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Will you survive?
There is an emerging crisis in America: the baby formula is running out. There will be other food crises over the next few years so it is important to start looking for alternatives to what you and your family are eating and drinking. Fluids are pretty easy to replace. Water, homemade lemonade and any other…

Going bananas
Bananas are my favourite food. Then I like tomatoes, potatoes and chillis. When you or your kids are hankering for something sweet then a banana should be your first choice. Some people like them in smoothies. I like them natural or on cereal. I often think about the potassium in bananas and how important potassium…

The Castlemaine Hippy Cookbook
This cookbook is a collection of food I mainly eat in my younger years (1970s and 80s). I have made the recipes to reflect that I was a vegetarian. You can easily replace beans, lentils, etc. with the protein of your choice. Or add to the existing recipe. The recipes are cheap, healthy, storable, and…

Heal thyself
For a few years I have been using Lugol’s Iodine and food grade hydrogen peroxide. Doctors Like Sircus, Brownstein and Mercola are using them for various health problems. After a lot of experimentation Dr Brownstein uses a mixture of saline water, around 6 ml, a drop of Lugol’s Iodine and a highly diluted amount of…

The nasty curve has turned
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Choose your oils wisely
Apart from eating organic food and drinking pure water, the next best thing to improve your health is to cut down on using most oils in your cooking, restaurant food and processed foods like mayonnaise. Pure coconut oil, pure extra virgin olive oil, Avocado Oil and butter are ok in moderation. Oils are not as…