I think

I think

Photographs and Poems by Roditch

Old age can mean two things: wisdom and irrelevance. Because I am old I have to admit I am a mixture of both, but it is a secret to what proportions—you be the judge. I have lived through a period where there were no telephones, hardly any cars, and no TV. To a time when the world is in turmoil as it grapples with Artificial Intelligence. Most people don’t know what is real anymore because they are losing their connection with the original AI, God, and making up their own. I believe this is a mistake because as a tree needs its roots in the ground to survive and flourish so do we. No matter how high we think we can fly—Elon Musk—our roots will always be necessary for us to be human. I hope that as the world gets smaller all religions and spiritual beliefs will find their common ground, creating a harmonious world and a healthy psychology and framework to navigate the future. This book is about my cliches, stuff I have lived through and think about. There is a good chance you have thought the same as me, and also a chance I can bring some insights, from the past, into the present, that will help balance what is coming—total control of the world by artificial intelligence. If you scoff at these words, then you are wrongly scoffing. AI is already here with robots, writing, music, war machines, factory workers, telephones… The tipping point is upon us. Within five years AI will be AIF, Artificial Intelligence Freedom. They will be ruling over us with their superior intelligence and strength. Still don’t believe me? Then do your research on 4 robots killing scientists in Japan recently. This book of words and photographs covers many different topics, not just robots. I hope you enjoy it.

This book is for sale on Amzon here

I think

Photographs and words

by Roditch

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