Recline not decline

I read years ago that as we age our brain physically shrinks.  This can cause Alzheimer’s and other brain problems. Luckily things like turmeric and fish oil can stop your brain from shrinking, prevent Alzheimer’s and also reverse cognitive decline.

Study: Fish Oil Prevents Brain Shrinkage And Cognitive Decline In Older Adults

Recently, researchers discovered that in a small village in India, they have healthy brains. They put it down to their love for coconut oil, broccoli and turmeric curry.


Broccoli is another type of dark leafy green that contains many of the same nutrients mentioned earlier when talking about leafy greens, namely, lutein, vitamin K, folate, and nitrate.

Broccoli also contains vitamin C, which helps protect against oxidative stress, another factor that is thought to be associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Coconut oil

The medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) found in coconut oil serve as an alternate source of glucose for the brain. It is thought that the brain is less able to convert glucose to fuel in early Alzheimer’s disease.

A small pilot study with a control group showed an increase in memory in the group given a Mediterranean diet enriched with coconut compared to the one that was given the unenriched diet.


Turmeric has long been used as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

In a randomized controlled trial over the course of 12 months, turmeric was investigated as a means of preventing cognitive decline in community-dwelling adults.

At 6 months, a decline was observed in the placebo group but not in the treatment one, which suggests that turmeric and its active component curcumin are somewhat effective at delaying cognitive decline.

There are also a lot of people now using fish oil to treat schizophrenia.

There may finally be a way to stop people progressing beyond the first signs of schizophrenia – fish oil. When people with early-stage symptoms took omega-3 supplements for three months, they had much lower rates of progression than those who did not, according to one small-scale trial.

People with schizophrenia are usually diagnosed in their teens or 20s, but may experience symptoms for years beforehand, such as minor delusions or paranoid thoughts. Only about a third of people with such symptoms do go on to develop psychosis, however, and antipsychotic drugs can cause nasty side effects, so these are rarely given as a preventative.

Fish oil supplements, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids like omega-3, maybe a benign alternative. These fatty acids may normally help dampen inflammation in the brain and protect neurons from damage, and lower levels in the brain have been implicated in several mental illnesses.

Roditch 2022

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