Love, spirit and race

Time will tell the final outcome; for now I am making progress; love spirit and race.

Maybe it’s mileage, I am not sure, if it is, then the more miles I travel, the more hope I have of becoming a decent soul.

It is not until you have those magic moments, revelations, that shed light on the darkness you could not see.

My first improvement is in matters of love, personal love, between husband and wife. I have always remembered the words from a song, “love the one you are with” and now I understand it. For some reason, all my life, I have not been able to stop thinking about new relationships. There may be cosmic reasons for this?  Now I have finally reached the end of these cosmic relationships and can love the one I am with at last and bathe in the return of same.

Spiritually I am like a bad horse wrangler. For over 60 years no amount of wrangling got me anywhere until now.  Buddhism, Christianity and Insanity have been my main horses and now they have merged into one. One horse that is the mother of all horses and she, with no name, will be the wind in my hair, the sun on my face and the birds in my ear.

Thirdly, I have spent half my life working and living with Sudanese, Congolese, SE Asians and Afghanis and been blinded by their different songs of life. Now I realize ever so late , like the first two, that we are all human, with all what that means. Once the songs of life quieten and the soul is at rest do I see me and them and know I am human, universal, one of the many and home.

Roditch 2021 December

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