
Our survival, depends on each other.

An important moment in history. When humans finally worked together to beat a common foe, Covid-19, using everything, natural and synthetic that works.

It is now September 2021. Covid has been around for a long time and it is still causing chaos around the world. Whether you are pro vaccine or not this article is for you.

To be clear, I am not pro vaccine for the following reasons. Anyone who has had the vaccine already may have to deal with the following problems: a depleted immune system, a long term dependency on pharmaceutical companies for drugs, possible side effects including small blood clots that are caused by the miniscule spike proteins travelling through  your blood stream and sticking into your artery walls. When enough of them do this it can cause  your immune system to deal with them (inflammation) which can in turn create small blood clots which inhibit blood flow to your essential organs, causing failure. The pharmaceutical companies originally said the genetic material will stay in close proximity to the injection site. In reality, the genetic code in the vaccine makes your body create spike proteins, similar to what are on the surface of covid-19 viruses. Like all vaccines creating an immune, memory response. But unfortunately because of the lack of trials, unbeknown to most people there are serious side effects, which can develop over months and years, and sadly for some only hours.

Many doctors around the world who believed the pharmaceutical companies and/or didn’t even think about it, are now dealing with duty of care problems with their patients suffering serious illnesses from the vaccine that they administered.

The basic point I want to make is there are serious problems with mRNA vaccines that are slowly coming to light (from the human guinea pigs) which means that other options should be considered more seriously, like the Japanese Government now using Ivermectin successfully (researched as effective by an Australian University) and the Thailand Government having success with the number one flu herb in Germany, Andrographis.

Right at the beginning there was good evidence (mainstream drugs and supplements used every day) for Vitamin D, Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine and now Ivermectin, Shikimic Acid (from Star Anise and Pine Needles) Green Tea, Dandelion Leaves, Pomegranate Juice and Andrographis have been added to the list of concrete remedies. When you mix this evidence together with the scientific discover that we do have a natural immunity to Covid-19 (not all viruses) then the argument for Governments to promote and facilitate these powerful covid-19 killers as a first line of defense is strong. Unfortunately pharmaceutical companies have a huge conflict of interest, and an enormous sway over governments,  much the same as most doctors when it comes to facilitating the truth, so everyone can make up their own minds.

I am pretty upset that the Australian Government is putting all its resources into the police and  maintaining draconian lockdowns instead of following the scientists around the world that are finding alternatives to vaccines and lockdowns, alternatives that could nip this insanity in the bud. They are either stupid or corrupt. Now Pfizer is talking about everyone  taking 2 pills a day—sell more products—how did they ever get so much power over us the people? I know! Because they have roots with the German Nazi Party and the Rothchild’s family, both have history of not giving a toss about normal people. 

What can us normal people do? I suggest follow the trail and these are the options.

If you have to have a vaccine then the Chinese Sinovac Vaccine, which is made like normal flu vaccines, dead virus material, is considered way less dangerous than the American mRNA vaccines.

If you have to have an mRNA vaccine then you will need to have blood thinners like Ginger and Cayenne Pepper and anti-inflammatories like Turmeric or Curcumin (a more concentrated extract)  and black pepper

an immune boosting diet including organic fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and daily edible herbs like Dandelion Leaves. Vegetable and fruit smoothies. You know, healthy food that makes you healthy. No junk food or alcohol, for at least a year until you get past the blood clotting phase. And at the same time consider if you want to or can get off the Pharmaceutical regime of killing you and when. Because endless medicine will eventually end you.

For those of us that are never going to take the vaccine then there are a few very good things you can do to protect yourself and survive. They are zinc, vitamin D, Andrographis, Shikimic Acid, an 1/8th to a  quarter of a dropper of Lugol’s iodine in water every day, Dandelion Leaf Tea, Elderberry Juice and Vitamin C. There are heaps more you can add to this. I also take a dessert spoon of mixed powder: Ginger, Turmeric, Andrographis, black pepper and Cinnamon every day.

With the onset of a normal flu I keep taking the same stuff. If I get lung complications I nebulize a couple drops of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 6%  and Lugol’s Iodine 6% in 3 ml of saline water for 5 minutes.

There is a lot of information on the internet about nebulizing Lugol’s iodine and Hydrogen Peroxide (Dr Sircus and others) I suggest you read more about this therapy before using a nebulizer. I have used it and the Iodine and Hydrogen Peroxide in diluted amounts has been effective and safe for me. They are both anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

If you suspect, or have been diagnosed with Covid-19 then Ivermectin and Zinc ae essential along with nebulizing, and the therapeutics recommended below in the handbook.


Vaccines lose their power after 5 months and have serious short or long term health problems. They interfere with your natural immune system.

It is still believed that people at most risk are people that are old, fat, have existing health conditions and live on junk food.

There are other options that are probably as effective as a vaccine and much safer and can be used in the long term. Like Ivermectin, Zinc, Andrographis and Hydroxychloroquine (all recommended by the FDA for numerous ailments) inhalable Steroids, nebulized Lugols Iodine and Food Grade Hydrogen peroxide. See above.

Inflammation and blood clots are serious complications of the spike proteins created by mRNA vaccines and I think that natural blood thinners and anti inflammatories (Ginger, Cayenne Pepper and Turmeric) consumed every day (tea, curries) may reduce these problems enough for you to survive the vaccines. Without having to think too much about it. It is not a them against me war like Governments are suggesting. All you have to do is have an open mind and follow the scientists that are finding problems with the vaccines and other, better, solutions to combat it.

This article is meant for everyone on the planet  who wants to survive a serious health threat. And just remember one thing, always one thing—Doctors and nurses are administering these vaccines without knowing or even taking any responsibility for the complications they cause and even death. And most of them are not taking up on the science in their own medical journals  that off better and safer alternatives. Finally, as always, we are solely responsible for our, and our families health and well-being. This means keeping up with the loads of research on herbs, GMO foods, Glyphosate, supplements and life styles that promote longevity and health. Because doctors do not take care of your health. They only manage your disease and symptoms. Not that long ago they recommended cigarettes for lung health. And 50 decades ago the pharmaceutical companies banned CBD Oil like they are trying to do again now.

There are plenty of amazing Doctors who believe in holistic medicine, which means they use the best treatments available to them at the time. You need to find them. Dr Sircus, Dr Axe, Dr Peter McCullough, and Dr Brownstein

Some more information on doses and a wonderful handbook from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons on Home Based Treatment using Pharmaceutical Drugs that work. So you can have a balance between natural and pharmaceutical as you  and your ‘family doctor’ please.

Thanks to many doctors there is now a free home treatment guide for Covid-19 using supplements and pharmaceuticals proven to work at different stages of the disease in hospitals all around the world.

Disclaimer. I am not a doctor so make your own mind up do your research first. I am just passing on things I use myself or will if I have to. Most of the information on this page comes directly from Doctors.

Here is the link You can go their website and sign up for their email newsletters and see what wonderful free advice they offer or download their pdf second link below directly with many thanks, especially to DR Peter McCullough

AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

and the direct link for the book

Here are other links supplied after I signed up with my email

Thank you for requesting the PDF booklet: A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment.

Your copy can be downloaded at:

An updated list of protocols in use for COVID early treatment and prevention can be found at

If you are looking for a physician in your area please see the following link for a list of possible options:

Please also watch the companion videos:

1) Video by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, available at:

2) Video by Dr. Peter McCullough, available at:

If you would like to support ongoing and future efforts to protect patient rights, you can do so by contributing to the American Health Legal Foundation:

Here are MY!!!! Doses. The ones I would use. Again, consult with… research… but in an emergency you would be safe with these doses recommended by various doctors.

For a strong Immune system

Vitamin C, Up to 1 Gram, 4 times a day

50 Grams of Zinc a day

Vitamin D3 2000 IU Daily, Start with 5,000 IU Daily for 2 weeks then reduce to 2,000. Plus some Sun

AS a preventative and early stage of the flu

Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg 2 times a week – with 50 g Zinc (daily)

OR early stage of Flu

Ivermectin 18 mg (3 doses only) take every other day until finished (a total of 6 days)

Doxycycline 1 pill a day

The anti-inflammatories and anti-coagulants in the Home Treatment  Book.

Hydrogen Peroxide

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