heaven within

Steps to the heaven within

Where you want to be

You are where you want to be

Here is how to change where you want to be.

Get a map of the world and mark where you are now and then mark on the map where you want to be.

Sounds easy, but some of the problems about getting there stem from WHY? I am not happy with my work so I need a new job. I am a creative person but I can’t make a living from my art. I don’t have any money to start a business. I have to take care of my family.

Baby Steps

You need to remember where you are now and where you want to be on the map and start that journey step by step. Yep, if you want to be a wonderful photographer, you can buy a good camera for $200. Take photographs (document) of your family using window light, sunny shade and natural expressions and actions. After a couple of years doing this you will be a wonderful photographer.

Love your purpose

Fame is irrelevant to success and happiness. The joy of doing what you are meant to do is your modus operandi. Cliches like I want to be rich and famous are very ho hum.

Back you to YOURSELF and your SOUL, do what your one true SELF wants you to do and happiness will flow (this  correlates to God). Fame comes from the days of Kings and Hollywood, when the rest of us were psycho slaves.


When you live in your body and not your soul, negative feelings and thoughts permeate your life: minute by minute. Napoleon Hill’s book ‘Outwitting the Devil’ is a marvelous antidote to an overactive mind as is mediation and peace. If you are feeling stressed, alone, weak, fearful, boring, wanting, stupid, lost, and endless list  of negative mind sets, always remember that all those feelings are not real. Your mind loves to pummel you with negativity, it seems like that’s it’s prime purpose. One brilliant example is how difficult it is for smokers to give up, “I need a smoke after a meal”. More examples, fat people, “just one more slice of pizza and I will be happy” and sheep, “I will tell my boss to shove it, tomorrow”.  Maybe all the brave soldiers in the world go into battle, fearless, because they have given their mind up for God. Fear is a product of the mind, the mind is not you. You are a soul, and a soul has infinite knowledge, courage and lives. It really helps to listen to your mind, saying over and over again, ‘you can’t do it, you are no good. Forget it buster your useless’ and realize how much your mind makes you crazy. This is why they tell nervous contestants on talent shows to take a breath or drink water to distract your mind from you and you from it.  Your soul is singing not your mind.

Another good technique I used for years is to breathe in slowly through your nose for 8 seconds, hold your breath for 8 seconds and breathe ever so slowly out again through a small hole in your mouth for 8 seconds, hold your breath for 8 seconds and repeat as needed. You will be shocked at how peaceful you feel. You can hear the birds, see the clouds and feel the wind on your face: they were all lost because of your mind going on and on. This is the real you.

Dialogue with your SELF

There are so many entrepreneurs , gurus, gods, experts, out there, (taking your money, because you can’t do it yourself) but you don’t need any of them. Follow your intuition, the messages from your soul, follow the force, Luke. In the Gospel of St Thomas Jesus says the light is within you and outside of you. When you know this simple truth you will know how to live an amazing life. The light, god, spirit, universe, is everywhere around you as well as inside of you. Interacting with you, messages coming and going. You don’t need anyone to tell you what to do if you just, believe in your SELF = Soul.


Before pop stars, writers, movie stars, and oligarchs we could live a happy life following our own dreams. Now everyone = everyone wants to make money from you and I am sorry to say I don’t trust them. The best you can get is a balance like Mike Adams from Natural News. You support his business and he will put a lot of his profits into free resources for the world. Books, Brighteon, an alternative Youtube, Brighteon TV, Daily News and daily radio broadcasts. There are plenty of examples like him. You could do far worse than following their philosophy of giving and sharing. Trust is an important part of our daily lives. We use it with our spouses, our children our schools, our banks, our tradespeople, our car makers and politicians. Without trust there is nothing worth living for. So, keep your integrity on your journey to your new world, and your love for people. The day you start falling in love with money is the day you didn’t reach your true destination. A booby trap along the way, it is.


Childhood dreams are real. They are more real, more perfect and pure than anything we conjure up after the world has beaten us up. Children are smart and according to NASA up to the age of 7 they are acutely in tune with their soul, making them creative geniuses. Knowing where you want go on your map can be as simple as trusting (remembering, believing in)  your dreams as a child. Children at that age operate on the Alpha Brain Waves level, while adults are on Theta. Alpha is similar to meditating. I see children and think they are only children, seen and not heard, because they are small: they had to be to get onto the planet.  And it is so typical of humans to bully people smaller than them. And this is how children lose their connection to their soul, according to NASA, and become brainiacs.

Summing up

  1. You can’t go anywhere without a quiet mind
  2. Your soul’s purpose, is your purpose.
  3. God is within and without. Jesus said, the Kingdom of God is within, and Buddha says, quieten your mind to reveal your true SELF.
  4. We are all born with a purpose
  5. If we are where we want to be, and don’t like it, then change where you want to be.
  6. In spiritual teachings, light often refers to light.
  7. We are all born equal under the Sun.
  8. Action is all there is according to Picasso
  9. Helping others I also helping yourself, cannot one without the other.
  10. I have moved to my new spot on the map, well, pretty close, it has been a harrowing journey because I didn’t have a clue how to get here and why I should. If not for baby steps, there is no way I could have even got out of town.

Roditch October 2021

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