Mushroom magic
Mushrooms are healthy and some are very powerful herbs. In South East Asia people from villages trek up, (for three months) the nearby mountains to pick them, eat them and sell them. They are a serious adjunct to their normal diet and income. There are other things they get from the mountains and nearby hills: honey combs with baby bees, baby ants and edible herbs.
When Asians go to live in another country they love to forage for mushrooms, shellfish and other goodies they can get for free, which are normally left untouched by Westerners used to foraging in supermarkets.
It is traditional for them to forage for their food so they can spend what little money they have on motorbikes, clothes and education. This is a brilliant way to feel empowered and reduce debt. Westerners waste their wages on food and wine every night to right the boredom of a day’s work. If you spend your wages on self-gratification you are in a vicious cycle.
In my late 20s I bought a small cottage in the forest and lived on homegrown vegetables and lentils. There were some expenses; the footprint was tiny. Dropping out in the 70s was a fun thing to do: deprivation for a good cause, a sustainable life. I loved doing everything with my own hands and what cash I had. I was a king of my castle. The act of making and growing everything myself was more holy…
Maybe foraging for mushrooms won’t change your life like it did mine. It is a good philosophy shift: from consumer to doer. Seeing the way Asians live and how similar it was to my days in Castlemaine I can say with confidence that foraging for food is not only a great survival activity it is good for the soul.
Here is a chapter on Mushrooms from my book Dropping Out 2020. It is not comprehensive, only a window to possibilities.
Mushrooms are an incredibly good source of food and in every country there are wild mushrooms. Some are poisonous most are not. Some like cordyceps are powerful herbal medicine, so you can use them for normal and emergency food, and you can use them for medicine. It is very very worthwhile to find out what mushrooms grow locally, where and when they grow and which ones are safe and which ones aren’t. When you drop out you should think about mushrooms very early on in your planning because you may survive for months and months and months if you need to on mushrooms. Time to make a mushroom recipe book. If you use a mushroom field guide mixed with local knowledge, a camera and a notebook you should be pretty safe.
Amanita species “DANGER”
The Amanita family contains some of the commonest and most toxic of all
poisonous fungi. All the dangerous species have a white sheath surrounding
the base of the stem, a white ring, and white gills. Avoid all fungi that have this
Anise Cap – Clitocybe odora
A small fungus which occu rs in the litter of mixed woodlands, especially beech and oak on chalky soils, August to November. The whole fungus is a
uniform blue-green colour, and has a strong, unmistakable smell of aniseed. Cap 3-6 cm across, becoming lighter, flatter and wavy with age.
Bamboo – Bambusoideae
There are hundreds of bamboo species, and 110 of them are edible. Use a guide to determine which types grow near you. The shoots are the edible portion of the plant. Some contain a toxic amount of cyanogenic glycosides. Shoots should be boiled before consuming.
Bay Bolete – Boletus badius
Quite common in woodland on acid soils, favouring Scots pine. August to
November. Similar to Boletu sedulis. Cap 7-15 cm across, chestnut
to chocolate-brown, felt-like when dry but slightly clam m y when wet.
Pores pale yellow to yellow-green. Stem yellow-brown, stout and often
curved and striated. Flesh white to pale yellow, stains pale blue when cut.
Beefsteak Fungus – Fistulina hepatica
Occurs on living trees, especially old oak or sweet chestnut, August to October. A large, red bracket fungus, 20-40 cm in diameter.
Resembles an ox tongue, rough and sticky, becoming drier and smoother with age. The top is reddish brown, and the underside is covered with minute yellow pores which exude a blood-like juice when bruised.
Bleeding Brown Mushroom – Agaricus haemorrhoidarius
Common under broad-leaved trees, especially oak, among soil and dead
leaves. Cap 10-12 cm, hazel-brown with faint reddish-brown
scales. Gills pink. Flesh white, turning blood-red when cut. Double ring.
Chanterelles – Cantharellus cibarius
Finding the golden, wavy chanterelle mushroom is like finding a pot of forest gold. They are delicious. You can eat the whole mushroom. Many mushrooms look the same, but some are extremely poisonous. Chanterelle lookalikes include Jack o’ lanterns and false chanterelles. Always consult a professional until you are certain of what you are foraging.
Charcoal Burner – Russula cyanoxantha
Found under broad -leaved trees throughout Britain. Cap 5 —15 cm across, a mixture of colours ranging from greenish-blue to violet.
Gills soft and white. Stem and flesh white, with little or no smell.
Brown Wood Mushroom – Agaricus silvaticus
Common under conifers. Cap 5 – 9 cm, covered with russetbrown
scales. Gills reddish. Flesh white, staining orange-red, then bloodred,
when cut. Large ring. August to O ctober.
Cauliflower Fungus, Sparassis – Sparassis crispa
Found at the base of pine stumps or living trees, August to November. Resembles a large round natural sponge or the heart of a cauliflower, 15 -4 0 cm across, with flat, twisted and very divided branches.
Cep – Boletus edulis
Quite common in rides and clearings in all sorts of woods, especially beech,
August to November. Cap, brown, dry and smooth, 5-25 cm across.
Gills in Boletus are replaced by pores, much like sponge rubber in appearance, and
in Boletus edulis they are yellow to olive-brown in colour. Stem short and bulging,
pale brown streaked with white. No ring. Flesh white, firm and pleasant-smelling.
Chanterelle – Cantharellus cibarius
Local in all kinds of woodland, but especially beech, between July and December. Shaped like a funnel, 2 -7 cm across. Egg-yolk yellow in colour and smelling slightly of apricots. Gills like fan-vaulting or veins, shallow, much forked and continuous with the stem.
Chicken-of-the-woods – Laetiporus sulphureus
Quite widespread on deciduous trees, especially oak, from late spring to
autumn. The fan-shaped brackets can be up to 40 cm across, and are thick
and fleshy, with an uneven surface that is reminiscent of lemon-yellow suede.
Cultivated Mushroom – Agaricus bisporus
Occasional in fields and gardens, and on manure. C a p 5 -10 cm ,
white, browning slightly on the top. Flesh grow s slightly pink with age and
reddens when cut. Large ring. This is the most common species in cultivation.
Deathcap – POISONOUS – Amanita phalloides
Uncommon under broad-leaved trees, and occasionally conifers. Cap
5 -12 cm across, smooth, yellowish green. Gills, stem and ring
white. Sheath very pronounced, like an open sack.
Destroying Angel – POISONOUS – Amanita virosa
Scarce under broad-leaved trees on acid soils. Cap 5 -8 cm
across. All parts – cap, gills, stem, ring, sheath – pure white.
Devil’s Bolete – Boletus satanas – POISONOUS
Rare and local, under broad-leaved trees in the south of England. Cap large,
8-25 cm across, almost hemispherical and entirely white, turning greyish with age. Pores tiny, first yellow then red; bruise blue-green.
Stem swollen and covered with red veining. Flesh yellow, very unpleasant
smell. Very indigestible, and can cause severe gastric complaints in some
Fairy-ring Champignon – Marasmius oreades
Very common on lawns and short grassland, April to December, often
growing in ‘fairy rings. The cap, 2 – 5 cm across, has a slight
bump in the center. When moist, the top is smooth and burfish in colour,
and when dry, the skin wrinkles, becomes hard and leathery and changes to
pale tan in colour. Gills wide and usually free of the stipe, which is tough
and fibrous. The smell is pleasantly aromatic, a little like new-mown hay
scented with bitter almonds.
Field Blewit – Lepista saeva
Not uncommon in grassy pastures, October to December. T h e cap is flatfish with an in curving marginal edge, 5 -12 cm across, dry to touch but slightly jellyfish and translucent, pale brown to greyish in colour. Gills crowded, white to greyish-pink. Stem stout, tinged with blue and occasionally swollen at the base. No ring. Flesh white and firm.
Field Mushroom – Agaricus campestris
Locally common in pastures and meadows, July to November. Cap white,
3-10 cm across. Gills pink at first, darkening to brown. Stem
short with a ring which in young specimens is joined to the cap. No sheath
at base of stem, and no unpleasant smell.
Fly Agaric – POISONOUS – Amanita muscaria
Very common in birch and pine woods. Cap 10 -20 cm ( 4 -8 inches) across,
bright vermilion fading to orange, and usually flecked with white scales.
Gills and stem white. R in g white, with remnants of veil. Sheath white.
Green-cracking Russula – Russula virescens
Occasional in open broad-leaved woodland, especially oak and beech.
Cap 4-12 cm across, cream, turning patchy green with age.
Gills and flesh creamy-white. This is often regarded as the best edible.
Honey Fungus – Armillaria mellea
Abundant throughout Britain on tree stumps, roots, buried branches, September to December. Tufts of caps 5 -12 cm across, yellow to olive-brown, convex with brownish scales when young, flattening with age. Gills creamy-white, darkening with age. Stipe yellowish, with a shaggy yellow ring.
Horn of Plenty – Craterellus cornucopioides
Fairly common in leafy woods, especially beech, August to November.
Funnel-shaped, with a heavy, crinkled margin to the cap, 2-8 cm across, browny-black in colour. Lower surface of cap continuous with stem, and smooth or slightly wrinkled.
Horse Mushroom – Agaricus arvensis
Very like a large field mushroom. Grows in similar habitats and at the same
time of year. Can be up to 30 cm across when mature. Cap white, yellowing
with age. Bruises yellow-brown on handling. Gills greyer than in
the field mushrooms. Smells pleasantly of almonds.
Lobster mushroom – Hypomyces lactifluorum
The lobster mushroom is an orange-red capped mushroom covered in bumps. Inside, it’s white, and it often twists itself into odd shapes as it matures. They prefer old-growth forests.
Edible parts: Whole mushroom. Mushroom identification is not for beginners! Many mushrooms have poisonous doppelgängers. Wild mushroom foraging requires careful identification, and you shouldn’t dig in until a professional has given you the go-ahead.
Morel – Morchella esculenta
Woodland clearings, old orchards and pastures (especially sandy soils), under broad -leaved trees, especially ash and elm. The cap is wrinkled like a coarse sponge,
these morels are edible too.
Mitrophora semilibera, Morchella rotunda and Morchella vulgaris
Warning; False Morel X is poisonous –
Gyromitra esculenta
Sometimes insects move into the hollow interior, so morels should be cut open for cleaning purposes as well as for identification. They can be prepared in many ways, but unless you are fortunate enough to find a huge patch, you will probably want to cook them in butter or some other light flavored fat, so you can enjoy their special flavor to the full.
Morels aren’t farmed, you can only find them in the wild, and they are worth the work. They are oblong or bulbous, and they can vary between light brown to dark gray. Make sure to verify that you have identified the right mushroom by talking to an expert before consuming.
Be careful false morels are toxic and cause serious illness if consumed. In some cases, ingestion may be fatal, so talk to an expert before eating.
Oyster Mushroom – Pleurotus ostreatus
Common on dead or dying branches of beech and ash round the year,
though principally in late autumn and winter. This is a bracket fungus,
growing on the branch or trunk in shelves up to 20 cm (8 inches) across.
The cap is shell-shaped, convex at first, then flat, grey or slate-blue in
colour. Gills white and deep. Flesh white, soft, rubbery.
Panthercap – POISONOUS – Amanita pantherina
Rather uncommon under broad-leaved trees. Cap 5 -10 cm
across, fawn to russet-brow n in colour, flecked with pure white scales.
Gills, stem, ring and sheath white.
Parasol Mushroom – Macrolepiota procera
Wood margins, grassy clearings, roadsides, July to November. A large fungus,
up to 30 cm (12 inches) tall and 20 cm across. When young
the cap resembles an old-fashioned, domed beehive. It then spreads out
flat but always retains its dark central prominence. It is dry, scaly, brown
to grey-brown. Gills white and detached from the stem. Stem tall, slender,
hollow and bulbous at the base and slightly scaly like the cap. Large white
double ring which eventually becomes completely free of the stem so that
it can be moved up and down. With its large, dry cap, the parasol is one of the best of our edible fungi.
Polypores – Polyporus sulphureus
If you find orange, red-orange, or orange-and-pink mushrooms growing in shelflike layers on dead wood or on the bark of living trees, examine their undersurface. If they are sulfur yellow and consist of thousands of tiny pores, they are sulfur polypores, an unmistakable edible mushroom. Young sulfur polypores are delicious, with a flavor somewhat like chicken. For this reason, they are sometimes called chicken mushrooms.
The real prizes in the mushroom world are the giant puffballs. The Calvatia gigantea.
Of the fifteen species of puffballs with white flesh described in Mushrooms of North America by Orson K. Miller, Jr., none are poisonous, and all but two are edible. Lycoperdon pusillurn is small, one-third to three-quarters of an inch in diameter, and grows in subarctic conditions. The other, Calvatia fumosa, is an inch or two in diameter, gray in color, tastes bitter, smells unpleasant, and grows in high altitudes in Engelmann spruce and fir forests of the Pacific Northwest.
A puffball is a solid structure. It is never hollow, nor does it have gills or a stem. When it is cut in half lengthwise, this uniform structure is obvious. Fresh puffballs of the edible varieties are always white inside. Never eat puffballs whose interior is purple or brown. Normally fry the puffball.
Red-staining Inocybe – Inocybe patouillardii – POISONOUS
Uncommon in woodland glades, parks, etc. C a p 5-7 cm, conical.
Gills, stipe and flesh whitish, but soon reddening with age or bruising.
Smells fruity. Many inocybe species are toxic, but most grow in woodland
habitats, not in the open grassland favoured by the fa iry-ring champignon.
The most seriously poisonous member of the family, red-staining inocybe,
is unfortunately sometimes an exception. Avoid all inocybes.
Russula (Bare Toothed) – Russula vesca
Russula vesca is probably the easiest of the common species to identify.
It grows in all sorts of woods, especially oak and beech, from June to
November. The cap is 5-10 cm across, and can be coloured
anything from pale pink to violet or rusty red. Stem and gills are pure
white, and there is no ring or sheath. The best identifying feature is the
fact that, when the fungus is mature, one or two millimeters of the margin
of the cap are free from skin, and finely grooved with radial veins.
Russula krombholzii
Previously known as R. atropurpurea . Common throughout Britain, especially
under oak, June to December. Cap 3-10 cm across, a striking deep purple in colour with a darker center. Gills, stem and flesh dull white, smelling slightly of apples.
Russula xerampelina
Found under pines. Cap up to 25 cm across, with no depression,
blackish-purple in the center fading to carmine at edge. Gills ochre, flesh
yellowing when cut.
Shaggy Parasol – Macrolepiota rhacodes – some people are alergic
Not uncommon on rich ground, though prefers more shade than the common
parasol. July to November. Very similar to previous species, but the
cap is scalier and the stem quite smooth. Flesh white but reddens on cutting.
Shaggy Inkcap, Lawyer’s Wig – Coprinus comatus
Fields, road verges, playing fields, rubbish tips, June to November. A tall,
shaggy, scaly fungus, 8 -2 5 cm high. Cap almost cylindrical at
first, white and covered with scales. Opens to resemble a limp umbrella.
Gills white at first, then pink to black as the cap opens, finally dissolving
into an inky fluid. Stem white and smooth with a small white ring at first.
Shaggymane – Coprinus comatus
Puffballs, morels, shaggymanes, and sulfur polypores are the most commonly collected edible fungi, but there are hundreds of other equally good species.
St George’s Mushroom – Calocybe gambosa
Old grassland, downs and dunes throughout Britain, April to Ju n e. C a p 5-12 cm across when young, later flatter with wavy edges. Cap, gills and stem all creamy-white in colour.
Truffle – Tuber aestivum
Sometimes found in woodland in the south of England. Prefers limestone soils. An underground fungus, mostly about the size of a golf ball, 3-7 cm. The outside has a somewhat warty appearance, blue-black in colour when fresh, turning to brown-black.
Velvet Shank, Winter Mushroom – Flammulina velutipes
Common in clusters on stumps and trunks between September and March.
Th e caps are thin, about 2 -8 cm across, sticky and glistening,
and honey-yellow to orange-red in colour. Gills broad and pale yellow.
Stem thin, tough, often curved, dark brown in colour and covered with a
dark velvety down. The flesh is thin, whitish and rubbery with no smell.
Winter Chanterelle – Cantharellus infundibuliformis
Found in clusters in all kinds of woodland, July to January. Funnel-shaped, with a slightly crinkled margin. Cap 2 .5 -5 cm across and dark brown. Stem deep yellow. Gills fold-like and branched as in the chanterelle. No ring.
Wood Hedgehog – Hydnum repandum
Uncommon in all kinds of woodland, August to November. The cap is irregularly shaped, up to 15 cm across, and is covered with a matt huffish to pink skin, smooth and often cracked, like fine leather. The ‘gills’ take the form of unmistakable tiny white spines of unequal length. Stem short, stout, whitish. No ring.
Wood Blewit – Lepista nuda
Mixed woodlands and gardens, September to December. C ap 5 -10 cm across, turning reddish with age. Gills crowded, stem stout and mealy and always a little swollen at the base. No ring. Flesh tinged with violet at first, becoming whiter with age.
Wood Mushroom – Agaricus silvicola
Occasional in deciduous and coniferous woodland. C a p 5 -10 cm, white, turning yellow and eventually orange. Gills pinkish-grey. Flesh white, becoming yellow. Smells of aniseed. August to November.
Yellow-staining Mushroom – POISONOUS – Agaricus xanthodermus
Parks, open woodland and gardens under broad-leaved trees. Very similar
in appearance to a small horse mushroom. Cap 5-11 cm across, creamy-white, often with small brown scales in the middle. Gills white at first, turning grey-pin k and finally dark brown. Stipe turns bright chrome-yellow if cut near the base. The smell is also distinctive, reminiscent of ink or iodine. Can cause acute, if temporary, digestive upsets in susceptible persons.
Yellow-cracked Bolete – Boletus subtomentosus
Found in all sorts of wood, especially in moss and on grassy paths, Jun e to
October. Cap 5-7 cm across, colour variable, olive-yellow to
brown; when old the surface is often cracked. Pores bright yellow. Stem
yellow-brown, ribbed, tapering towards the base. Flesh soft, yellowish white,
pleasant smelling.
Yellow Swamp Russula (Yellow swamp) – Russula claroflava
Common under birch and alder, Jun e to November. Cap 5-12 cm
across, matt yellow at first, becoming shiny. Gills ochre, stem white, bruising
greyish. One of the best of the Russulas, with a fruity smell and a mild taste.
11 Edible Mushrooms found in the US
1. Morel Mushrooms (Morchella esculenta)
2. Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarus and more than 15 other species)
3. Fairy Ring Mushroom (Marasmius oreades)
4. Sweet Tooth, Wood Hedgehog, or Hedgehog Mushroom (Hydnum repandum)
5. Meadow Mushroom or Field Mushroom (Agaricus campestris) – my father loved these.
6. Shaggy Mane Mushroom, Lawyer’s Wig, Shaggy Inkcap, or Maned Agaric (Coprinus comatus)
7. Hen of the Wood, Ram’s Head, Sheep’s Head, Signorina, or Maitake (Grifola frondosa)
8. Bear’s Head Tooth, Monkey’s Head, Pom Pom, Bearded Hedgehog, or Lion’s Mane Mushroom (Genus Hericium)
9. Giant Puffballs (Calvatia gigantea)
10. Sulphur Shelf Mushroom or Chicken Mushroom (Laetiporus sulphureus)
11. Black Trumpet Mushroom (Craterellus cornucopioides and related species)

I am a retired Photography Teacher, Refugee Settlement Manager, and Builder. For the past 10 years, I have been teaching part-time, writing books, taking photos and doing lots of research.
All the books I write come from experience and research. Yes, in my life so far I have worked with refugees, taught art, built houses, studied herbs, and health. I have also studied astrology spirituality including meditation, animal welfare, and poetry.
I sincerely hope that you can gain valuable information from my books (usually short and sweet introductions) to different facets of life I have visited.
Where to find Roditch online

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 103,380. Language: English. Published: January 6, 2022. Categories: Nonfiction » Biography » Autobiographies & Memoirs
A story about my life in Warrnambool, Castlemaine and Rushworth

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 249,020. Language: English. Published: December 19, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Children’s Books » Lifestyles / Country Life
Time to dropout and start a new, secure and sustainable life.

Price: $2.00 USD. Language: English. Published: October 26, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
Portraits by Roditch. These photos are a collection of Roditch’s portraits over the past 5 years. They are a reflection of the person.

Price: $2.00 USD. Language: English. Published: October 26, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
This is a collection of photographs of rural Thailand. Including farmers, Monks, temples and farms

Price: $2.00 USD. Language: English. Published: October 24, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
Original Photos of Buddha sculptures Thailand taken by famous photographer Roditch

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 170. Language: English. Published: December 6, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
One reason I love Buddha is because he knew that animals had sentience, consciousness, and that consciousness was as valuable, respectable, sacred as any Homosapien.

Thailand of Dreams Series 1 by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 170. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
Thailand is a country is worth exploring to regain your imagination, love of nature, fairy tales and spirits of the land.

Portraits and Souls Series 1 by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
Portraits have always been there as a window into someone’s soul if only we are to look and care.

Beautiful Buddha Series 1 by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
Buddha is the peace in the world. Everyone can benefit from Buddha,s teachings.

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 140. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
Children are the magic in the world. NASA has done research that confirms that all children are born creative geniuses, but, by the time they are 7 years old their genius has been retired by cultural and family conditioning.

Musing with the Fishes Series 1 by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Fiction » Inspirational
It is a wonderful way to relax and tune in with nature; just looking into water and musing with the fishes.

Off the Fence Posts by Roditch
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 20. Language: English. Published: April 18, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
This book is a collection of posts I have made over the past 3 years.

Musing with the Fishes by Roditch
Price: $10.00 USD. Words: 530. Language: English. Published: April 16, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
What is real? As you look into these pictures you can see spirits and goblins and all sorts of magical things

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Thailand people love family, culture, Buddha, music, and celebrations.

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Thailand has a unique balance of culture, spirituality, art, agriculture, and the environment.

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 7,120. Language: English. Published: April 14, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » General self-help
Right now you are creating your future if nothing else. This book is about a future that belongs to the rich and powerful.

Teaching ESL English Zen by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 5,990. Language: English. Published: April 14, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Teaching methods & materials / language arts
10 years of experience teaching ESL English to Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary, University, and Teachers.

Animal Sentience Zen by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 10,700. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Science & Nature » Animals
Sentience is the word we use to say that we are animals like animals are human.

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Poetry is a way to communicate more deeply and completely. It is not just about writing a poem it is being a poem for your family, friends, and society.

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 2,900. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – how to
Photography comes from the soul as any art does, the deeper you go the better your photos will be.

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Shepparton, Victoria, Australia has produced an amazing amount of brilliant artists over the years.

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The conservationists in the Goulburn Valley, Victoria Australia are outstanding people.

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Poetry from your own pen is a baby bird flying from the nest into the stars.

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 220. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 210. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 210. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: April 11, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 11, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 200. Language: English. Published: April 10, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 200. Language: English. Published: April 10, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans.

Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 10, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Contemporary Poetry
This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 170. Language: English. Published: April 9, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Ancient
This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans. The words come in an inspirational moment and have more meaning than you first think and challenge your mind; like Zen Koans.
Meditation and Prayer Zen by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 9,640. Language: English. Published: April 9, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Mental health
Throughout history, meditators have been both influential and mysterious. To look at some of the great meditators, see their works and know them more deeply helps when meditating your way to a fuller and richer life.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 11,920. Language: English. Published: April 8, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well
The fountain of youth is real. By fasting 1 day a week, taking resveratrol, Metformin and AMPK you can live much longer, be more healthy and energetic
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 8,580. Language: English. Published: April 8, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well
There are many places in the world where people still get a large proportion of their food in the wild. And there are just as many who go hunting for their food in supermarkets.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 6,580. Language: English. Published: April 7, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well
People worry about dying from Covid-19 but most of us are dying early because of cancer, heart and liver disease already.
GMO and Glyphosate Zen by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 6,870. Language: English. Published: April 7, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Family health
If we don’t have the land or the time to grow our own food then we should buy only organic because Genetically Modified Food plastered with Glyphosate is not an option for a long and happy life
Fruits of Our Labour by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 21,200. Language: English. Published: April 6, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » History » Australia & New Zealand
This book is a history of the Goulburn Valley Fruit Industry.

Teresa – Love on the Riverbank by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 1,810. Language: English. Published: April 4, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Epic
Our heart is silent when it wants to scream out “I am here, love me.” Poetry is kissing with words, words that can cross infinite boundaries of the mind to pierce the heart of a willing soul.

A Suitcase Full of Dreams by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 83,830. Language: English. Published: April 3, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » History » Australia & New Zealand
The Goulburn Valley, Victoria, Australia is home to thousands of refugees and immigrants from around the world. Shepparton is the main city in the Goulburn Valley which is surrounded by orchards.
Francis of Warrnambool by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 7,870. Language: English. Published: April 3, 2020. Categories: Fiction » Fairy tales
A lot of very talented people were born in Warrnambool in the ’50s. Like Dave Dawson, Peter Lucas and Jack Wilkins.

Debt and Self Sufficiency by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 6,090. Language: English. Published: April 2, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Emotional healing
We all have too much debt. It is time to pay it all back and remain debt-free forever.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 4,870. Language: English. Published: April 2, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Politics & Current Affairs » Civil & human rights
Everyone has the right to physical,. emotional and intellectual freedom. These rights are eroding and it is time to make a stand.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 7,380. Language: English. Published: March 30, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Engineering, trades, & technology » Construction / General
Many years ago I built my own house out of second-hand materials.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 7,420. Language: English. Published: March 30, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Astrology
This is a small Astrology book. Like all the ZEN series it is a simple introduction about a vast topic.
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 1,360. Language: English. Published: March 30, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Music » History & Criticism
The Sunbury Pop Festival in 1972, photos and poems. Original photos and Poems by Roditch
Swat the Fly – A Covid-19 Self Help Guide by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 26,300. Language: English. Published: March 29, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Alternative medicine
This book is a collection of natural remedies used by Doctors that will help you prevent and overcome the covid-19 virus.
Roditch’s tag cloud
5g ageing agendas amazon ampk angie russi animals apples art artists asia astrology australia beach beauty beginner being a poet buddha buddha thailand photographs sculptures templs buddhism builder building cannery carpentry castlemaine cbd cecelia censorship cheap children china christianity conservationists corona corruption covi19 covid19 culture dali debt detox dimensions doctors dropout environment esl facebook farm farmers farming festival fishing flashcards food foraging forest fountainofyouth free freedom fruit globalism glyphosate gmo google goulburn goulburn valley greenwoods halhy handmade happy health hedditch herbs hoemegrown home homemade horoscope how to be a poet hunting hydrogen immigration independence industry inspirational inspire interest italians janet donaldson king koan koans leaves liberty livelonger love magic materials meditation merton metformin money monk mooroopna moringa music natural nature new world order oil orchard orchards organic original paintings phonics photographs photographs roditch portraits characters photography photogrpahs photos phoyography poe poem poems poet poetry poetyry poison portrait portraits power prayer reality refugees resveratrol reuben roditch rural rushworth secret sentience sentient sex shepparton shepparton art gallery soul spc spirit spirits spiritual sun sunbury superb parrot sustainable teaching english telomeres temples thailand the best thorpe tpr valley victoria village virus warrnambool water wild wild food wildfit woodbutcher writing youthful zen
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From <>
I am a retired Photography Teacher, Refugee Settlement Manager, and Builder. For the past 10 years, I have been teaching part-time, writing books, taking photos and doing lots of research.
All the books I write come from experience and research. Yes, in my life so far I have worked with refugees, taught art, built houses, studied herbs, and health. I have also studied astrology spirituality including meditation, animal welfare, and poetry.
I sincerely hope that you can gain valuable information from my books (usually short and sweet introductions) to different facets of life I have visited.
Where to find Roditch online
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 103,380. Language: English. Published: January 6, 2022. Categories: Nonfiction » Biography » Autobiographies & Memoirs
A story about my life in Warrnambool, Castlemaine and Rushworth
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 249,020. Language: English. Published: December 19, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Children’s Books » Lifestyles / Country Life
Time to dropout and start a new, secure and sustainable life.
Price: $2.00 USD. Language: English. Published: October 26, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
Portraits by Roditch. These photos are a collection of Roditch’s portraits over the past 5 years. They are a reflection of the person.
Price: $2.00 USD. Language: English. Published: October 26, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
This is a collection of photographs of rural Thailand. Including farmers, Monks, temples and farms
Price: $2.00 USD. Language: English. Published: October 24, 2021. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
Original Photos of Buddha sculptures Thailand taken by famous photographer Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 170. Language: English. Published: December 6, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
One reason I love Buddha is because he knew that animals had sentience, consciousness, and that consciousness was as valuable, respectable, sacred as any Homosapien.
Thailand of Dreams Series 1 by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 170. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
Thailand is a country is worth exploring to regain your imagination, love of nature, fairy tales and spirits of the land.
Portraits and Souls Series 1 by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
Portraits have always been there as a window into someone’s soul if only we are to look and care.
Beautiful Buddha Series 1 by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
Buddha is the peace in the world. Everyone can benefit from Buddha,s teachings.
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 140. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
Children are the magic in the world. NASA has done research that confirms that all children are born creative geniuses, but, by the time they are 7 years old their genius has been retired by cultural and family conditioning.
Musing with the Fishes Series 1 by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2020. Categories: Fiction » Inspirational
It is a wonderful way to relax and tune in with nature; just looking into water and musing with the fishes.
Off the Fence Posts by Roditch
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 20. Language: English. Published: April 18, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
This book is a collection of posts I have made over the past 3 years.
Musing with the Fishes by Roditch
Price: $10.00 USD. Words: 530. Language: English. Published: April 16, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
What is real? As you look into these pictures you can see spirits and goblins and all sorts of magical things
Price: $10.00 USD. Words: 600. Language: English. Published: April 15, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
Thailand people love family, culture, Buddha, music, and celebrations.
Price: $7.00 USD. Words: 1,090. Language: English. Published: April 15, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – Photo books
Thailand has a unique balance of culture, spirituality, art, agriculture, and the environment.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 7,120. Language: English. Published: April 14, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » General self-help
Right now you are creating your future if nothing else. This book is about a future that belongs to the rich and powerful.
Teaching ESL English Zen by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 5,990. Language: English. Published: April 14, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Teaching methods & materials / language arts
10 years of experience teaching ESL English to Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary, University, and Teachers.
Animal Sentience Zen by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 10,700. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Science & Nature » Animals
Sentience is the word we use to say that we are animals like animals are human.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 3,550. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Contemporary Poetry
Poetry is a way to communicate more deeply and completely. It is not just about writing a poem it is being a poem for your family, friends, and society.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 2,900. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Photography – how to
Photography comes from the soul as any art does, the deeper you go the better your photos will be.
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 750. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Artists
Shepparton, Victoria, Australia has produced an amazing amount of brilliant artists over the years.
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 790. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Science & Nature » Environment
The conservationists in the Goulburn Valley, Victoria Australia are outstanding people.
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 1,560. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Contemporary Poetry
Poetry from your own pen is a baby bird flying from the nest into the stars.
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 220. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 210. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 210. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 180. Language: English. Published: April 11, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 11, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This is a book of original poems and photographs by Roditch, inspired by Zen Koans.
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 200. Language: English. Published: April 10, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 200. Language: English. Published: April 10, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry
This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans.
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 190. Language: English. Published: April 10, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Contemporary Poetry
This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 170. Language: English. Published: April 9, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Ancient
This book of original poems and photographs is inspired by Zen Koans. The words come in an inspirational moment and have more meaning than you first think and challenge your mind; like Zen Koans.
Meditation and Prayer Zen by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 9,640. Language: English. Published: April 9, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Mental health
Throughout history, meditators have been both influential and mysterious. To look at some of the great meditators, see their works and know them more deeply helps when meditating your way to a fuller and richer life.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 11,920. Language: English. Published: April 8, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well
The fountain of youth is real. By fasting 1 day a week, taking resveratrol, Metformin and AMPK you can live much longer, be more healthy and energetic
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 8,580. Language: English. Published: April 8, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well
There are many places in the world where people still get a large proportion of their food in the wild. And there are just as many who go hunting for their food in supermarkets.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 6,580. Language: English. Published: April 7, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well
People worry about dying from Covid-19 but most of us are dying early because of cancer, heart and liver disease already.
GMO and Glyphosate Zen by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 6,870. Language: English. Published: April 7, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Family health
If we don’t have the land or the time to grow our own food then we should buy only organic because Genetically Modified Food plastered with Glyphosate is not an option for a long and happy life
Fruits of Our Labour by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 21,200. Language: English. Published: April 6, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » History » Australia & New Zealand
This book is a history of the Goulburn Valley Fruit Industry.
Teresa – Love on the Riverbank by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 1,810. Language: English. Published: April 4, 2020. Categories: Poetry » Epic
Our heart is silent when it wants to scream out “I am here, love me.” Poetry is kissing with words, words that can cross infinite boundaries of the mind to pierce the heart of a willing soul.
A Suitcase Full of Dreams by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 83,830. Language: English. Published: April 3, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » History » Australia & New Zealand
The Goulburn Valley, Victoria, Australia is home to thousands of refugees and immigrants from around the world. Shepparton is the main city in the Goulburn Valley which is surrounded by orchards.
Francis of Warrnambool by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 7,870. Language: English. Published: April 3, 2020. Categories: Fiction » Fairy tales
A lot of very talented people were born in Warrnambool in the ’50s. Like Dave Dawson, Peter Lucas and Jack Wilkins.
Debt and Self Sufficiency by Roditch
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 6,090. Language: English. Published: April 2, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Emotional healing
We all have too much debt. It is time to pay it all back and remain debt-free forever.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 4,870. Language: English. Published: April 2, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Politics & Current Affairs » Civil & human rights
Everyone has the right to physical,. emotional and intellectual freedom. These rights are eroding and it is time to make a stand.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 7,380. Language: English. Published: March 30, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Engineering, trades, & technology » Construction / General
Many years ago I built my own house out of second-hand materials.
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 7,420. Language: English. Published: March 30, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Astrology
This is a small Astrology book. Like all the ZEN series it is a simple introduction about a vast topic.
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 1,360. Language: English. Published: March 30, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Music » History & Criticism
The Sunbury Pop Festival in 1972, photos and poems. Original photos and Poems by Roditch
Swat the Fly – A Covid-19 Self Help Guide by Roditch
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 26,300. Language: English. Published: March 29, 2020. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Alternative medicine
This book is a collection of natural remedies used by Doctors that will help you prevent and overcome the covid-19 virus.
Roditch’s tag cloud
5g ageing agendas amazon ampk angie russi animals apples art artists asia astrology australia beach beauty beginner being a poet buddha buddha thailand photographs sculptures templs buddhism builder building cannery carpentry castlemaine cbd cecelia censorship cheap children china christianity conservationists corona corruption covi19 covid19 culture dali debt detox dimensions doctors dropout environment esl facebook farm farmers farming festival fishing flashcards food foraging forest fountainofyouth free freedom fruit globalism glyphosate gmo google goulburn goulburn valley greenwoods halhy handmade happy health hedditch herbs hoemegrown home homemade horoscope how to be a poet hunting hydrogen immigration independence industry inspirational inspire interest italians janet donaldson king koan koans leaves liberty livelonger love magic materials meditation merton metformin money monk mooroopna moringa music natural nature new world order oil orchard orchards organic original paintings phonics photographs photographs roditch portraits characters photography photogrpahs photos phoyography poe poem poems poet poetry poetyry poison portrait portraits power prayer reality refugees resveratrol reuben roditch rural rushworth secret sentience sentient sex shepparton shepparton art gallery soul spc spirit spirits spiritual sun sunbury superb parrot sustainable teaching english telomeres temples thailand the best thorpe tpr valley victoria village virus warrnambool water wild wild food wildfit woodbutcher writing youthful zen
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