrology book. Like all the ZEN series it is a simple introduction about a vast topic.
Buried in the Sun by RoditchPrice: $5.00 USD. Words: 1,360. Language: English. Published: March 30, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Music » History & CriticismThe Sunbury Pop Festival in 1972, photos and poems. Original photos and Poems by Roditch
Swat the Fly – A Covid-19 Self Help Guide by RoditchPrice: $5.00 USD. Words: 26,300. Language: English. Published: March 29, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Alternative medicineThis book is a collection of natural remedies used by Doctors that will help you prevent and overcome the covid-19 virus.
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5gageingagendasamazonampkangie russianimalsapplesartartistsasiaastrologyaustraliabeachbeautybeginnerbeing a poetbuddhabuddha thailand photographs sculptures templsbuddhismbuilderbuildingcannerycarpentrycastlemainecbdceceliacensorshipcheapchildrenchinachristianityconservationistscoronacorruptioncovi19covid19culturedalidebtdetoxdimensionsdoctorsdropoutenvironmenteslfacebookfarmfarmersfarmingfestivalfishingflashcardsfoodforagingforestfountainofyouthfreefreedomfruitglobalismglyphosategmogooglegoulburngoulburn valleygreenwoodshalhyhandmadehappyhealthhedditchherbshoemegrownhomehomemadehoroscopehow to be a poethuntinghydrogenimmigrationindependenceindustryinspirationalinspireinterestitaliansjanet donaldsonkingkoankoansleaveslibertylivelongerlovemagicmaterialsmeditationmertonmetforminmoneymonkmooroopnamoringamusicnaturalnaturenew world orderoilorchardorchardsorganicoriginalpaintingsphonicsphotographsphotographs roditch portraits charactersphotographyphotogrpahsphotosphoyographypoepoempoemspoetpoetrypoetyrypoisonportraitportraitspowerprayerrealityrefugeesresveratrolreubenroditchruralrushworthsecretsentiencesentientsexsheppartonshepparton art gallerysoulspcspiritspiritsspiritualsunsunburysuperb parrotsustainableteaching englishtelomerestemplesthailandthe bestthorpetprvalleyvictoriavillageviruswarrnamboolwaterwildwild foodwildfitwoodbutcherwritingyouthfulzen