
Which camp are you in? Freedom or controldoom

This post was inspired by Tucker Carlson who recently looked into the real and basic problems confronting the world. Control versus Freedom. There are people trying to control us (globalists, communists, socialists, dictators, billionaires, governments, banks) and people who want to be controlled (minorities, the lower classes, uneducated, corrupt politicians, government workers and the lazy . And there are people who love their freedom and independence (Texans, Christians, the educated, the fighters, business owners and uncorruptible politicians, most sane people).

Freedom versus control. It is time to decide if you want to be micro managed by controlling socialism systems or have as much freedom you possibly can from Western Democratic systems. 

You  can compare dictatorships like China, North Korea, Russia, Myanmar, Thailand, Venezuela with democracies like Germany, England, France, Australia, Italy and Holland. It seems to me, using Australia, England and the USA as examples, if you want to have a good life you can. And if you want to have a bad life you can also. Minorities appear to favour socialism: the rich give to the poor, poor. If you accept you are a lazy person who likes other people working for you, and use the excuse you are: race, colour, class, IQ then socialism is for you. But, if you desire to carve your life out with your own hammer and chisel then democracy is for you. Many rich people started out in life poor and worked hard for their success, and many rich  people are communist leaders who got their money from corruption and unbridled power.

There are many privileged socialists  because they have ultimate power. I think there are so many greedy people in the world: many doctors, lawyers, politicians, universities and traders that push people with no self-esteem on to the sidewalk. And there are also many minorities who think they cannot compete in life. Socialism is not the answer. The answer is a balance. Everyone sharing in wealth. Taxation more equitable and everyone given the same chance at life at least once.  A system that favours balance and everyone getting the chance to make a life. Like in the army everyone starts with the same things: a bed, a uniform, a gun and a pair of boots. What you do with them is up to you and will govern your future. You cannot be lazy in the army and hope the government will make you a Captain because you are a minority.

People can talk about this forever and not find a solution. What we can do today, yep, right now, is do the very best with what we have. Not blame anyone else but ourselves: SELF discipline, SELF mastery, SELF responsibility and SELF love. Then and only then, can you be a real fighter in the world and win. Never give up, always take action, stop thinking too much and take that action today, not tomorrow. The alternatives are unthinkable.

If you want freedom you can:

  1. Fight for it
  2. Respect everyone
  3. Build the SELF: responsibility, love, discipline and mastery.
  4. Eat healthy food and exercise
  5. Save money
  6. Love your neighbour
  7. Develop your spiritual nature
  8. Learn how to cook and use tools
  9. Ride a motorbike
  10. Learn yoga
  11. Use herbal remedies
  12. Weigh your vote seriously
  13. Consume a little
  14. No debt, cash for everything
  15. Do your best
  16. Help others
  17. Respect your parents
  18. Hone your skills
  19. Stay free of dogma
  20. Support your constitution
  21. Buy a gun
  22. Think positive and team up with likeminded people
  23. Learn to play guitar, dance, sing and paint
  24. Have a vegetable garden
  25. Pay your bills
  26. Have a budget
  27. Love your wife and family
  28. Follow your conscience
  29. Think about being part of the collective humanity
  30. Get involved in your community, like school boards and local government
  31. Dress nicely
  32. Respect people like Buddha and Jesus who dedicated their lives for others. Jesus knew his revolutionary ways would get him killed. He gave up his life to help free everyone. Buddha could have sat around in bliss, but he didn’t, he helped and taught many people and encouraged them to do the same. Kindness, sympathy, love for each other.
  33. Forgive everything that happened in your past
  34. Walk in the light
  35. Support the environment and all living things
  36. Love all people the same and don’t think of women as inferior or sex objects.
  37. Visit the local Mosque, Temple, Church and hangout with everyone, get to know the real people we call Christians, Moslems, Hindus and Buddhists and see they are the same as you.
  38. Don’t classify humans, we are all human
  39. Meditate
  40. Fight to stop injustice, corruption and intolerance.
  41. Give your time and resources freely, like Mike Adams and St Nicholas.
  42. Stop thinking about money all the time.
  43. Remember we are spiritual beings. Life is not about how many cars, houses, phones and sneakers you have.
  44. Be a man/ woman stand on your feet
  45. Know you are obese
  46. Not listen to the waterfall of evil thoughts in your mind
  47. Profit share and help real people in need
  48. Love your native peoples
  49. Don’t ever talk about other people.
  50. Teach these things to your children, you are the parent.
  51. Develop your intuition
  52. Eat organic food most of the time
  53. Be careful about what natural resources you use
  54. Make the world a better place for your children
  55. Know all success comes from taking action
  56. Understand how powerful your mind can be.
  57. Don’t blame the system, change the system
  58. Don’t spend too much on Christmas presents
  59. If you don’t like something vote with your feet
  60. Love your siblings
  61. Love your grandparents and respect them
  62. Honour Karma and pay everything forward.
  63. Know that God is not a religion and your religion is one of many.
  64. Be grateful for your life
  65. Don’t live in your parents shadow
  66. Don’t think you are better than everyone else
  67. Paint your house
  68. Help with the washing, dishes and cleaning
  69. Be humble
  70. Believe in the collective
  71. Don’t put your hope into political parties take action on policy, based on merit.
  72. Don’t let doctors control your health
  73. Support nurses being educated to higher levels to take over more hospital treatment duties.

If you want controlled help

  1. Then vote for socialists who will give you some money in return for allowing them to tell you what to do.
  2. Feel sorry for yourself and do nothing.
  3. Believe you belong to the working class and that all the rich people are ripping you off.
  4. Think that my race, creed, culture are the underdogs and think the worst about others.
  5. Don’t listen to your parent’s advice
  6. Get or give  pregnant as a teenager
  7. Smoke and drink
  8. Steal money from people that work.
  9. Don’t learn anything.
  10. Play games all day.
  11. Accept handouts
  12. Don’t ever think about who worked hard for the money, paid their taxes, that the government is giving you right now.
  13. Don’t ever help anyone but yourself
  14. Pig out on junk food
  15. Think negatively all the time
  16. Be angry and aggressive
  17. Think too much about sex
  18. Talk too much
  19. Not pay your bills
  20. Hate everyone
  21. Have no conscience
  22. Stay at home
  23. Stop saying when…
  24. Never make peace with your family and friends
  25. Don’t care about an ocean of plastic
  26. Treat women like sex objects
  27. Never save a dollar.
  28. Keep blaming everyone else for your problems
  29. Don’t grow up, never stop being a baby
  30. Be obese, for what?
  31. Obey the devil in your mind
  32. Don’t share your toys
  33. Call people and races bad names
  34. Talk about other people
  35. Teach your children how to live off the system  and other people’s hard work.
  36. Never having enough Christmas presents
  37. Hating your younger siblings
  38. Hating your grandparents
  39. Thinking your smarter than everyone else
  40. Take drugs
  41. Watch movies all day
  42. Think being fat is okay: you eat too much
  43. Barrack for a political team regardless of their capabilities. Like you want to be on the winners side and that’s alright no matter how they got there.

Roditch 2021

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