Stop and go at the same time, another dimension
Life is a balance between stopping and going. This erratic journey is going on somewhere and nowhere all the time.
When we stop at traffic lights, and ponder the meaning of our lives, in a temporary burst of enforced thought, then go on again, acting out our dramas on life’s stage; we are reuniting with our soul. It is a heavenly and earthly dance we are doing. All the action in the world without guidance from your soul is your head banging on a wall, the hands of a clock ticking… This stopping and starting will eventually, for some with insight, end in unity, somewhat akin to mindfulness. The next time you stop at a red light, rejoice in another opportunity to become whole and found.
As humans we need to remember who we are and where we are, and where we came from. Stopping at a million red lights, until it feels like home.
Life on earth is meant to be a physical experience of the spiritual. Yet, we are in danger of the physical rooting us in the ground, without us ever reaching the sky again. Though we are religious, we don’t ever think we can be the object of our faith. Mostly only using religion to socially and safely enter heaven.
Our mind sends us on endless errands, insanely filling in the time that is meant for reunion with our soul and heaven.
I am humbled when the light turns red. It is a time for meditation and reflection. Then on the green light I do, unfortunately, race to tirelessly fulfill my destiny. I can’t say which one is better than the other. I only know that there is perfection when we join them together and have stop and go at the same time: merging the two. I have done it, seen it, and it is waiting for you. The perfection that creates the universe is inside these moments.
Action gives physicality for the mind to see and stopping gives spirituality for the heart to be. When you do it, you will eventually be amazed how your mind creates your universe, atom by atom, and reality is just that, nothing more.
There are other dimensions your mind can create and see, once your mind stops forming atoms of reality. If Jesus can die, come back to life, then float to heaven so can we.
Roditch 2022